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Posts posted by scook

  1. 5 minutes ago, Favio said:

    I have this laptop HP ENVY m6-n113dx Notebook PC (ENERGY STAR) and It have realtek and used to get a warning when choosing ASIO unestable or something like that and if I wanted to switch to WASAPI Does it is and broken ASIO driver?

    Why would you post this information here and not in your own thread?


  2. 4 minutes ago, Favio said:

    a warning pop up when selecting ASIO in Cakewalk I've done what you say and tried anyway and can't play the project because audio drop-out

    The warning said something about inestability and If I wanted to change to WASAPI since I clicked no It doesn't pop up again ?

    Pretty hard to quess what is going on with interpreted messages and no idea how the software is actually configured. 

    You may want to start posting images of any errors and the three Preference > Audio screens I identified above.

    That said my best guess is ASIO4All is still installed. 


  3. AFAIK that particular message does not automatically clear. 

    The regular scan toast honors the timeout, the image above of the "generate scan log" option toast remains displayed.

    IOW, this is normal.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Igorius Cakewalk said:

    Tried switching from WASAPI Shared to other Driver modes - same behavior.

    This may be a clue.

    If I had to guess, this DAW does not use a purpose-built audio interface with a manufacturer supplied ASIO driver and as a result is having communication issues with the driver. 

    If this is the case and while there may be some OS/DAW tweaks that may improve the situation, the best first step is acquire an appropriate audio interface.

  5. 3 minutes ago, greg54 said:

    I've never thought about where the Master bus outputs to.  I always thought of the Master bus as where all the tracks are collected for overall volume control.  

    If that is all you do with the master bus and it's gain and volume are set at unity along with the reference track, then playing the reference track through the bus is OK.

    If, on the other hand, the reference track is altered any way by the DAW, it kinda changes what the reference is...right?

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  6. 22 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:
    59 minutes ago, Joseph Ballew said:

    When Cakewalk creates a project file and folders, I delete them and use just Bundle file. The bundle files works saving everything in one file. I have done it that was for over 20 years.

    Just because you've been doing it wrong for 20 years doesn't make it right.

    There is nothing wrong with the workflow. Assuming a single bundle is not the sole archival copy (and the project needs archiving), it may be the most efficient way to get the data onto the target machine.

    I was trying to explain how project files are a core component of the DAW and the bundle format is a convenience.

    The DAW cannot directly read and write the files contained a bundle. The DAW can create a bundle from an existing project or create a project from a bundle, that is all.

    I suppose one could create a feature request to directly work with bundles. Here is a link to the dedicated feature request area. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Andres Medina said:

    Regarding [When I go to open a bundle file it always ask if I want to save audio to a folder. I DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN}, you will always get this prompt because CW needs to know where you are going to locate your audio.

    It's not just the audio. The DAW can't run without a project file. That file has to go somewhere.

    A bundle file is created from the project file and any associated audio files.

    Without the project file there is no DAW project.


    If it helps, think of a bundle as a zip file with compression turned off.


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  8. 49 minutes ago, Joseph Ballew said:

    I have been with Cakewalk since using floppy disk. It has always been my favorite DAW.

    I don't use project files....

    I don't use Project files....

    I am sure there is a fix for this. I am running sequences with audio with my band live very soon and do not need major grief on stage with these two issues

    Project files are not optional bundles are.

    If you wish to use any Cakewalk DAW developed in this century, you will use project files.

    It does not matter how the files are created, copied onto the computer or extracted from a bundle, the DAW won't work without a project file.

  9. 2 hours ago, Spectrum424 said:

    Hi ppl,

    I no longer get the sub-menu option when I want to insert FX. See attached pic.

    How do get it back?



    To have "Insert Audio FX" to look like "Insert Soft Synth"  either

    • delete some of the FX plug-ins
    • add some synth plug-ins

    The menu handler changes when the plug-in count crosses a certain threshold. I don't recall the count that triggers the menu change.

    Regardless, the audio FX plug-ins are still listed in the menu albeit in a slightly different display.

    Click the menu option to see the submenu.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, abacab said:

    some 3rd party installers find that Cakewalk path first and try to use that

    These 3rd party installers are reading VSTPluginsPath in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VST

    Cakewalk updates this registry value during install.

    Of course, VSTPluginsPath is not Cakewalk specific. Any program can update the value.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Neville John Pearson said:

    What folder should I put third party plugins like Guitar Rig 6

    It mostly does not matter but here are some things to consider.


    The Cakewalk VST scanner will look for plug-in binaries under the paths supplied in Preferences > File > VST Settings

    These paths and all the folders under them are scanned based on the frequency drop down in the Scan Options settings in preferences (the same link as above).

    As much as possible scan path entries should contain only VST plug-in binaries. Non-VST plug-in binaries with a dll extension can cause problems for the VST scanner.


    The VST3 specification discusses where to store VST3 binaries but the VST2 was silent on the subject which resulted in several "standards" and confusion on where to store plug-ins.

    As a result, in the past most plug-in manufacturers strictly adhered to the VST3 recommendations, installing VST3 binaries in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. Recently the spec was changed to include %appdata%\programs\common\vst3. I have not seen a plug-in install in this folder yet, but I have not been buying a lot of stuff recently.

    Here are a few strategies for VST2 installs:

    • always forcing the plug-ins into the default CbB scan path,
    • add manufacture specific folders to the existing scan path if they don't exist (my favorite),
    • forcing the plug-ins to a folder not under "C:\Program Files"
    • letting the plug-ins go wherever the installer wants to put them adding to the CbB VST scan path as needed.

    Regardless of the method used, DO NOT install VST2 in the VST3 scan paths. CbB skips all files with a dll extension in the VST3 paths because they are by definition not VST3 plug-ins; they are treated as support files.


    Also, do not add DX plug-ins paths to the scan path. DX plug-in binaries like any other non-VST plug-in dll, may cause the Cakewalk VST scanner to misbehave. FWIW, this includes the "Shared Dxi" folder @Patrick Wichrowski


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  12. 5 hours ago, Robert Hale said:

    One YouTube I watched suggested buffer slilder to the left for recording, slider to the right for playback.

    But using Wasapi I don't have that option?

    There are two WASAPI driver modes in CbB.

    WASAPI Shared relies on Windows to set the audio buffer size to share among all the software using the driver. CbB does not control this setting.

    WASAPI Exclusive uses the Mixing Latency Buffer Size slider in CbB preferences. 

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