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Posts posted by scook

  1. 6 minutes ago, TVbene said:

    As someone who never used the Bandlab online DAW - it has online real time collaboration, doesn’t it? So do you think Bandlab Next offers something similar? And probably better performance/lower latency since it’s a desktop app? This would be very interesting!!

    Interesting idea, BandLab (the DAW) and Cakewalk Next are developed by two completely different groups in the company. One way to find out is sign up for the Next beta.

  2. MIDI note assignments cannot be altered in SI-Drums, however; here are a few ways to assign MIDI note numbers before the plug-in:

    • In the MIDI hardware - A lot of MIDI devices include some way to change the notes sent by the device 
    • In the computer before the DAW - software such as MIDI-OX may be placed in the MIDI data stream before the DAW.
    • In the DAW - drum maps and the Transpose MFX both have translation tables to alter incoming MIDI data.
    • Like 1
  3. The Cakewalk installer did not put "PITCH SHIFT " on your system.

    The DAW does not restrict itself to what is installed with it.

    There is an entire industry build around the notion of added features to DAWs via plug-ins.

    Sometimes a plug-in installed by one program does not work in another even though it may appear in the available plug-in list.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I have more email notices from them,

    It looks like most of the plug-ins were updated.

    This is the first time I created an AAS custom installer with everything I own in it since building out my DAW.

    The option to build the custom installer is at the top of your AAS account download links.


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  5. It's definitely 3rd party but the name is too generic to be meaningful to me. 

    The image in your post looks like a pitch shifter that came from the Sony Creative line MAGIX bought years ago (Sound Forge).

    IIRC, those don't all play well in CbB.

    • Thanks 1
  6. FYI, the Reference guide pdf, the local and web-based help all contain snapshots of the same document at different points in time.

    Pdf updates do not follow a set schedule, usually happening a couple times a year. 

    The local help file is updated with every release.

    In addition to being updated with every release, the web-based help occasionally gets corrections between releases. 

    When it comes to print, there is not much out there about the DAW. Print resources started drying up around the time the product release cycle changed in 2014 to the current model. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Cakewalk support e-mail is support@cakewalk.com - use this for Cakewalk by BandLab (there is also a link in the Cakewalk by Bandlab tab as the top of this forum to the support page too).

    BandLab support e-mail is support@bandlab.com use this for the web-based DAW called BandLab

    The DAWS are made and supportbed by two different groups working for the same company.

    • Thanks 1
  8. If you are opening existing MIDI files, the DAW defaults to saving MIDI files. 

    So either do everything using MIDI or

    take advantage of non-MIDI DAW features and use File > Save As with Save as type set to Normal to save all the data to a CbB project.


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  9. Are you saving as MIDI files or CbB projects?

    MIDI files can only store MIDI data to retain data that is not part of the MIDI spec save as CbB projects.

  10. I see no indication of the plug-ins failing scan.

    For example

    here is the last VST2 entry

    1 hour ago, endeo said:

    VSTSCAN: ---- 28: c:\program files\cakewalk\vstplugins\Emissary.dll ----

    VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] c:\PROGRA~1\cakewalk\VSTPLU~1\Emissary.dll

    VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/cakewalk/vstplugins/Emissary.dll

    and VST3

    1 hour ago, endeo said:

    VSTSCAN: ---- 33: c:\program files\common files\vst3\Emissary.vst3 ----

    VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] c:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\vst3\EMISSA~1.VST

    VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/common files/vst3/Emissary.vst3



    The plug-in may display an unexpected name. Plug-in names are based on the VSTPlugInNameFormat read from Cakewalk.ini. This may be set in Preferences > File > Initialization File


    Very rarely an FX shows up as a synth and visa versa so make sure to check both layouts.

    Also, when searching for new plug-ins, make sure to use one of the factory included "Sort by" layouts as they are automatically updated unlike custom layouts which must be maintained by the user.

  11. ASIO - the preferred driver in Windows DAW world limits most users to one audio I/O device by restricting DAW access to one ASIO driver at a time

    7 hours ago, Ralias Howl said:

    if so would that mean I would need to plug my mic and midi directly into the interface as well or no?

    Mic yes MIDI no.

    And this trips up some., a USB microphone IS an audio interface with a microphone built in. So, if you are currently using a USB microphone, that will need to be replaced.

    This is all about audio so how a MIDI device connects to the DAW is not at issue. I am guessing USB keyboard here. Some audio interfaces have a built in MIDI interface. AFAIK, they all use standard 5-pin DIN connections on the MIDI side.


    That covers input, since ASIO is handling all the DAW output too you are going to want something attached to the interface to hear what's going on.

    • Like 1
  12. 18 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

    Like Helmuth von Moltke's contention that "no plan survives contact with the enemy,"

    Mike Tyson said it better "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

    At least this resonates with me more (I wonder who really came up w/ it).

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Ralias Howl said:

    Driver Mode: MME (32-Bit) (Im aware WASAPI and ASIO are better, but ASIO cuts my audio and cakewalk thinks my headset is unavailable for WASAPI, it's a headache I know)

    It's worse than you think. There are quite a few choices for PC audio. Some are better than others when working with DAWs. It appears you have made a very bad choice.

  14. clip gain automation envelope?

    Display for clips in this track was enabled when the edit filter was changed to this envelope. As you can see, the display is persistent.

    The edit filter is this drop down


    in the track header




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