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Everything posted by scook

  1. The audio buffers for WASAPI Shared are set by the OS and cannot be changed.
  2. v2.0.8 added one more check to keep CbB and cw130auto.dll in sync This update affects only Launchpad. The other tools remain the same.
  3. This is expected when recording the left channel of the interface on a stereo track in the DAW. Set the input on the track in the DAW to the left channel along with mono interleave. ASIO mode uses onw I/O driver at a time. The speakers need to be attached to the interface if they are going to be used with the DAW running in ASIO mode.
  4. There is no need to apply any effect destructively. Insert the plug-in to the MIDI FX rack located in the MIDI track or the MIDI tab in the instrument track inspector or in the clip FX rack. When added this way, it will not appear as data in the track. Yes, there will be a very slight delay. After all, the plug-in must process the data. This can be as little as 1ms or 1 tick. It is possible with additional tracks using Transpose MFX to add the extra data either by cloning and linking the original clips or creating master MIDI track and routing the data using a plug-in with a MIDI through feature described in several threads like this one
  5. The subject "Sample Rate & Buffer changes" does not match the body of the post. The body was answered here
  6. There was some extra data after the "end" of the song. Maybe automation data. Usually selecting everything after the "end" and deleting with ripple edit fixes the issue HOWEVER a time-based selection insures the export will start and end exactly as expected. Here is the first of two consecutive posts about this.
  7. AFAIK, the time starts when the plug-in is installed. I have no idea what is displayed after the trial expires, I have a licensed copy of the software. There is no reason for the plug-in to appear since the functions that work after the trial expires do not use the plug-in UI. The functions that continue to work are drag & drop audio to MIDI and tempo detection. If MIDI appears after dragging an audio clip to a MIDI track or if tempo changes show up after dragging audio to the timeline, the limited function Melodyne is working.
  8. The recommendation has not changed since the first release of Cakewalk by BandLab... To take advantage of plug-ins bundled with SONAR install SONAR before installing Cakewalk by BandLab. There is a lengthy thread about performing a fresh install of SONAR+CbB and nothing has changed the thread The key is to know what must to be installed in order and what happens if the install order is not followed. The condensed version is advanced install using minimal installation of 64bit X2+X2a to get V-Vocal (there is an video in the thread about this) install at least the 64bit Platinum program install CbB That is it for the items to install in order. Installing out of order usually means the most recent version of shared utilities is overwritten. The quick fix is uninstall and reinstall CbB. At your leisure and in no particular order run the 64bit Platinum plug-in installers and use the advanced install option for 64bit X3 and older as needed to pick up older plug-ins.
  9. The subject of this thread is "Is it possible to mix without audio interface but from laptop headphones?" Generally mixing does not involve playing audio from different sources. The audio is already recorded in the DAW and the DAW is the only thing being used during mixing.
  10. WASAPI shared latency is set by the OS. WASAPI exclusive and WDM have adjust latency settings. Generic ASIO drivers exist because some programs do not support Windows native drivers. Sometimes they work OK other times not. Because they work with anything that has a WDM driver they compete with manufacturer supplied ASIO. This is a problem.
  11. There are instances where interface manufacturers don't bother with optimizing performance with anything other than the ASIO driver they supply. The built-in sound chip is an exception. The ASIO driver for it is not very good but a lot of work has gone into getting decent playback with the Windows driver. And a lot of work has gone in to CbB to support more than just ASIO.
  12. Generic ASIO "drivers", FL Studio included are not true drivers, they are wrappers for WDM drivers. Generic ASIO drivers have been known to interfere with manufacturer supplied ASIO drivers. This make them a poor choice when swapping between interfaces where some have factory supplied ASIO drivers and some don't. When using the internal sound chip and running Win10 the WASAPI modes are preferred, otherwise WDM is the best choice. Regardless, during playback, latency is not the issue it is when recording and monitoring through the DAW.
  13. It is a time-limited trial. After the trial expires, the editor no longer functions but monophonic drag and drop audio to MIDI and tempo map functions still work.
  14. This post discusses velocity but the same method may be applied to channel
  15. Make sure the DAW is exporting 5 minutes. My guess is the export is much longer.
  16. Try running a VST reset from preferences.
  17. from https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.07.html
  18. It appears to be a problem specific to 2021.01. For now run the rollback installer provided in to get back to 2020.11
  19. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Troubleshooting.36.html
  20. Likely the Workspace is overriding the control bar settings. Either create a custom workspace or set it to None.
  21. FWIW, in the Correction row on the plug-in UI are two radio buttons, one is "SNAP TO MIDI INPUT"
  22. Just downloaded the 64bit VST from https://www.gvst.co.uk/gsnap.htm?pageview=selectos Looks like it supports MIDI input to me.
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