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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Oh Yeah ! I like the way she dresses up and then tears it all down . Play date night on the week end w her must be a lot of fun .. the absolute saddest news is I will never find out Kenny don't mind me I'm feeling Blue after realizing that info..hey but Hey ! I can always wonder if her smooth skin combined w her facial stash tickle s
  2. That was very good Your daughter is attractive . She looked the part of a genuine young female performer on stage singing a popular well known song in front of an audience of her peers .. She seems fearless .She sings very good within her range and she knew how to engage the audience with her gestures and body language . The quality of her voice was very good , I enjoyed hearing her voice . Also the video itself is decent quality ..it looks good , it looks genuine as a live performance. The sound quality of the voice and piano is decent considering this was done in a live venue ... You have a lot to be proud and grateful for ....what a great start of the new year ...congrats.. Kenny
  3. I know I'm a little late to the thread ....WOW I needed to hear the message of your song . It seems my personal MO is to be living in a "Tit for Tat " emotional world where I honestly do not understand half the $hit that is going on around me regarding what motivates people to do the things they do and all the ways that they do it ....whew...lol Typically something happened on a Monday and yet I'm still thinking about the Sunday of Next Week ...lol Yes Great song message ... I enjoyed all the elements of the song ...The main thing is I did need to hear about learning how to lighten the load on my shoulders VIA the expression of your songs lyrics thank you for that , Kenny
  4. Hi Larry ! I was feeling a little tired just before I listened to your song .. As I listened to your tune, all of a sudden I had gotten a jolt and a feeling of being energized . Your song sounds very festive and uplifting ...it honestly brought my energy level up an extra few notches ... thank you for that , Kenny
  5. Hi Freddy , Nice story telling featuring a witty sense of humor in the lyrics . Also nice overall loose Blues Vibe w the guitar playing and the music . Having just survived this Years Holiday season by the skinny skin skin of my teeth . I enjoyed listening to your song . As it played I found a moment or two or three of genuine humor and escape ... all the best, Kenny
  6. If that was really true , then what are you doing here wasting our time ? I'm not the least interested in that . What I want to know is the answers to these few questions Do you wear a leather belt ? Use a leather guitar strap ? or wear leather shoes ? Does your car have leather seats ? Last but not least . Does Tezza Labs test it's patented dooche formula using animals ? She is certainly not my type , I gave up drinking over 36 years ago ....Oh BTW , the only type of curls that come anywhere near my beard is at the gym ... PS I hope you choke on a Carrot ? Kenny
  7. Normally I just listen to a tune and then read the thread . In this case I had to read what was going on over here in the thread to be able to understand what is going on over there w your Soundcloud podcast . Having said that , I'm glad I was able to skip the politics of it all and just give the tune a listen . As far as the tune goes , it reminds me of many types of songs and media I would hear and be exposed to as I listen to some of the public broadcast stations I get in my area .I think it is awesome you got and get to work with your son ..that one in itself sounds like a real blessing to me ... all the best, Kenny
  8. kennywtelejazz


    Hi Wookiee , Your tune Lime features lots of real nice retro synth sounds . I like how it starts out w a toy type of sound. Then your tune gets much deeper as a lot of thematic movement and texture introduces itself in the music as the song unfolds ...Also nice arpeggios Your furry fingers are working over time on this one , Kenny
  9. Thank you for giving my playing a listen . I'm happy you enjoyed the clips . I like your playing and tone too . thanks for giving mine a listen . Hi Freddy ! Wow thanks for saying the super kind word .. Hi Wookiee , My pooch likes rubbing his mug in my beard ...lol I'm glad you liked the music . thank you for the listen . Kenny
  10. Oh you poor fella ...No wonder you don't feel so good . She loves you because you don't eat meat ..but if it was me I would aim higher Kenny
  11. ? The second one from the left looks a little frustrated about the girl in the middle getting all the A 1 sauce . Oh Yeah ! My doctor say's I need to add more fiber and a little spice to my diet . Who am I to disagree ? Kenny
  12. She does have some nice videos on her u tube . I'm happy you liked this one . I sure did . +1 , some players make it look so easy . Kenny
  13. Honey ! if you want to see what type of deals CC Larry has posted in the Deals Forum no problem . The dog is sitting on your wallet and you got to get past me . Kenny
  14. Hi Jimmy , Thank you for the kind words you have said . I have felt exactly how you just expressed . One thought that helps me with that issue is If one can keep the focus on the music , nobody can take that away from anyone not matter how they play . thanks . Hi Douglas , Yes, that Les Paul is one of the the best guitars I have ever owned . It truly was a gift . I'm glad you enjoyed my playing on it . Happy New Year Hi Tom , I loved your post , after reading it I felt just like Chester Cheetah must of felt on the same day he finally gotten a hold of his own box of Cheezits . Yeah at 2:13 I was winging it , I'm doing an octave displacement type of melodic trip through out the chord changes . There is a strong possibility I may decide to come out with a few short instruction videos teaching folks how to play some of what I'm playing in this video ... Where did I cut my teeth ? Oh Lawd lol , it all started when I went to take my first guitar lesson and the teacher asked me what I wanted to learn . I told him I wanted to learn how to play Secret Agent Man and he said NOPE ..he hit me with Mickey Baker and a whole bunch of SAX and woodwind books ... Keeping the long story short. Over time I wound up going from him to Joe Puma , Arnie Berle , Barry Galbraith , Tony De Caprio , and a few others along the way . Times were different back then because there were a lot of Clubs that would host Jam Sessions ..I had the good fortune of becoming friends with Ed Cherry . Ed was the guitar player in The Dizzy Gillespie Band and various other projects . I lived right across the street from Ed and he had me over just about every day to play and practice w him ( he was way better than me and often times I would just read a chart and play the chord changes ) Ed also brought me around to all the hip Jam Sessions in Harlem and introduced me as a player to all the players ... Around that time I was also friends with Joe Pass and Emily Remler ... Joe used to love messing w me . He would hand me his guitar bat his eyes and say play like me ..lol I used to get a real kick out of how long Joe would last before he would yank the guitar out of my hands and then give me a free guitar lesson .. Behind the scenes Joe was a real cool fun guy and he liked to joke around ...One time we were backstage at Fat Tuesdays NYC and his time to play was almost on. Joe told me he didn't feel good that night and he asked me to go out in his place to perform the concert for him . I thought he was joking and I told him I was to young to die .Then he scared the cwap out of me . He got super serious and for the next 15 mins as he hammered me non stop to do his show. After he had enough of my fear ridden scrambled brain ramblings and physical sweating and squirming he laughed out loud at me while he lit his cigar and told me he was just kidding ... Emily was a whole other story . We used to get together when she was in town and play together . There is so much I could say but for now all will leave it at this. To this day I think of her often and I miss her so much ... Well there you go Tom , look what happens , you throw me a box of Cheezits and now I can't shut up ... Oh before I forget ... one of these days I will still have to learn how to play Secret Agent Man ...i had gotten sidetracked ... nice rapping w you Kenny
  15. After reading The Coffee House thread on Vegan Bullying . Sara ! had a strong desire to protect her child and dog from the possibility of "The Cakewalk Coffee House " running out of Becan ! . Kenny
  16. I played my guitar and checked up on my dog who wound up waiting out the fireworks in the bathroom ... Kenny
  17. We should have gotten a much better cable TV and internet bundle because this show SUCKS Kenny
  18. I Love her attitude and Charisma Kenny
  19. I chalk that one up to human nature . IMHO , we all have those sort of issues concerning various struggles we may have to confront as individuals . How we deal with our success's or failures tells us and others a lot about who and what we are made of as individuals. Now if I was smart I would not say another word , I'm feeling the holiday crunch and I want to feel a part of the fellowship here so here goes a long winded story ...lol 2 years ago I quit smoking cigs exactly this time of year ... I would like to say virtue and will power played a part in that personal accomplishment but virtue and will power did not play a part at all ... The simple truth was I had gotten sick and had a cold that was heading into the middle stages of the flu .... I was having a hard time breathing as it was . Every time I took a drag off a cig I coughed myself into seeing stars and almost peeing in my shorts ...to make a long story short I said to myself I'm not trying to quit , I'll just take a wait and see attitude and not have a smoke when the desire hits me ...Admittedly it was tough , but coughing and putting a wet and gooey shart in my shorts was simply not an option ... A few days went by and the physical addiction to nicotine had loosened its grip on me .... I went w it and said OK lets see where this goes ....it has been 2 years of grace ....now what's the point of saying this ? I did not want to become one of those flaming pontificating a hole's that run around pounding their chest like Tarzan a top the highest tree in the jungle forcing their opinion on other kind folks of the jungle that have not had the good grace to have overcome the smoking habit ( or fill in the blank ) ...like I did ..it was by all accounts from my end an act of grace .... " Live and Let Live " In other News, Tarzan has recently set up a perimeter over by the rubber trees . He has brought in the big guns ...the lions , tigers , and elephants to guard that section of the Jungle Tarzan figures folks should learn how to get by w out the use of a motor vehicle ..he feels it's bad for the Jungle . Tonight he is holding a counsel meeting at 8 O clock sharp over by the fire pit to propose his new agenda . Tonight's topic will include a measure he plans to put forth stating folks need to learn how to swing on a Vine as their main form of transportation .Just like he does ...it's good for the Jungle. Kenny
  20. Loved the sound of your Guild . Also enjoyed listening to your guitar playing and song . Yeah you have a good touch and feel on the guitar ... all the best, Kenny
  21. Hi Mr Larry ! I'm in Awe of how you can come up with your composition , the phrases and all those Musical Variations ....WOW , I really enjoyed listening to your song "Guitars And Strings" just now . all the best, Kenny
  22. Hi Mark , The Jaguar is a very surprising Guitar ..If I had known what I know about them today and sent that information back in time to who I was when I first started playing the guitar , who knows ? my screen name here might have turned out too be Kenny W Jaguar Jazz ? I'm happy I decided to post both version s of this song here on the forum . They both have their moments and I thank you for taking the time to listen to them both . Thank You garybrun ! Hi Tom! Thank you for the kind word Yes my R 8 is a very Sweet Ride ... I am so Lucky to have her . thank you for giving my music a listen . all the best , Kenny
  23. Hi Mark , You have some very beautiful interweaving sound elements and musical textures going on here with your song . At times your song sounds like it is the sound track to an uplifting celebration . Very Nice ? Kenny
  24. Hey Strummy ! Champian want's her Coffee cup back ? Kenny
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