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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Hmmm, Interesting A few of my tube amps have exhibited those symptoms ...in my case I put up with it long enough to pick up some electronic cleaner and eventually I will take the amp out of the chassis / enclosure to spray and clean everything I can ...work the knobs and switches and check all connections I guess to have it done right you may need to take it to a tech and have them go through the whole amp ...clean the pots , re tube and change the old capacitors... Kenny
  2. Say that looks pretty cool ... Have you made one ? if you have how is it ? Kenny
  3. Yes there is no doubt , Kobe definitely walked the talk he gave in that motivational video .... Oh Lawd ! after watching the video a few times .... I'm still trying to figure out how to tie my shoelaces . Kenny
  4. I'm posting this here because Kobe was a Genius and a teachers teacher ... Everything he said in this video is great advice and works for Music .... After hearing what he said here , I wish I did more . Kenny
  5. who else ? Don't forget Grandma Inge Ginsberg Kenny
  6. . Kenny ( Someone just put 5 bucks in the tip jar and requested this tune!? )
  7. Good for you ! I'm learning a lot from his videos . Kenny
  8. I sure hope you gave "Polly " a cracker after he learned and sang all them Hip Chord changes . Kenny
  9. I went all in on The Guitar exercises for chromatically approaching triads ...I have been working on that one for days ..it is coming along rather nicely ... any one else ? Kenny
  10. No , The Square Guitar I posted in the other picture didn't have a case to go with it ... When I went to pay for the Square guitar I had seen the case you mentioned under a pile of old linens and blankets . I asked the elderly woman who was selling the Square guitar "what was in the old beat up case underneath the pile?" She told me it "was just a piece of junk guitar she had laying around the house" . Her story was it was left there abandoned from the previous home owners from when she had bought the house and moved in over 50 years ago . I asked her if it was OK to take a look at what she had in the case . She told me she was tired of moving it around and wanted to be done with it Then she told me to kick in another 20 bucks and I could have that guitar under the pile w the case too ... With out missing a beat I kicked in the extra Andrew Jackson , said my goodbys to the elderly woman , and promptly left w out even bothering to look inside the old beat up Guitar case .... When I had gotten home this is the guitar I found inside that old beat up brown guitar case w stickers all over it ... Oh Yeah ! for $20 bucks extra I think I did pretty good .... Kenny
  11. Hi Mesh , Yes ! The Soul Scale exercises for Improvisation is a very good lesson . The info in The Soul Scale exercises for Improvisation are bite sized and easy to remember while practicing away from the computer .... I spent a good deal of my time practicing the concepts of this video yesterday while I was looking around at some of the other videos he has up on his u tube . I did notice throughout the video I heard a little G Benson in there + some really hip country rock type of sounds in the Guitar playing ... This I heard when it went into the extended octave practice .. Great stuff , a real nice easy way to bump up the chops and have new things to practice and learn on the guitar . Thanks for posting the videos you have posted so far in this thread ...I'm into it .. all the best, Kenny
  12. I guess 2 Squares equals a rectangle ... If that's the case , I guess I can learn to like squares myself ... Kenny
  13. I may be a few years older than you and I mean no disrespect by bringing that up because back in my day all the musicians and friends I had would listen to music together as a group of people sharing the whole experience together . It was very rare someone would listen to music by themselves unless they were trying to copy what was on the record or learn something for a gig . It usually went some thing like this . The second someone bought a new record there would be 8 or 9 of us crowded into a small space listening to the NEW music together ... The same thing happened for equipment . When somebody bought a new guitar, amp or pedal it was the same thing ? 8 or 9 grimy sweaty paws looking to coop a feel on the new guitar ...amp or pedal . I do feel lucky I have seen the musicians I have seen ...I won't drop names yet I will say that Paul Kossoff left a lasting impression on me since back then ... I can still close my eyes and see and hear him in my minds eye ...man when that guy bent a note and put some vibrato on it he really got me on a core level ... tone to the bone in any event I have seen and heard just about everybody I wanted to see ... in a lot of cases I met and hung out with many of them too ....the old guard not the new guys ....the new guys are too stuck up lol come and get you some J B ..I'm ready for you are you ready for me ? ..lol Kenny
  14. Love it ! I got to see the original line up for the Tobacco Road Tour and recording when I was a young concert goer .. seeing Edgar , Johnny , Ric Derringer , Dan Hartman and friends perform Frankenstein has left a lasting memory ..What a concert ...... LOL I keep wishing I can get that tune under my fingers ...truth is I need to put in the time to make that happen ... FWIW I did sit down and considered making a video of me playing some Jazz guitar today while using some of this lesson as a starting off point ... I had gotten side tracked and dug what I was playing on the guitar ...so I never even set up the video stuff ...its all good though I need a little time to ferment the chops ... also I wound up learning and playing everything In the video Mesh posted ....that video has some super great playing concepts .... I love that fellas u tube channel. I've been trying to learn all this stuff my whole life and then boom it all come in a flash because of his videos .... Love it Mesh ! Great find ....I've been working on these musical examples a good part of my day ... thank you for adding this video . Kenny
  15. Yes ! +1 your welcome! I'm so glad we can have something to work on that helps our guitar playing and music . Yes I have done that ...the G major triad gives you the 5 th , Major 7th and the 9 th when played over C Major ....your post is on topic Hey thanks David . Yes he is very good teacher plus he is what I call an excellent online resource . He presents his material in a logical way that features an uncanny ability to take very complicated sounding musical examples and simplify them ...he has been bookmarked over here ... BTW I did buy his Coltrane a few days before I posted some of his material here .....The best under a five bucks I ever spent . Did somebody say WOOF ? Thank you Professor ! This is why little children are afraid of Jazz ! I'll be back Kenny
  16. That all depends on what you are here for . If you are interested in spicing up your music and playing with the ideas in the video . You are in the right place . If you are interested in all the typical Coffee House horseplay and fooling around . You are also in the right place ... You get out of it what you put into it . Ultimately it is within your power of choice to decide , Kenny
  17. There are some very hip sounds here ...great thing is the guitar lends itself to simple triads which can be superimposed over much more complex harmonic structures . Even thought I have know about this and been doing this for years , this little video here has blown me out of the water with how far he took the concept in such a short time . For the record I have no affiliation w the author ...I do like his work and I have purchased one of his tutorials for 4 bucks ...best 4 bucks I have spent in a long time ... I'm posting this because I got a lot out of watching this video and practicing along a few of the sections ... the main thing here is I hope some one here digs the playing and they nick some of the lesson . Kenny
  18. I'm really into the musical angle of whats in the video ...+ I ran out of money for emoji's... ...have a good one ... FWIW Unbelievable simply unbelievable. ? LOL that's one phrase Jesse will be remembered for .... Like you , I actually enjoyed the boring one's also . Then when he changed the beat underneath his boring one to a hipper beat it exposed how un hip the boring examples truly were ... I have ran across that in some of my own work ...thinking a hipper beat is gonna make up for a so so half baked melody Also , once I heard where he took it with the superimposed subdivisions that were based on 3 , 5 , 7 , I was hooked .... His channel ( which is new to me ) has some of the coolest musical lessons .... I hope people get something out of him ...I sure did . Kenny
  19. OK ! what is this ? a linguistic lesson on different ways to say becan in multiple languages ? nice try with the one cabbage example thrown in at the very end . Go ahead, pass go and collect the 200 dollars the game says your entitled to if you have already learned what 's in the video . It's a process man and some of those rhythmic variations are things I have yet to get under my fingers myself . If you have adapted those concepts to your Music and you know how to teach others that lesson .....count me in ....I'm all ears ... Kenny
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