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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I am this is what I use ... Kenny
  2. Most Honorable Grand Master Cow's lesson for today is "Eat more chicken" . Kenny
  3. ? I like the play on words you did for your thread title ....you kept the beat and syncopation of the syllables ... Kenny
  4. All I've ever needed was a thin little cloth rag with some Ronson lighter fluid . I wet the cloth and pinch the string between my fingers as I slide from the nut to the bridge . This cleans strings great . When the sting is clean it is totally squeaky clean as in clean plus it squeaks as you slide the rag. I like Chromes on my Jazz boxes ...+ my Jaguar ...they last a long time ( for me ) years.... I happen to love James Jamerson , So I use flat wounds on my (only) Bass . I changed my Bass strings once after 10 years .It ruined the sound of my Bass and it took my tone and sent it straight to the crapper ... That was in 2001 , I haven't changed them since ...and wouldn't you know it ? my tone came back . Now if I had a couple of basses like I used to have in the 80's I would probably have one set up with round wounds ... Kenny
  5. I herd that too . Where have I herd that ? It sure sounds familiar . Kenny
  6. Go Jiggles Go Jiggles Go Jiggles Go Jiggles Go Jiggles Go Jiggles Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh Baby !Baby! Oh Baby !Baby! I can feel you now all I want to do is get close to you Oh Yeah Life is Good Kenny
  7. Hey Craig ! I had one of those in 1965 ....I wonder if I can get one now a days in Candy Apple Red w Rhinestones ? Kenny
  8. A couple of thing may have delayed the update from build 1511 . First I didn't use the computer everyday , I used it mostly for Music when I did use it but I kept it off line as much as I could except to update Cakewalk by BandLab , Reaper, and a numberof other DAWs and assorted plug/synth updates . I have 3 unremarkable Win 10 64 Lap tops and I can tell you this machine never got updated first when it came to bumping up my music software . My reason behind that was simple. I wound up putting some of the best musical software I have purchased over time on this machine ... Also this is the only computer I own and use that has all my i Lock stuff on it I wont give a list , but I do have a lot of cool musical stuff as many of us do here on this forum ...When I factor in some software products only give you 2 licenses or a 2 computer at a time limit ...I had decided to use this computer as a resource for that ...In addition , every i Lock product I have purchased ( which is considerable ) are installed on this lap top .... My reasoning behind this was simple Baby the heck out of this thing and always update the other computers first .. Now you would think since I was air gaping this thing it would always stay the way it was ...I had it set to a metered connection , that may have helped delay things but I sort of think my most recent change was what did it ...For the past 5 years I did not have my own internet acct w my own modem ... A very good friend of mine ( that knew my situation ) had everything for his home internet ....Sports packages , TV , Movies , land line and what ever else that drove his bill up to $300 + a month gave me an account and log in for me to piggy back ...any way to make a long story short he bought a house and cut back on his Internet plan so he no longer had access to unlimited hot spots when a way from home ...unsecured hot spots was what I was using ... SO I think now that I'm doing a lot better and I get my own acct and modem , I suspect that may have tipped it in favor for MS to finally getting a hold of me by the pubes and doing a long overdue OS upgrade on my out of date , out of spec Etch A Sketch .... I don't know if that's true or not , and if they can do that , but that's the story I'm telling myself for now Kenny
  9. I'm lactose intolerant and I just got a bad case of the runs reading this Fred. Kenny
  10. Of course I know those voices are in my own head . That's what I love the most about being me ? Kenny
  11. I guess Ole John Williams is working off some of these type of Ideas... What does the quote ‘Good artists copy, great artists steal’ mean? A good artist simply copies another person’s art, while a great artist selectively takes or steals elements from other artists or sources and then collaborates them in a creative manner that makes the art completely unique. Jean-Luc Godard said, “It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take things to.” Full disclosure ...... I copied those two sentences myself from some place on line... What ! Now I'm being told to stop ..it's time for a commercial advertisement from our sponsor ... Kenny
  12. I'm having a hard time remembering if this computer has gotten one of those ... In contrast I have gotten various notifications for my other computer that is up to date ... Either way , knock on wood it seems to be running good ...still no working DVD drive ... I can't wait to Nuke the 24 GIGs windows placed on my computer that is showing in disk clean up as files that can be cleaned from Windows up dates .... For now that will be a Purgatory of sorts ...I like the option of maybe being able to roll back if I have to ...so I'm not gonna clear those out for a while . Kenny
  13. Smoking Guitar Playing Man ! As far as stage presence goes he certainly entertains .... Kenny
  14. Pretty Vacant ! is that the name of your new secret musical project ? Rumor has it you and Bapu joined forces and came up with a modern weaponized musical form of music based on tried and true historical instruments .. I heard it's you on the banjo and Bapu on the Bagpipes . I have been told , no matter where you guys have set up and started to play the crowd soon disappears and the area becomes Pretty Vacant. Is there any chance you guys could give us "The Bro Price " so we could afford to have you come up here and do a concert ? Craig and I are getting pretty tired of all the noise and destruction of property the protesters are doing up here in our town .The musical results you guys could deliver would be a welcome change to what has been going on up here recently ...... Pretty Vacant ...aaahh yes , come to think of it , that has a nice ring to it . Kenny
  15. I want to be perfectly honest with you here Craig I'm talking about the video .....Which in my opinion leaves a lot to be desired ...so don't feel I'm attacking you . 1, I do know how to play the Song Giant Steps . I have been playing it for years and I'm still working on it so I will be basing my opinion as a player that has worked on the tune for years not a wanna be dreamer or internet influence r FWIW ,this thread was a mock /copy thread title based on some of the Coffee House threads that had titles like " I'm having trouble with the Mods ....Fill in the blank " Even taking those details into account I can understand why people may have thought I was looking for help... My truth is.... Hey if someone can teach me something I want to learn I'm teachable and I can be all ears . In that G S video they give a nice little history about the tune and dance around the history lesson BS about the circle of 5 ths , ll V l 's and the songs origins . Yet nowhere in that video do they take the time to show you how to play over the songs complex chord changes , or show me the viewer what sounds hip on my instrument and compare that that to what don't sound hip.... My book is a real simple read "either I can or I can't " I am 100 % merit based and that happens to be how I judge the people I play with ... The way things are now where this much less money in music makes me feel more strongly about that .But hey I wont Lie if someone wants to pay me good money ...I can lower my standards ....lol A person can watch that video 10 times right before they walk out on a stage to do a gig and they will still be none the wiser on how to Play Giant Steps .... I will say the video makes a nice little history lesson yet It is what I consider empty calories in the sense that it does not teach anyone how to play their instrument over the song Giant Steps ...... Since nobody in the video even played the tune on their instruments ...to me that became a very big red flag .. IMHO the only way to play Giant Steps is to work on it and practice playing it until you can get good at playing over it .... That is only if it is important to the person that wants to play the tune ...not everybody could give 2 $hits about the tune "Only The Old School Die Hards seem to care " about the tune . Once one reaches a point of fluidity and a modest form of self expression playing GS , then that's the time to practice it some more because all the talk in the world ain't gonna get it done .... Interestingly enough I used to talk with John Pisano every so often when I went out to hear him play .... I asked him what he thought about Giant Steps and he told me why bother going there when Have You Met Ms Jones (he felt )was a hipper tune to play .. Most people don't know Have You Met Ms Jones has the same exact chord changes to the GS bridge section ..it is .one half step down key wise ... That tune came out in 1937 a number of years before Giant Steps (1960 ) and unlike GS people in clubs never seem to get tired of hearing it played ...maybe because it swings and the first section is an easy listen ...who knows why ?just thinking out loud Anyway ..Peace Kenny
  16. You ain't ever seen a blank sheet of Banjo Tab Before ? Are you trying to keep the fact you are learning to play The Banjo a Secret ? lol Kenny
  17. To make a long story short I have spent the great deal of the past half day trying to fix my computer ...let me back track ...and offer the cliff note version of my story I was on Win 10 1511 ....my computer was air gaped most of the time and when I went online it was not for to long ...typical musical software updates like people that don't bring the DAW online ...also was set to a metered connection ...for some odd reason yesterday while I was doing music it came at me aggressively notifying me to let it do a bunch of restarts ...I let windows do its thing and for 2 hours it started , restarted , started restarted ...I knew I was in deep $hit because I was given no other option to choose any other choice ...I go from Win 10 1511 to Win 18xxx something ...at that point it was functioning and after poking around a bit I had lost my DVD drive and a few other things were simply not the way I wanted them ....I wasn't happy about 6 GIGS of my HD getting used up either .. I go into win update section I roll back and that's when everything ht the fan ....I could post shots of the various blue screens of my computer going from and endless hell of starting and restarting only to keep blue screening ad infinity ...I'm sure most of the people that tried to help know them ... anyway a guy in a u tube video showed a hack to get it to stop doing the start & restart blue screen from hell cha cha cha ...to my utter amazement it worked ( I was 4 hours in trying to fix the thing ) I had successfully gotten back my old OS and my DVD drive was now working ....So what do I do? I get happy and I decide to keep that computer online , check my e mails and hit a few forums ....Also listened to the tune I had just recorded VIA the actual session that I thought I lost ....life was good ....or so I thought . A half an hour in I start getting large nag screens from MS telling me I have to let MS take control of my system VIA a Windows repair notification.......OH man once again there was no opt out other than an hour later . I threw up my hands in utter disgust ......this section is left blank 3 hours later the thing finally presents me w my log on screen and I say to myself I bet they updated my comuter once again w out my consent ..... Sure enough they did ...now I'm on Win 10 64 ..1903 ......still no DVD drive and thanks for using up over 8 GIGs of my computers HD space .. At this point I surrender / walk away so I can live to fight another day ..I have a thousand metaphors I could say to justify how I feel I choose not too for now ...My computer now works or so it seems ...Also I want to cap this post off on a high note .....SO I got a doobie of the good green waiting for me ? Thank you to each and every one of you that tried to help me ...it means a lot ... ? Kenny
  18. Yeah I have seen a lot of unhappy posts on the net about that OS ...That does not surprise me at all .. Kenny
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