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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Sheens ! your a bad bad boy ? Or when the holiday season rolls around you can always send Strummy! one of these https://sendajart.com/collections/jarts/products/jart-fart-in-a-jar Kenny
  2. Yeah Tim ! dogs going nuts while watching TV is some funny stuff ...I played with a Bass Player once that had to get hair cuts all the time because they had to trim the back of his neck . His back hairs went all the way up to above his lower neck line ? Me personally , I was a bald eagle even when I was in high school ...I ran track and I hated taking showers with the team after practice because I had 3 hairs on my chest and only 4 or 5 hairs on my balls ....back then being able to grow a mustache or having a hairy chest was sort of a status symbol ...fast forward to today ...I still don't have much of any hair on my chest ..at least I got more than 4 or 5 hairs nowadays at my southern hemisphere Yeah ...I know ....TMI ? Hey Dave ! Even when I had Duke I used to like watching pet videos every so often ... Those dancing cockatoos on u tube look like heavy metal lead singers when they bop their heads up and down to the music ... This bird runs out of steam after 30 seconds, gets a second wind and hits it one more time . I didn't know you had such problems w your sleep and your back ... I'm having major sleep problems over here and my doctor wants me to spend a night in the hospital for a clinical sleep study ....I haven't even owned a bed or slept in a bed since 2009 .. My left arm is one third titanium right up to my shoulder from a bad cycling accident and the only way I could sleep was in a Lazy boy style chair ... Then Duke went and broke my other arm right near the shoulder about 3 years ago by accident .I had to get a new chair because my old one broke . Both times during the physical healing phase I had to relearn how to play the guitar because of the pain and a restricted range of motion for both of my arms .. all the best, Kenny
  3. I used to love watching T V w Duke ....Since I no longer have a dog I wind up watching other peoples dogs on u tube watching T V to fill the gap . This same dog is a riot ! He really pays attention as if he was there . Kenny
  4. Look how cute that little puppy is . Someday ! . Here's a pic of Duke and I during better days . Hey Craigb ! I used to live over by where that park is . Very nice neighborhood . all the best Kenny
  5. ?️ ? Gulp ?️Testing one, two, three .... ? ? I guess it happened because I'm a bit of an A Hole ? Kenny
  6. Gswitz ! looking at your new guitar made me track down my current 335 style guitar ... I bought this guitar brand new in 2000 from ABC Music in Burbank when I lived in L.A. She is a Korean DeArmond (Guild ) Starfire IV in natural ...the lighting in my pics do not do this guitar justice at all ... Since I just took these pics a few mins ago , I might as well throw in my SG ... Kenny
  7. Wow that Godfrey is super funny . ..I love his Arnold in this Video Kenny
  8. Hi Tim! as of this morning they are saying possibly Thursday will be the day for the air to clear up some ...Over on the Oregon Coast a couple of areas and small city's have cleared up to the point where the air is close to being OK to breath . I wonder as you do about how the fires will have affected the natural landscapes and agriculture .... Before the pandemic and the fires a lot of people were like balls to the walls getting caught up in their our own self interests and pursuits. Once things changed to what they are now in a matter of a few months it went from How Great I am doing to Oh Shit what just happened ...all we are is Dust In The Wind ..... Due to the layout of things there is always something to see out here depending on what it is that your looking for . I'm more in a quiet mode so I liked the Idea i could drive one mile and I would be walking my dog in a wild life reserve ...I have seen people dicking around with their phones trying to take photos of a pond while sitting on a bench and all they had to do was put the phone down and look up ...There was a Bald Eagle perched right above them 30 feet up in a tree . On the other side of the coin there was some really cool places for night life , the arts , music , stage and food ...I don't know how much of that is gonna be coming back time will tell . nice rapping w you Talk about sticking to your story ? Tough stuff to have to think about . There is almost no rhyme or reason as to who lost every thing and who didn't when attempting to look at the whole picture ... Hey ! I need all the humor I can get at this point ...I look in my parking spot and then I remember my car is down the road broken down .... I was only kidding around when I asked you that ....I would love to have that much space ....glad to hear your doing OK Kenny
  9. I think I did a tribute to this sentiment a few posts up ? That includes all the cars that didn't make it out of the parking spaces they were in .... Thanks for posting that chart Craigb ! Even though the current air quality came down a few points, in our area we are still up there in Vancouver while beating out Portland ...I saw the news earlier and I forgot what it was .....we may be currently high 490's Now the news weather crews are talking it could be around Thursday before our air quality gets any better ...sheesh Oh well I still feel I have a lot to be grateful for . thanks for sharing and stay safe . Hi Gswitz ! WOW I love your new guitar . Back in the day I used to own and play a lot of Gibson Guitars ..some of my Faves back then were the 335 style guitars ... all the guitars I'm gonna mention are from the 60's ..a 330 , a couple of 335 dot markers , a 355 , and a 345 . by the mid 70's I was S.O.Luck the prices jumped up higher I was no longer able to afford what I used to have ...I have had my eye on the model you bought I would like to sit down one day and play the heck out of one ... Good Luck ! I hope your new guitar inspires you and gives birth to some real fantastic music . That Guitar wasn't hanging That Guitar was levitating ? Amen Brother ....I can't wait to get back into Guitar Playing again ..between a sick dog I had to put down , the pandemic , the air quality and all the isolation , I'm finding it hard for me to even want to play ...when I factor in my health challenges on a number of fronts and my POS car that broke down last night the best I may be able to do is just hold the line and hope i can ride this one out ...when I think about the people that lost everythingdue the the fires and the pandemic I am humbled by their fortitude . Kenny
  10. How far away from your house is your Mailbox ? Now I'm Kenfused ! I thought hitting the buy button for a VST deal and then talking about buying it was your main form of exercise ? Size of a London bus .....sounds good to me as long as I can sit on the top deck Weight of an African elephant/Boeing 747 ..that is the average typical weight of many of the feminine species of woman living around here in my Geo Area . Volume of an Olympic swimming pool...AH Yes the typical amount of liquid alcohol The Shamu Broads around here expect you to buy them in drinks on your first date. Annoyance of a typical CakeAlexS ... OMG ! This Forums Former Atoimc Bomb of ***** hole'ism ... 1️⃣2️⃣, 9️⃣6️⃣8️⃣, 0️⃣7️⃣9️⃣.6️⃣7️⃣ ='s the typical amount of VST Plugs Bapu's computer has to scan during a routine VST scan . Kenny
  11. Nice ! thank you , say how did you make out on the guitar you were looking to buy ? Kenny
  12. After a Pipe-full , now I got the Munchies ..... Oh Man , looking at those two candy bars are torture ...the only snacks around here I have is a little bag of trail mix and one apple .. If the air quality was better around here I would risk my life and brave the elements ....I guess I'm just gonna have to tough it out for tonight .. Kenny
  13. But I want to go to Mars ! I want to drive That Fancy Dune Buggy ... Kenny
  14. Hi Craigb , as a fellow Vantuckian I'm glad to see you are still around and that you have kept yourself safe . Well thought out post on your part overall ...thank you for sharing . As far as the air quality goes , once again The KGW 11 O ' clock News has boldly stated during the newscast The Air Quality in The Portland area currently is Ranked #1 as the WORST Air on The Planet for the 3 rd day in a row ....This is all due to the fires , the Geo location , and other factors... Now for sure , on any given day there are many city's through out the World that have poor air quality .The thing is ,many of those city's air sucks all the time ...all year round ... I happen to like The Portland air quality when The States of Oregon & Washington aren't burning down ... It looks as we have another day or two of this air quality before things blow over and clear up some ... This too shall pass . Kenny
  15. ? chicken vindaloo? ...Hey Steve ! that sounds exactly like a dish I would enjoy eating and cooking .I think the garlic and ginger ingredients not only add to the taste , I think they can also add to the subtle aroma of Kenny's errrmm I mean Strummy's toilet ? Kenny
  16. It is just as bad up there where you are according to the linked article and the news ...Our locations were tied up until Portland inched ahead by a smidge . Dumb assed me walked around last night for almost an hour for my exercise , I didn't realize I was so-posed to stay indoors under these type of harsh air quality conditions ....duh .... Then I went and left my patio and bed room windows cracked about 6 inches all night ...it was painful inside my apt ...I woke up a few times with my throat super dry and it felt like it had closed up on me .. I'm somewhat Lucky , my place came with central air . Today I shut all my windows and I'm running the fan section of that unit . Yeah it smells like something is smoking in here ...It ain't the barbecue ...LOL I see the displaced people on the News and their attitudes are so unbelievable ...Some have lost everything and the spirit they exhibit is still one of gratitude and hope . I'm glad to hear your OK Kenny
  17. Here's what the two guys messing with the little Becan seed see out in the field as the little pigs chases them down . Even though he be small . He is mighty ! Here's what the little piggy sees in his minds eye as he lounges forward and chases down those two guys that messed with him . You go and get them two Piggy! Let your indomitable spirit shine through to Victory ... Kenny
  18. https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/09/portland-now-has-the-worst-air-quality-in-the-world-due-to-oregon-and-washington-wildfires.html Holy Smokes ! It looks like the Planet Mars outside where I live . The sky is overcast with an Orange Red Color to it . I live about 10 miles North of Portland OR in Vancouver WA . Thankfully I am not directly in the actual fire burn zone ... The air is so smoke filled and thick it is almost impossible to to breath with out straining . Forget about going outside ... I have woken up a number of times out of a deep sleep literally choking and gasping for air ( dealing w heart problems and shortness of breath before all this certainly contributes to the extreme effects of the air quality for me ) Toughing this one out has been a challenge on so many levels . Between the isolation of social distancing and all the riots in Portland OR I am convinced these are certainly some very strange times ...Yet in all honesty after taking an inventory , I know it could be far worse because I'm sitting here cozy w a full stomach , a roof over my head and a guitar or two to bang on if I happen to feel the need . ( still wish I had a dog ) My heart goes out to all the people that have had to evacuate away from their homes due to the fires . In some cases they have gone back to what they thought was home only to find they have lost every thing . Kenny
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