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Posts posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. On 6/14/2019 at 7:16 PM, craigb said:


    So you're saying this is inaccurate Kenny?  ?


    Craig ,

    We all know I don't have a girl . Lets ask Dukes old cell mate from the shelter  what he thinks about  getting  stuck with a cat .



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  2. On 6/13/2019 at 6:48 AM, Hidden Symmetry said:

    I always enjoy the ride when Pat Martino is in the elevator with me, nice job.


    Shhhh don't tell anyone ,  A few of his licks may have made their way into this recording.

    2 days before I recorded this tune I nicked every lick I could off Pat Martino's recording of The Great Stream ....

    Thank you for the complement on my guitar playing . I have always Loved Pat Martino .

    On 6/13/2019 at 10:32 AM, Grem said:





    On 6/13/2019 at 11:12 AM, bayoubill said:

    Nice playing Kenny! 

    I spend all my time now jamming with my backing tracks. I don't get around to recording a full song anymore. For me the fun is in the playing 

    Have fun with it too. Keep em' coming!




    Hi Bill ,

    I'm glad you got a chance to listen to this as I know you have a long history of playing  Jazz Guitar ..

    Like you , I am all about the playing . I  spend a lot of my music time doing the same type of things you do.

    I'm grateful you made it over here and took the time . BTW , I did enjoy your other post ...I thought it was funny .


    all the best ,




  3. I Like your tune . This is the type of groove I love to play over and listen to ..

    Crits ? nah , I'm digging the listen so far ...Oh wait on second thought if you ever do the 17 min version I want to play on that one ...



  4. This may be the first song of yours that I have given a  listen to.  Overall yeah , nice one .

    Love the first time the arpeggio synth comes in . As I listen I find your tune has 2 things going on that elevate it in my mind .

    1, it has a visual vibe to it , in sections I found myself placing mental images to your music .

    2, Some of your melodies and parts of your songs arrangement have hinted along an Epic  type of Musical Vibe ...Thematic in Nature

    I suspect that you could probably do some tweaks to your instrument choices and arrangement to flesh out a few rather nice off spring's and variations of this song .

    As far as some of the other things mentioned.... the cymbals and all ....I would only consider that to be putting sprinkles on what you have here ...for some people that may be enough ...

    At some point I would urge you to rerecord this song using as many real musicians as you can enlist to collab w you  ....sort of thing you do when the time is right .

    The Sax , Bass , and Drum parts  played by real players w chops could easily bring your tune a number of notch s over the top .

    Another thing to consider is your song could also use some rhythm gtr and drama based melodic doubling of the sax melody w guitar .. keys or both ....

    Someone mentioned any vocal planed ? that person gave you good advice to consider ...

    BTW  I do know my feedback may be out of reach conceptually at the moment ...we all do the best we can with what we have .

    To me your tune sounds like you work alone . That is why I'm suggesting you consider my suggestions at a future date  ....

    Wouldn't you want your music to represent and take on the momentum of metamorphosing  itself into a vehicle of self expression that includes becoming  a part of something much more greater than yourself ?

    I know I would  ....


    I did enjoy the listen . all the best


  5. On 6/11/2019 at 7:51 AM, eric chevrier said:

    hi kenney great chops love the sound your getting on the guitar awesome thanks eric

    hi erwic , thanks man .

    On 6/11/2019 at 8:58 AM, kakku said:

    Great stuff. Sweet guitar line after sweet guitar line jazzes and mesmerizes me and the rest lucky ones who get a chance to listen to this

    Hi kakku ,

    I'm glad you like what I'm playing on the guitar with this tune .

    Back in the day I knew how to play like this , the thing is it took a number of years for me to get here where I could do so effortlessly .

    The main difference after all the time has passed is being able to play within a zone where I have a lot of extra chops on Tap ...

    Thanks for the song listen .






  6. On 6/10/2019 at 5:31 AM, thegaltieribrothers said:

    Hi Kenny,

    Nice guitar playing, a pleasure to behold.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Good Job!




    Hi Paul ,

    I never know if my playing can reach someone and affect them positively unless I post an example of my playing .

    In this case I'm glad I did .

    Thank You very much for the kind words you said .


    On 6/11/2019 at 6:18 AM, Grem said:






  7. On 6/9/2019 at 10:19 AM, Douglas Kirby said:

    I enjoyed listening to your guitar playing - well done - excellent performance.

    I'm pleased you enjoyed listening to my guitar playing ...

    thank you for commenting.


  8. On 6/9/2019 at 4:36 AM, SPAK said:

    Pure talent . . . . Thanks for the share .. just loved it! 


    Thank you for the kind word Steve ! I really do appreciate it.

    On 6/9/2019 at 9:35 AM, Lynn said:

    Where's that elevator?  I want to ride it to the top and back down again.  My first guitar teacher played this kind of jazz, but I could never master the style, myself.  For many years, Kansas City put on an annual jazz festival that I attended regularly.  I've heard many guitar players that didn't even come close to being this good.  Talent always rise to the top, I hear, and this is at the top of the mountain!

    Hi Lynn,

    I'm glad you liked what I played here .

    I don't talk about it much these days , but there was a time when I was playing and jamming with some pretty heavy name Jazz Guitar players ...

    It seems I was the runt of the litter in the NYC Jazz Guitar World .The players I was jamming and playing with were spanking my left and right butt cheeks clear off my body into oblivion every time I got together with them  .

    Besides keeping up on the guitar , I had to learn how to sew my butt back on with a needle and thread . Eventually I got smart and just started using Velcro instead ... 

    Thank you for the song listen and the kind word

    all the best,



    • Like 1
  9. Son it is not a sin to be attracted to those 3 female Bag Pipe Players ...

    You are a man of flesh and blood are you not ?

    It is even OK w the Boss upstairs that you almost thought about waxing the Bishop as a Tribute in their honor ..

    At least you had the self restraint to keep it in the holster and find another creative outlet ...you played some guitar didn't you ?

    FWIW you did come close to a full blown transgression but you averted it and stayed out of trouble .( for now )

    As you Father , I must insist  you listen carefully  to what I am about to say to you.

    If you ever decide to start playing the Bagpipes .The Boss and I will throw the book at you .



  10. 3 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

    Kenny, forgive me for my effrontery,

    but that does not look like your Duke,

    the duke I know always has a smile,

    but if it is your duke, well, I apologize.

    I hope he feels better soon.


    Hey Jesse you are right . That is not my Duke . I did think the picture was funny ..

    Lets see if we can spot the differences ...

    A pic of Not Duke ...no smile



    A pic of the Real Duke .

    Yes he's happy . It is easy to tell . He is showing  his big sloppy smile and and a  slightly protruding body part  .





  11. 3 hours ago, bayoubill said:

    What happened to saying this Fred?

    Am l uncool and very behind the times again?


    How dare you say that about yourself Bill . You got a Les , You were able to build The Guitar Wall . You got a XX and you can play ...

    I'm just used to saying thread  .

    I got to go Granny wants me to double dip while we run the bagpipe u tube video again .


  12. This Thread is certainly entertaining 



    Now that I have been thoroughly inspired by The Trio of Virtuoso Unobtainable Never in my Lifetime Ever Female Curvaceous Delectable  Wiminez  that Execute Lighting Fast Dance Moves while playing the  Bag Pipes . I have decided to lower my standards and squeeze an old Hag ...



    I'm a coming Granny I will see you at Bingo tomorrow Night ...After Bingo ...make sure you keep the room Extra  Dark ...lol



    • Haha 1
  13. You put into words VIA your song how I feel sometimes . The second I walk out my front door it's like a bad dream or a free for all out there .

    Yeah , I sure hope Mr Together lands on his feet ...same goes for me lol






  14. On 6/8/2019 at 2:13 AM, Wookiee said:

    @Kenny Wilson this is the best I can do ? to crown you ;)  As always a real pleasure to hear you play.

    Thank You Wookiee for the Crown . Now I can hide the thinning Gray Treeline  ?

    I'm glad to be back into playing again . It is always a pleasure to interact with you . I hope all is well for you .

    On 6/8/2019 at 4:58 AM, Grem said:



    On 6/8/2019 at 4:58 AM, Grem said:


    Did you do the backing trk?



    The Backing track I played over








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  15. Hi Guys ,

    I will not rest until I get Crowned as The New King of the  Elevator  Guitar players ...( I'm only kidding or am I ...hhhmmmm ) 

    Here is some smooth Bop inspired lines I played on my guitar over a laid back Twanger Central BT ...

    I hope you fall asleep lol I mean I hope you enjoy my guitar playing and lines .




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