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Posts posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Hey Dave , thanks for posting this video.

    After about 2 mins of listening while staring at a non moving picture I wound up listening to this while surfing around  at some guitar sites .

    It was a good listen in that regard , Glad I went there .


    all the best ,



  2. 2 hours ago, Kenny Wilson said:

    Next time she gets on your case make yourself a smoothie and throw in some Edible G Strings ....

    They can be highly nutritious and flavorful depending on where or who you got them from .



    2 hours ago, InstrEd said:

    Why not Edible Undies while you're at it ?

    Every Guitar I have ever played usually came with a G string on it as standard equipment .

    Edible Undies cost extra lol



  3. Next time she gets on your case make yourself a smoothie and throw in some Edible G Strings ....

    They can be highly nutritious and flavorful depending on where or who you got them from .


  4. 19 hours ago, cclarry said:

    That upgrade is $197.71 at Best Service


    Thanks Larry , that's  better deal for sure ...still my wallet doth protest lol Oh boy as much as I hate to admit  it , sometimes you just got to sit it out .

    BTW there must be a typo in the add ..on the  far left under the Live banner it says  "Flash Sale  25% OFF Ableton Live 10 - until July 11th only!"

    if that happens to be the case at least I have hope ......yet , some how i think it's still a typo ....time to go reach for the wah wah pedal and plug it in ...

    as far as what everybody else is saying ,,Yes, I think Live is a nice playground ......but I also think they are pricing themselves pretty far out there .

    I mean when you can buy a $1000.00 DAW such as Samplitude Suite for less than what my upgrade from Live 9 intro to Standard cost on sale  ...

    I say eff it for now ....I don't want to have  + $400.00 into a DAW I use once in a while ...at least w Traction I got the whole Kabang for 52 bucks ...

    instead of paying $69 bucks to upgrade to 10 ......I got Waveform 10 ....for $52 bucks ....

    I know a good deal when I get one




    • Like 2
  5.          Dude! what happened to our house ?

                                    I don't know ,

    Did the general contractor eat up all  our brownies again ?



                          Oh Yeah , Those brownies were good .

                           Now  If I can only keep up this pace .

    I may even earn those Angel Wings sooner rather than later





           ^^^^^^^ What ^^^^^^^^

           Hey Man you have to admit


    That falling upstairs thing was pretty Deep

        Yeah Man,  This all sounds so familiar .

              Are we having a Deja vue ?





        No Man! the herbal enhancements have finally kicked in .

                    Now Shut Up and Keep Playing the Song






    • Haha 1
  7. Happy Birthday Steve AKA "The Legendary Strummy ! "

    I heard a story about him once ?

    Strummy! was at  the hospital having some" Enis w a P " tests done .

    Science has often compared his "Enis 's abilities to Einsteins Brain  ( whew what a whopper )  

    While he was in the exam room recovering  he mumbled through his oxygen mask

    " Nurse are my testicles  black ? "

    The Nurse raises his gown , holds his "Enis " in one hand while she  holds  his testicles in the other .    She leans in ,  takes a close look , and says

    "There is nothing wrong with them Sir "

    Strummy! gently  takes  off his oxygen mask , smiles at her and says very slowly in a appreciative tone of voice

      " Thanks for that  , it was lovely  but listen too me very very  carefully  ....Are my test results back ? "



    • Haha 3
  8. On 5/30/2019 at 6:16 AM, InstrEd said:

    What have I started ?


    As far as the gun thing goes,  in my case it's not a big deal ...The Truth is ,  I used it for a few  reasons ....

    Clint's frustration in the pic I posted is close to how I feel sometimes when it comes to dealing with multiple DAW's

    Over a period of time I went out and got 14 of what are considered to be within the top 20 DAW's that people still talk about and end up on The Music Radars yearly lists for PC & Mac

    Aside from trying to learn an extra 10 DAW's with out much success,  I have gotten bombarded with a ton of upgrade deals I don't seem to have the money for ...

    I can tell you this , at first this was all sweet and innocent . But man let me tell you ...at the time  I was OK w it,  then after a while it became  like having  14 different girl scout troops  knocking on my door every day  trying to sell me cookies.

    That's how it started , then all the companies started getting real aggressive by switching tactics on me .

    They stopped using the oh look how cute  girl scout tactic  , then they tried to strong arm me into spending my  money ....


    Anyway , I blame CCLarry for that Last Part .....  I think he may be a double agent ? just kidding Larry






    • Haha 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Kenny Wilson said:

    Honestly , I wont list all the DAW's I have currently or have used ..

    I will say when I was buying them and going through the honeymoon phase ,  I thought I was having a good time  . 

    Then I woke up one day and realized I was becoming a Jack Off All These DAW's and a Master of None ...

    Now I keep it simple ..Cakewalk , Reaper , Mixbus .


      Alright , all you extra DAW's , I want you all to line up over by the front gate                  single file .

     Get Off My Lawn Now. You are clogging up my workflow .I ain't got the  time to read the manual .




    10 hours ago, InstrEd said:

    Is that a MIDI Gun or are you just happy to see me?


    It is any type of gun you want it too be ? Are you Happy to see me ?


     Clint  move over ..It is time for some Gun Toting Girl Power



  10. Honestly , I wont list all the DAW's I have currently or have used ..

    I will say when I was buying them and going through the honeymoon phase ,  I thought I was having a good time  . 

    Then I woke up one day and realized I was becoming a Jack Off All These DAW's and a Master of None ...

    Now I keep it simple ..Cakewalk , Reaper , Mixbus .


      Alright , all you extra DAW's , I want you all to line up over by the front gate                  single file .

     Get Off My Lawn Now. You are clogging up my workflow .I ain't got the  time to read the manual .



    • Haha 2
  11. 23 hours ago, Kenny Wilson said:



    23 hours ago, Kenny Wilson said:

    Woah ,  that LLama is sort of cute in a weird sort of way

    I must confess , looking at it  seems to be  bringing out my Inner Kinky ....

    All it needs now to seal the deal is a good set of Knee Pads  ?





    17 hours ago, craigb said:


    You really are a Vantucky Hillbilly, aren't you Kenny??! ?


    Oh Yeah, That's my kinda Hot Llama Mamma





  12. On 5/26/2019 at 8:52 PM, craigb said:


    Woah ,  that LLama is sort of cute in a weird sort of way

    I must confess , looking at it  seems to be  bringing out my Inner Kinky ....

    All it needs now to seal the deal is a good set of Knee Pads  ?




  13. Hey you sound good there Chuck . Yeah man I understand why you did all that ..

    The whole effing world is trying to tell me all the time what to play , who to play like  and how to compress it ...LOL

    I say , Sometimes you just got to play the guitar balls to the walls after  pulling  your balls out  and letting the world hear you still got a set ...

    I hope when you were done recording your guitar playing   , you threw a large raw  steak into your guitar case as a reward to your guitar for delivering all those fret board scorching  guitar tones ...


    all the best,




  14. This tune came out nice Freddy , I enjoyed listening to the song ..I did have to repeat a section here and there to catch some of the lyrics .

    Yeah man concerning the songs message ...I'm right there .....ssshhhh don't tell any one ...lol

    Actually saw something that blew my head today ...I was in the gym working out and I saw an older fella working out near me ...

    I asked him how old he was and he told me he was 93 years old ...I was like WTF ...I thought he could have been 70 ...he got a kick out of my reaction ...

    Yeah I want to be more like him in 30 years .....if I can make it

    not what it is now for me  , a crusty ole dried up and bitter about every thing that happens in my life  including  the state of my rented lawn version of




  15. Wow that song came out very nice .

    This song reminds me of the type of music and songs I would listen to before I  got ridiculously into  the guitar player types of music  I wound up alienating myself with  .

    Yeah man , if I could sing half  as good as you , I would put the guitar down and pen a Love Song  ..

    Nice , very positive ...



    • Like 1
  16. On 5/23/2019 at 6:40 AM, daryl1968 said:

    Kenny - this is tasteful to the extreme. Sounds like you're making love to that guitar.


    What a very nice thing to say Daryl ! thank you very much .



  17. On 5/24/2019 at 6:36 PM, craigb said:

    Collect the whole set!


    And, of course, Yor Ol Pal himself!  (Hey, where IS he anyway???)


    ?       What a bunch of characters LOL ...is that you Craig on the far right ?

    It looks like   you posted the only know   group shot photo of The Bag Brothers Band in existence ...

    Yep , The members are all there and accounted for ..

    On the top row from the left to right we have ....Doggie Bag , Gig Bag  , D***** Bag  , Hefty Bag  , Shopping Bag , Body Bag and Yor Ol Pal himself! 



  18. 1 hour ago, Jesse Screed said:

    I was so close.

    She went lame on the loose shale.

    Had to put her down, not easy with a penknife.

    But there are vultures everywhere,

    not even before Bernice had bled out

    punk tries to sell me a wild ***** colt

    I'm not much for donkeys

    but the mouth bit seems to keep him in line

    so I give punk a stale crust of bread and a dollar two eighty

    punk laughs

    me and the wild ***** colt limp along

    towards the top

    I sure do miss me. Bernice, she had a nice mustache.






  19. Please accept my apologies for  letting my thread tank while leaving   a few song forum contributors out in the  cold ...

    I have always tried  to listen to someone else's tune first before I respond to posts left in my thread when I can ...this time around I just couldn't swing it .

    I have been swamped w all my health care responsibilities .

    better late than never ...

    On 5/12/2019 at 11:49 AM, emeraldsoul said:

    SOulful. Little Wing in a waltz. You play great, bro.


    I like Little Wing a lot ...Haven't played it in a few years SO I may be decide  to record my version once I get the rust out .

    I generally like to  play Little Wing  as a solo unaccompanied guitar  piece  .. when I played out it was a crowd favorite

    Thank you for the song listen

    On 5/13/2019 at 8:54 AM, Leadfoot said:

    Not surprised.... I knew what I was gonna hear. Virtuosity, great phrasing, and heart. You're a great guitar player Kenny, and this is just another example. Sounded great man.

    I'm glad you had an idea of what you were gonna hear ...I sure didn't know what I was gonna play or how it would come out sounding ....lol...

    Thank you for the kind word Leadfoot , sorry  about your dad . I did give your song a few listens but I didn't get the chance to post .

    Very inventive lyrics w the songs message and the actual playing and song arrangement was Killer ....


    all the best,



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