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Michael Vogel

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Everything posted by Michael Vogel

  1. Mine have always been manufacturer refurbs that come sold as new with full 12 months manufacturers warranty.
  2. Gift idea. Buy your boomerang a stick. No happy returns. But fetch is a nice game.
  3. I can slap my fingers against the ball of my thumb making a clapping sound. So the sound of one hand clapping can sound like clapping.
  4. "An anachronism is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of persons, events, objects, or customs from different periods. The most common type of anachronism is an object misplaced in time, but it may be a verbal expression, a technology, a philosophical idea, a musical style, a material, a plant or animal, a custom, or anything else associated with a particular period that is placed outside its proper temporal domain." en.wikipedia.org Yep; that's Bapu
  5. I've always bought refurb'd laptops. Just bought another 2 weeks ago. The previous one lasted from 2009 to 2019. Not bad value I reckon.
  6. I thought it was something like that. I had this recollection from many years ago when you told us how you got the name.
  7. Doesn't it mean grandfather? Sorry for being serious for a minute or so. There you go; Answered a question and apologised in one fell swoop.
  8. I'm currently running CbB 2019.07.79 according to my CbB About screen; My Bandlab app tells me I'm up to date. So, I download the Early access installer from the supplied link and get an error saying that the installer will only update Isn't that what I have? I've tried running the update as an Administrator.
  9. You can remember being shown something in ‘76? I’m impressed.
  10. I always get answers alright, just not to the questions I asked. Infuriating I know, but at least an answer. I recently contacted an online store management support team for help with an error message while trying to recover my password, telling me to contact support. In reply I was given instructions on how to recover my password. Haha. It’s only taken 2 weeks for this exchange to occur. I’m glad I pay for high speed broadband. It means I can wait so much faster than I used to.
  11. You guys be very silly. They’re! I said it!!
  12. Magic becan. No matter how long I watch, it just doesn’t burn.
  13. Well there’s something worth trying. I haven’t given P5 a thought in quite a while. Thanks for the re-awakening.
  14. Don’t like left handed milk. Don’t know why; It’s just not right somehow.
  15. Had to repost. The quote didn’t work. Whoops!.
  16. I have link envy. I’m under treatment. Seems I have more work ahead.
  17. Isn’t 2020 going to be the International Year of The Layabout?
  18. I’ve been sitting on the fence but now with a day to go. Man the only exchange rate is poor. £149.99 = AUD$270 + card fees for the exchange conversion. ~$280 and that depends on whose rate the card issuer uses. Yikes! Here goes.
  19. Was hoping to grab this but the price has gone up from the $29. Every $10 makes a difference here in Australia with our very low value rubles in a world ruled by the mighty green back I tried to contact them via their support link but it just took me to their “Who we are” page. Ah well. I’m sure I have enough plugins that one less wont really matter all that much.
  20. Now see, I was being subtle without actually saying it. You done went and spoiled it. Now everyone will know.
  21. Is there supposed to be a link? There isn’t. It’s missing. Seriously.
  22. If people do have a copy of Ozone 5 (I do) it’s probably been used to upgrade to 6 then 7, then 8 or similar (like I have). That means you can’t sell 5 because its part of your current Ozone licence.
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