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Michael Vogel

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Everything posted by Michael Vogel

  1. It’s been a feature request of mine that goes back more than a decade. Long before any program had it I described a way to use a list of marker regions as a means to generate a “region playlist”. It would save having to copy, cut & paste sections. Still waiting
  2. Don’t understand what you mean by “up front”??? As far as I’m aware you can adjust clip gain in the Process menu but it’s destructive. Make a copy first. As for the others, like any frequently used feature you can create a key binding which will save you drilling into multiple menus. Not sure if that answers your question. Hope so.
  3. It’s possible to export to the .ogg format. I’ve ne er had the need but why not try it. You won’t hurt anything. According to pg 321 of the Cakewalk Reference guide, under Import Audio files, ogg vorbis is listed. Use the Import Audio menu.
  4. I’ve learnt that my personal wishes for Cakewalk features don’t matter one single iota. In more than 20 years association I’ve only known a very small number of user requests to be turned into features. Like any other goods, I buy what I need to do things I want. It’s not my job to create or try to influence the creators of the software I use. I came to the forum looking for answers and having found them and a community of generally helpful, generous people decided to stay. Sometimes there’s an opportunity to help. Sometimes people accept the help sometimes they don’t. C’est la vie.
  5. Completely agree David. I’m all for letting the Bakers, bake, and I’ll use what they provide to make music. If I can help someone here, great. Create a work around if needs be and it’s possible. If I’m in a hole maybe another piece of software will help me out. Usually does. I appreciate the relative engagement of the Bakers on the forum but the noise from thousands of contributors suggesting this change or complaining about what’s there or not there must be deafening at times. How could they possibly read and process every post. Let alone implement all the suggestions. Who’s do they choose. Best they just follow their internal roadmap, at least it will have cohesion.
  6. Seems you have a passion for using lots of words. My comment had nothing to do with egos, nor am I trying to trivialise your efforts. Nonetheless from more than 20 years working with Cakewalk, the software and the people, dressing your requests in a War and Peace length post will not bring you the result you desire. It’s a case of more posts each containing less words is what’s required to get your many points across, one at a time. This was the very first suggestion made but you clearly weren’t convinced. Believe it or not I’m really just trying to give you helpful advice.
  7. For someone who wants more simplification within CbB you’ve made your post too complex to participate in by adding too many points of discussion. Your determination not to take the advice already given will see little discussion or attention from Cakewalk. The very people you want your message to influence. Too bad.
  8. Too many hams transmitting on interwebs now.
  9. . Becan n eggs, over and out. BTW. 30th wedding anniversary this Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. MUDGEL. Surprising Mrs MUDGEL with High Tea at a swank local Hotel, historical tour of said Hotel with dinner, a show and overnight stay. Becan n eggs for breakfast.
  10. Not long after BandLab took over, they created a bunch of merchandise viz, T-Shirts, Mugs and the like. I grabbed a T-Shirt and a mug. You bewdy. Maybe you need to ask if they have some left or if they’re interested in re-issuing them.
  11. After 3 previous stalled attempts from age 15, I’m finally now, nearly aged 66, studying for my Amateur Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency so I can get my Ham radio License.
  12. Of course. I forgot all about Cakewalk Command Centre, and the individual installers for various packages of content. It’s been a while since I’ve used, let alone installed any version of Sonar.
  13. Can’t your select the Advanced Installation option in Platinum and only install plug ins without installing the program itself. This would avoid over writing any existing files with older versions and causing problems.
  14. STUDIO: Win 10 Pro x64, Cakewalk by BandLab x64, 

    PC: ASUS Z370-A, INTEL i7 8700k, 32GIG DDR4 2400, OC 4.7Ghz.

    Storage: 12 TB SATA III, 750GiG SSD & Samsung 500 Gig 960 EVO NVMe M.2.

    Monitors: Adam A7X, JBL 10” Sub.

    Audio I/O & DSP Server: DIGIGRID IOS & IOX.

    Screen: Raven MTi + 43" HD 4K TV Monitor.

    Keyboard Controller: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88.

  15. And this forum software is a lot more user friendly than the old Cakewalk forum software.
  16. I use Dashlane. It syncs all my passwords between, iPhone, iPad and multiple PCs. All works automagically.
  17. First time in years I didn’t buy anything at all. Congratulations to all who didn’t succumb and also to those that did but grabbed a bargain. Guess you can’t lose.
  18. Let’s face. In reality far too many folks have ambition that outstrips their abilities. When they can’t operate a complex piece of software, blame the software. It’s not intuitive enough.
  19. I use Symlink. https://sourceforge.net/projects/symlink-creator/ it creates a right click menu item. No more having to use the cmd line.
  20. Is it a specific plan you follow or do you mean just in general terms, Bob. What’s your source for Arachidonic acid? Eggs or supplements?
  21. Can’t quite put my finger on it.
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