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Michael Vogel

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About Michael Vogel

  • Birthday 03/05/1954

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  1. And on the other side of the world in oztralia, Covid smacked me down 3 days ago. In my misery I turned to read the Coffee House forum and lo and behold here’s a fellow current sufferer telling his tale of woe. get better soon flipper of bits. The good thing about typing is it doesn’t hurt my throat which feels like it’s been cut.
  2. If we have to purchase Backstage Pass to access Sonar beyond the free (3 day) trial, haven’t we already purchased it? I find the whole thing quite confusing. Not in the sense of not understanding, rather the whole Sonar release process seems unnecessarily convoluted. While I use CbB still and very grateful for the free support provided since the post Gibson debacle, I’m glad I’m no longer reliant on having a stable DAW to earn my living. Stable in the sense of having a clear picture of where the product line is going. Just too long a lag between announcement of its “soon to be released” status to “where the flaming’ ‘ell is it?
  3. Not too long ago I watched one of Mike Enjo’s videos on his Creative Sauce YouTube channel and his new channel, Cakewalk Revealed and was very surprised by the number of enhancements between the last CbB version and new Sonar. Might be worth checking out Mike’s videos. https://youtu.be/_pSYI2hb83E?si=1l_B92j0Qp0937Zv.
  4. Thanks @Jim Roseberry I currently still using my 8700k workstation that you spec’d for me back in 2017. As I’m using Waves DIGIGRID hardware for sound card and off loading plugin processing the dated CPU is still quite usable. In light of your comments I might have to change my focus and get a lighter duty laptop for productivity but will still give me reasonable performance when I’m away from my main rig and need to do a bit of audio/video editing. Wife and I are moving to a retirement village so will need to scale down as I’ll no longer have any dedicated studio space. Everything is now about compromise with no real up sides to be seen.
  5. @Jim Roseberry, I need a recommendation for a new laptop, primarily for audio but also productivity like Office 365 and adobe creative suite V5.5/6 last one on DVD. Sadly I fried the mobo in my ASUS Zephyrus GM510M today. I figure it’s not good economics replacing a 4yr old mobo. I’d rather put that money to a new laptop. I’m in Australia so the lousy exchange rate will probably put me in the $5-6k bracket. A cheaper option would also be good to consider as an alternative.
  6. Pardon my ignorance - clearly I’m missing something as I’ve been focussing on watching for a release announcement but have either missed it or misunderstand what all the discussion is about. Do I need a Bandlab Backstage Pass to access Next and/or Sonar? Is that the full release of those products or are they still in beta levels of development with a release announcement yet to be made? Or is there a yet to be announced alternative way to purchase Sonar?
  7. Cal files complete set this is a folder of Cal files I’ve accumulated over decades. No guarantees as to their viability but I have used many of them over the years. There are files included about the actual language used to write the CAL scripts as well. The link is good for a week from now. All the best
  8. It’s spam mayhem upstairs at the moment so I’m down here slumming it with the real people.
  9. I’ve been using a Waves DIGIGRID system for about 7 years now. Audio or MIDI in and everything interconnected with 1gb Ethernet. Still using an 8700k i7 processor. Haven’t found an upper limit yet. See my signature for details running Win 11 pro.
  10. Pg 1889 of the Cakewalk Reference Guide lists numerous pages where Keyboard Shortcuts can be found, The shortcuts are sorted according to the various windows opened by menu commands. There is also a comprehensive section that explains how to create keybindings of your own choosing. A link to the reference guide can be found in a thread near the top of this page.
  11. The Sonar that will be released is the CbB that existed 12 months ago plus all the development not invested into CbB for this past year. You’ll note this latest 23/09 release of CbB hasn’t included any new features, only bug fixes and stability over last year’s last release. The last 12 months has all gone into making the Sonar that will be released a far superior product than what we get for free now with CbB.
  12. While I’m online at times, I only use the pc for music so never visit any dodgy sites. I don’t use the pc for emails so no bad links to click. I have an MS wireless keyboard and mouse combo as well as a wireless trackball. I get the flickering cursor in the exact same spot when it happens the bottom centre of screen. I have the latest drivers for the trackball and whatever the most recent graphics drivers though it’s onboard graphic with my mobo. its not predictable either. I’m thinking the only solution might be a complete rebuild but it seems so much overkill. Unless it fixes the problem of course. I’ll explore the malware possibility. Thanks for the suggestions thus far.
  13. I think the reason they answered earlier than might have been otherwise reasonable was because of all the comments about the long time between updates. So, they told us the truth. New programs in the pipeline, on release they will continue to have CbB available free with one last release. That release will coexist with Sonar for a time to let you compare the 2 programs. At some point CbB will be no more and only a paid for version of Sonar will be available. As well as NEXT. I too have been around since 12Tone days and 5 years of a fully supported DAW for free has been a remarkable gift from Bandlab. Truly an unexpected surprise back in 2018, Very soon it will be time to pay the piper if you want to use the software. I have no insider knowledge, but I think I have very good comprehension of the written word and can repeat what the Bakers have written in these pages.
  14. While 23.09.xxx will likely be the release number, .062 is not the final release. We will be notified when the final release is available. The current version has been released under the Early Access program. The final release of CbB will coexist in the market after the release of Sonar giving users an opportunity to make comparisons. Thats a distillation of my understanding of the numerous and pertinent posts by the Bakers.
  15. Randomly (on my Win 11 pro PC, specs in signature) my mouse cursor starts to flicker at the bottom centre of the screen and becomes immovable by any means. I have to turn off the PC to clear it, on reboot all is fine until the next time. I’ve tried updating graphics drivers, mouse drivers, though it doesn’t seem to matter whether I use any of 2 different mice or a trackball. All drivers updated but nothing seems to prevent this weird flickering from occurring. There’s no overheating involved. I’ve tried changing out ram sticks but nothing I’ve done eliminates the problem, as eventually sometime during a session, the cursor will just start to flicker. Before I upgraded to Win 11 Pro x64 this happened on the same machine running Win 10 Pro x64. Any ideas I could explore?
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