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Everything posted by SteveC

  1. Thanks, Tom. I've never done soundtrack work before so you could certainly be on-point! Something to keep in mind for sure...
  2. Hi everyone, It's been a few years since I've finished anything new, actually pre-CbB era. How time flies. Anyhow, I decided to throw my hat into Spitfire Audio's Westworld scoring competition: https://www.spitfireaudio.com/westworld/ The video clip includes actor dialog, along with weapon and vehicle sounds. Otherwise I've added everything else - synths, percussion, orchestral, and the little diddy at the end. Thanks for your time!
  3. Just poppin' in to say... that was freakin' awesome. Steely Dan horns over a groovin' rhythm section with some really tasty and well played guitar.
  4. What's the connection between Cakewalk and web browsers?
  5. What if you copy the clips to a new MIDI track?
  6. FWIW, to fix the existing track heights you can select them all, then Shift+drag down to set them all to that same height.
  7. Just to be sure - since they're independent, Snap To is set in both the Control Bar Snap module and in PRV itself? If so, I'd change both to Snap By, then change them back to Snap To, then Save.
  8. Looks good, Colin! Thanks for keeping it alive. ?
  9. Hehehehe... excellent. Funny, clever song, with your trademark mix + polish. As always your ability to get clean separation is fantastic.
  10. That worked for me too. Just waiting for the email now.
  11. Is that track a plain MIDI track or an existing instrument? If it's the latter you can use Replace Synth from the Track View - just right-click over the instrument track strip to open the pop-up menu. Any existing MIDI clips on the track will now be associated with the new instrument. If it is a plain MIDI track you should be able to change its Output to any existing Instrument track.
  12. I can't get this to work using Duplicate, but did using Copy > Paste. First, open Edit > Paste Special and change the What To Paste option from "Paste as New Clips" to "Paste into Existing Clips". Next, open Preferences and from the Editing section check "Use Paste Special Options on Paste" at the bottom. If you then copy and paste notes within the PRV they should remain in the active clip.
  13. Have you tried moving the tempo change a few ticks before measure 50? If a tempo change is inserted at a measure boundary and then new measures inserted at the same point, the process should grab everything, including the tempo change, and shift it forward. I would think that a tempo change that close to the bar line (but not on it) shouldn't noticeably affect anything.
  14. Trying to catch up on pages worth of song postings, but had to comment - great tribute piece. As a classic Rush fan for decades I very much enjoyed this.
  15. Sweet... I have an old Visa gift card with a remaining balance of $12.50 that I wasn't sure I'd ever actually use. Score!
  16. I only loaded the EA version yesterday on my Win7 DAW so haven't had much time to test, but it did open OK and seemed to behave as expected.
  17. I think it's with snap set to By instead of To that this happens. At least trying to move the Section start point backwards in time.
  18. Same here, Simon was very helpful. He was also able to link the purchase to my account which I happened to create after making the purchase.
  19. Completely OT - but I had to acknowledge one of the better quotes I've read it quite some time. ??
  20. If you're drag-placing new notes, try Alt+clicking or double-clicking instead. I think if you drag-place it does change the active duration value.
  21. I'm not completely sure, but it's something I've been doing for some time now when the cursor switches as you've described. I figure I must have read it somewhere along the way but I honestly don't recall when/where. Then again, there's lots of stuff I can't remember.
  22. If you need to slip-edit one clip where multiple clips have the same start or end point, try selecting the clip and then Shift+Slip Edit.
  23. Also... It's probably not coincidental that 77.58 is almost exactly half of 154.75. As though it's picking up transients (the claps?) as quarter notes and they're not? Just guessing though - as scook wrote the Melodyne algorithm could be coming into play.
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