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Everything posted by SteveC

  1. SteveC


    I really enjoyed that... as others said, the guitar and vocals alone were easily enough to carry the song, but I understand why you would add the additional tracks. If I had to make one suggestion on that front I'd pick a snare that is less "poppy/snappy" and maybe slightly lower in pitch. IOW, one that cuts thru a bit less, leaving room for those vocals and acoustic that really are so well done.
  2. Rockin', Bob, rockin'.... That's a big @$$ mix you got there, it compliments the tune quite well. Vocals and guitar were standouts as usual. Interesting ending too...
  3. SteveC

    Tamiami Trail

    Nice one, Freddy. Groovin' with that chug, you are. I think this is one my favorites of yours.
  4. Awesome... I really liked that. The performance and arrangement were well done and the mix has a nice pro polish. As others said the standout for me was your voice, you seem to naturally have great pitch, tone and projection. Almost George Michael-ish. ?
  5. SteveC

    No Clue

    That was really cool... A unique but completely complimentary mix of instruments. Cello as lead? Nice flowing bass lines? Wah guitar? Claves and vibra-slap? Check, check, check and check.
  6. SteveC

    Cool Water

    Nice one, Lynn! Loved it. The chord changes between sections are really cool. And the mix is hot and punchy yet everything is so well defined. Great job getting that separation. I agree with others that this is one of your best. Just drop down that stone melody and you're all set. ?
  7. Cool, just wanted to be sure. Ideally, I'd want to see all applicable audio controls available when the Audio tab is displayed and likewise for MIDI when the MIDI tab is displayed. More or less representing what you'd see in a split instrument format but using the tabs instead of switching between tracks. Hopefully that's what Noel was referring to...
  8. Isn't that the bus that Rapture is ouputting to?
  9. SteveC


    I still hear you in the melodies, but your arrangement/mix has come a long way over the last year or so - very full, punchy and wide. Nicely done.
  10. As a prog lifer I very much enjoyed this! Great 70's vibe as mentioned above, and though fairly straightforward there were lots of interesting twists and changes all along the journey. Nice to hear keys and drums a bit up front.
  11. Yeah, the steps in the first instance are a bit unclear.... - ...I then choose it under preferences in Sonar: Which driver mode, what bit depth and sample rate? - ...route my MIDI tracks to the basic Cakewalk soft synth: You are routing existing MIDI tracks to. TTS1? If so, was that output routed to the Fast Track? - ...I lay down the vocals on some audio tracks: Are the audio track outputs routed to the Fast Track? - ...Then I shut off the M-Audio and go back to preferences. I choose ASIO: I don't understand this one. Shutting off the Fast Track and using what instead for playback? Is that something else using ASIO where the Fast Track wasn't? For the second case: - Does the VT-4 serve as an audio I/O interface? I understand it has a preamp (input) but what about its ability to route audio from the PC to some type of physical output? - ...If I shut the connection between the Cakewalk soft Synth: How exactly are you doing this? If you could better describe how your softsynth and audio tracks are routed it would be easier to troubleshoot.
  12. Obviously the sounds are key, but yes, it certainly does have that slightly dark Floyd vibe. But that's a good thing. ? Slight nit - I'd love to hear more delay on that guitar.
  13. Wow, first to reply (that hasn't happened in a while)... The topic is a bit, odd, but that is some quality prog! Loved it. Shades of Gentle Giant, Genesis, maybe a little UK thrown in. Good stuff!
  14. There aren't many that can carry a subtle 80's cheese character quite that well... ? Loved it as per usual. It has your signature clean and tidy mix, vocals are in the pocket, and the lyrics are, well, just great. And accurate. And funny. And...
  15. SteveC

    Science Rock

    Late as usual... "Primus influence" isn't a combination of words I've come across often, if at all, but it seems 100% accurate in this case - that was a really cool piece. Off kilter and solid at the same time, and really nice open mix.
  16. Ditto, this is quite an endeavor, Colin. I know it's not 100% yet, but really useful.
  17. Mellow and atmospheric, and then BAM! - funkified it is. Good stuff, very enjoyable. Nice to hear clav out front like that. Also loved the fretless bass lines in the second half and then those horn hits on top. Groovy...
  18. SteveC


    Like others I am definitely getting that Paul Simon vibe - I think it's that naturally "airiness" you have in your voice (love it) and your cadence. Overall mix sounds good too, matches up well. FWIW, I think it's certainly worth redoing to get the drums/percussion better in sync.
  19. Yeah, that blues song made me smile. ? Lyrics were great, and the arrangement and mix were very complimentary. It reminded me a bit of something that Daryl would do (that is a compliment).
  20. SteveC

    Mondo Lynn

    Sounded great here! A really nice, detailed, yet wide open mix.
  21. Wow... that is some good stuff. I think it's safe to say that you're playing your @$$ off on this one. ? And yeah, those tones are really nice. PS... loved the wacky stuff at the end.
  22. I really enjoyed that... aside from a great combination of piano VSTs that sound perfect together, IMO it was your "touch" that really brought the piece to life. And as someone with a college sophemore I can identify!
  23. I've never actually had to do that before, but FWIW I sorta agree that 2/4 is probably what I'd want as well. If I delete the first bar I would expect it's time signature to be deleted as well, though bar 1 may be a special case as you said since there's nothing preceding it. Pre-roll?
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