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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. Any links would be nice it's well hidden
  2. Pretty sure that's possible already, not in my studio to check though. But you can move any track(s) to any folder via the Track Menu , I don't drag and drop any more when sorting into folders as it can be flaky as per @Eamonn Dargan mentions. But the menu has an option to move to a given folder so I presume it works regardless of whether those tracks are already in another folder.
  3. Never given them more than a cursory test drive. Very useable but there's better out there if you want modern GUIs
  4. I struggled to locate it outside of the link from the old forum
  5. That would be useful...I guess that could be along the lines of my 2nd point Show / Hide tracks of currently selected Buss. I can envisage how that would function. Select a buss then click something to hide everything not routed to it. Be handy on larger projects.
  6. I thought it was pretty fair and balanced and raised some good points. I tend not to be a user of some of the thnigs he didn't like so much though.
  7. The abilty to drag the tabs in the Mulidock into any order you prefer would be highly useful. Currently they seem to go to some pre-determined order.
  8. One very annoying 'feature ' of the arpeggiator is that is defaults to 16th notes EVERY time you select a new preset..Arrrghhh! Can we please have a lock note duration button or at least 'last used' as default ?
  9. Since I moved from 8.5 straight to CBB I have found the width of the Inspector too large..it's more than double the old size and eats up valuable track view space because it displays the buss as well as the track channel and also the Pro Channel view is huge. Although you can drag the track pane over it to reduce it back down to normal size as soon as you use the Pro Channel etc it pops back out again I would like to call for the reinstatement of a slim Inspector that is fully functional , I don't need to see the buss channel strip, just the channel but if I want to use any other function I would like it to remain slim and not pop out. You could make this function via making the 'collapse ' button a 3 stage cyle - Full - Skinny - Collapsed I can even argue than in it's fully collasped state it's currently wide enough to host a meter - fader - and some buttons ( i.e. solo / mute / polarity )..ideal for laptops etc where the largest display is not available
  10. 1. A quicker way to toggle between view types instead of going into menus. Some sort of hotkey to do the following ( without the need to set up your own key bindings ) so these would be a button on the console itself. - Toggle between wide & narrow strips ( also add a super skinny channel view ) - Toggle between tracks & busses - Toggle between hidden / not hidden - Cycle through various track heights..i.e. full- medium - compact - Open all active Pro Channels 2. The mini EQ plot would be more useable if you could activate the HP & LP filters from it ( like in the old per channel EQ in Sonar 8.5 etc ) 3. Improved contrast between on / off states for plugins ..i.e. not both grey. 4. Please can we put a plugin on the main output 5. Option to hide the channel / buss numbers and letters labels - Happy to use my own labels and nothing else 6 - Also I like the bus colours but the option for CBB to just do it automatically would be great
  11. It would be great if the Pro Channel knobs responded to the mouse wheel like most of my favourite plugins
  12. The browser is great , there's a few other things that I think would speed up workflow. 1. Media search indexing - Having a large collection of audio samples makes the search function very slow. If CBB could index them to help speed up the searches this woud be a big time saver. 2. Plugins Tab - A section at the top of the list showing most used or most recent plugins ( similar to how the Insert - Soft Synth list is populated ) 3. Plugins can be viewed by Type-Catergory-Manufacturer from the little dropdown menu. Why not make the blue buttons ( Audio FX - Midi FX - Instruments ) cycle through the same choices when clicked, this would be quicker than going into a dropdown menu and streamline the workflow. 4. Notes - Font can be very small and hard to read on high resolution monitor, a choice of font sizes could fix this edit.... 5. Can we have some way of favouriting samples
  13. I agree...better support for Kontakt generally I would say
  14. When making stems for music libraries it's very handy to use track folders, but they often want sub-catergories i.e. Guitars as the main stem but also Rhythm and Lead separately. Nested sub folders would make this very simple.
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