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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. Three crashes for me so far, one at first run and two while playing the demo project. Can't say I am too impressed. Interface looks okay. It does start up fast.
  2. English version https://www.uaudio.com/luna.html
  3. But this one might get me to the front of the line!
  4. "About as useful as a chocolate teapot". I learned a new phrase today! Can't argue science...or can you?
  5. Well that sucks. Good thing I decided I didn't want anything either.
  6. I updated Usynth and Drive on my existing UJAM account without problem yesterday. So it may be just a glitch for you.
  7. Hi Lindon. Glad to see you here. Lindon from Channel Robot is one of the developers of Horizen.
  8. Not only that. SPAN is a spectral analyzer from Voxengo which comes in a free version as well as a paid plus version . Something very weird here.
  9. This one has been available since at least 2022 from The SynthFactory (https://thesynthfactory.com). This is just the first time it has been available through Tracktion.
  10. Every instance of passing gas could be silent but deadly.
  11. Are you on their maining list? I think this was a requirement in the past.
  12. Been wanting to try Bitwig Studio. This might be a good time to jump in.
  13. Not to trivialize things too far, but it is ironic that someone with the name "Christian" would come up with something called "Demon Drop". Maybe that is the joke.
  14. No need for that. Just click on $18 and you get all 18 books . HumbleBundle always defaults to a higher price than the minimum but will also give you the minimum as an option. Or are you actually able to get the 18 books for less than the minimum of $18? Like really for $16.xx?
  15. Are these any good? Even if you are not a dummy?
  16. They do. Bottom of this page: https://venomode.com/phrasebox
  17. Not sure where you are getting this. Venomode Phrasebox is still available at APD. That being said, Venomode seems to have gone silent. Nothing on their Facebook page since 2022 and the last update for Phrasebox was 2021. But the Venomode website is still up.
  18. Oh. You meant the hardware. My bad.
  19. Ummm, what? Is that the new math? $299-$100=$299? And Tonex Max is currently $149. I am so confused.
  20. Doug Rintoul

    Free Serials

    Wow. First post after joining in 2021. Welcome to the circus.
  21. Likewise. I am missing a few of the Riffendium series and a couple of later releases that did not appeal to me enough to buy at fuil or even intro pricing. At 70% off, however, they might have been tempting.
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