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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Maybe you need a 7 year old computer from one of the lower shelves like I have....
  2. Why are you so scared of online authorization?
  3. If Melodyne can't get you what want, its doubtful anything else will either.
  4. "According to UMG, the partnership will be 'centered on empowering the next generation of artists, including within BandLab’s global community.'" Yeah. Right.
  5. At least has it's own kind of cheesy lowfi charm.
  6. You don't. Why in the name of all that is Good in the world anyone would want to use the World's Worst Sounding Synth is beyond me.
  7. Rendering the project is exporting it
  8. Cakewalk's staff view is really... um... rudimentary.... I highly recommend using real notation software.
  9. Windows updates are infamous for jacking with your audio drivers.
  10. This may come as a surprise to all you urban/ suburbanites, but not everyone has unlimited high speed internet even available to them let alone the time required to spend downloading multi GB of stuff. Ergo: hassle and aggravation.
  11. You can put them anywhere you want. You have to tell CW where to look anyway. However, I highly recommend practicing good hygiene and putting them all in the same place. C:\ windows\program files\steinberg\ vstplugins is a good choice since that's what Steinberg intended. Fortunately, Steinberg fixed that issue with VST3.
  12. My 29 year old Korg X3 still works. I can also use it as a controller to play NI instruments.
  13. You're trying to make this more complicated than it is. It isn't 1986 any more; there's no need to bother with SMPTE time code unless you are syncing to film or tape. The DAW is the sequencer. Cakewalk started life as one of the first MIDI sequencers for PC - back in the DOS days before Windows.
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