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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Why not just make -1 mixes as the need arises? Takes minutes
  2. My car won't start. What do you think is wrong? Need some kind of information or we're just as lost as you.
  3. What I don't understand is why people automatically assume the issue resides in a pro-level DAW that used to cost upwards of $500 and easily rivals anything else on the market and not in whatever crappy bargain-basement system they're using for playback elsewhere.
  4. Nothing. Any computer you are using for a DAW should never be allowed to sleep. Either turn it off or leave it on.
  5. A DAW and a video NLE are two different things with two different purposes entirely.
  6. Same reason I don't bother with loops either.
  7. What did support say when you asked for help? Or have you tried looking at any of the voluminous documentation and/ or video tutorials freely available for your perusal?
  8. Have you tried just forcing the app closed and then restarting it?
  9. You don't change the time signature in a VST. You change it in your project.
  10. Yes, you need this. THIS is the secret ingredient in that massive Phil Collins thunder.
  11. I wouldn't really have a problem with that.
  12. Wait ... So discovering things about cultures other than one's own is insensitive?
  13. Maybe "discovery" is just as simple as discovering instruments and music you weren't familiar with before... Not everything has sinister undertones.
  14. No offense, but you would be well served by perusing some of the voluminous documentation provided.
  15. What keyboard? What interface? Driver? What synth are you using? Without some information our guess is as good as yours.
  16. I think you're banging your head against the wall for no real good reason. The repeat symbols are really nothing more than a graphic symbol that is a arbitrary convention used in music notation that has no meaning outside that context. If you were to write your piece out in a notation program - repeat signs and all - and then export it as a midi file and then open that midi file and any sequencer of your choosing, guess what. It's going to unroll all those repeats.
  17. I tried that, but some parts start before basic bar numbers. Uh.... OK ... I really don't think this is so difficult. If I have a part that starts, say, on the "and" of beat 3, measure 1, even my dyscalculic self has no problem copying it then counting over to the and of beat 3 measure 17 and pasting it in.
  18. Never had the method I described fail, either.
  19. EDIT/ SELECT/ ALL will show you where there is data beyond the end of your song. Split all the tracks where you want it to end and delete everything past that.
  20. Because 11 is one more!
  21. Not free, but worth the money. Not expensive, either. https://beatmachine.co.uk/index.html I got their Korg DW 8000 b/c my brother used to have a DW 6000 way back when. The 8000 is the big sibling. https://www.beatskillz.com/ https://www.digitalsoundfactory.com/ The owner was actually part of the development team for much of the original E-mu sound libraries. You're gonna need an Emax/ Emulator/ Emulator Ii! They saved my a** when my Proteus FX died. The Proteus 1/ 2 sounds are not identical but some are pretty close. And don't forget DEXED https://dexedsynth.com/ This one IS free, and one of the best DX7 emulations out there. The Cherry Audio stuff is very good and inexpensive. Well worth it.
  22. It looks like the OP is gone. Hasn't been back since starting this thread.
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