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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. You beat me to it. I got to thinking and realized well yeah some manufacturers have drivers that let you use identical interfaces together and the driver makes the computer see it all as one interface. So, as far as the computer knows it's only one interface. Trying to kludge Rube Goldberg workarounds together is just going to cause headaches. Why not just make it easy on yourself and get an interface that has enough speaker outputs to do what you want?
  2. Cultures have been "appropriating" one another ever since the first time two different tribes crossed paths.
  3. Too late now, but these things are so much easier when they're taken care of in pre-production.
  4. Short answer: No. Longer answer: that's not how it's done. First, quadraphonic is obsolete. Second if you want to do surround sound, how you do it is with an interface that has multiple outs.
  5. Yep. I wanted Miroslav Philharmonik & got Total Studio Deluxe (which includes it) for less than Miroslav would have been by itself!
  6. I had that happen before when my Focusrite's driver wandered off into la-la land. A reboot fixed it.
  7. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SoftSynths.01.html
  8. The Full Bucket stuff is great. They have a bunch of Korg emulations, which I am kinda partial to; I have an X3 and a Minilogue myself and my brother had a DW6000 back in the day. He doesn't play any more and is unclear as to whether or not he still has it somewhere. Maybe I should pursue that further....
  9. Their Surrealistic MG-1 Plus is also interesting. I had no idea that Radio Shack at one time sold a rebranded Moog! They are going for almost twice the $500 they originally sold for on eBay and Reverb. When you can find one
  10. Maybe work on your mic technique instead of trying to "fix it in the mix." Odd that you would have trouble with vowels; it is usually plosives and sibilants that heavy compression makes stand out in an ugly way. I would also suggest getting some vocal coaching. In lieu of - or in addition to - that, there is a whole genre of "vocal coach reacts to -----" videos on YouTube that are well worth watching to pick up tips on what various singers are doing to achieve certain effects. My guess is that there is a very nasal quality in your ii and ee vowels you don't like that the compression is accentuating. Lots of singers reduce that by modifying the way they produce those vowels or even by substituting others.
  11. Too bad you already spent your money, but you should have gotten an interface that has a real ASIO driver and not that ASIO4all garbage. I think it's unconscionable that a manufacturer of allegedly semi-pro gear would have you use that instead of giving you a dedicated driver. If the thing can use WASAPI, you may be better off going that route. ASIO4all is just a wrapper anyway and not a real driver
  12. I don't see how this is any different than used CDs or books.
  13. These threads more than anything keep me from getting involved with Waves....
  14. I apologize if I am coming off that way. I'm not one to keep fiddle-f-ing around with something that obviously is not working; life is too short to keep beating my head against the wall. I've tried out more than one freebie that Crashes CbB, exhibits odd/ inconsistent behavior or just plain doesn't work. Bye. Delete. Gone. I won't keep screwing with iit Apparently, there was no resolution to this very same issue with this very same plugin in the thread that scook linked to. That to me just reinforces the idea that it ain't worth the effort. You are perfectly well free to take my suggestion to move on - or not - as the spirit moves you. It really won't hurt my feelings.
  15. Isn't MPC Beats it's own DAW of sorts? Why not just use it as is instead of adding layers of complication, if that's the workflow/ style these kids are interested in? It's a whole different way of working that is distinctly different that the traditional Console>Tape Deck paradigm modeled by most DAWs.
  16. No, but there are probably about 365,862 free drum VSTis out there that work and are not problematic. Some of them are even good.
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