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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. There is, but as has been pointed out, what timing and velocity variations are introduced by human drummers are intentional and consistent instead of random. Having said this, the Humanize CAL works best with very small values. What you can do is leave the kick right on the beat and then nudge the snare slightly behind or ahead of the beat as is appropriate for the feel of the song. Then, you can apply very small amounts of "humanization" to them and then somewhat more to the hi hat & ride. Also, when quantizing, you often get better results by reducing the strength and not quantizing too rigidity.
  2. ASIO4ALL is totally unnecessary. I am about 99.99% sure that Focusrite supplies their own dedicated driver which is what you should be using with the interface.
  3. What audio interface/ driver are you using?
  4. Jamstix: https://rayzoon.com/ And, like John mentioned above, I like to build tempo variations into the song.
  5. Beat me to it. I don't know why ASIO4ALL even exists any more; it is totally superfluous.
  6. How do you stand such horrible working conditions?
  7. 1: SONAR doesn't exist any more. It was replaced by CbB over three years ago. 2:http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SurroundMixing.15.html
  8. What do you think a software tuner on a computer would be?
  9. Nope. No longer available and hasn't been for a long time.
  10. I'm not sure where this came from; John Lennon never said anything of the sort and in fact had nothing but praise for Mr. Starkey's playing.
  11. While we're on great drummers: Nicko McBrain Scott Travis Chris Adler
  12. I'm not waiting for a better sale. I'm waiting to save up the pennies. I'm one of those weird people who insists on not carrying debt.
  13. I'm probably gonna have to wait 'till BF; a Korg Minilogue on eBay took a big chunk of my stash....
  14. Not true. When I looked at the page where you submit the song, it showed that you could link to a YouTube video, etc.
  15. Have you done the obvious things yet like turn the interface off and back on or reboot the computer?
  16. The number of participants almost always skyrockets towards the end. For those with that concern.
  17. Onboard soundcards are problematic. They especially suck on laptops. And why in the world do you have Ozone on individual tracks? That's a problem right there. Ozone is a mastering plugin and a resource hog. Multiple instances of it is just asking for trouble. I think the laptop I have would catch on fire if I tried that.
  18. That just means that they didn't find any malware on the site, not that their business practices are ethical.
  19. The question that was asked is not always the question that needs to be answered. "Took preventative measures to ensure reliability." " I have bought at least 7 of these in the last four years and, they are still hard to find in most cases and never last very long." "...this product is very cheaply made, and very prone to degradation, just look at all the other reviews pointing this out." "The cable is not worth getting. Had it for several months now, properly maintained, and put away, and it's already breaking." "works with repairs" That's from only the first 5 Amazon reviews. Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Rocksmith Realtone Cable. To my mind, that tells me it is absolute confirmed junk. Look, I well understand that money can be tight. Believe me, I have been there: having to decide which bill doesn't get paid this month. But I am also a realist; I can see nothing but disappointment in the OP's near future if he continues to fiddle-f*** with this garbage. Maybe it seems harsh, but I come from a world where not facing the truth can't get you hurt really really badly. And a world where nobody will coddle you and if you don't have thick skin you're going to get your little feelings hurt really bad. The truth don't care about your feelings. I see no good reason to give the op false hope. Doing so isn't doing him any favors. This Rocksmith cable is garbage. It belongs in the recycling bin. From the looks of the reviews it's not even good for its intended purpose, which is not multitrack recording. The fact of the matter is that to have any chance of successful results in this endeavor, you need to invest in proper equipment. And that costs an amount of money greater than $0 It's great that BandLab has made such an incredible amazing tool available for free. Unfortunately it seems to have brought out of the woodwork a bunch of people who think that they will be able to become professional record producers with little other investment.
  20. My answers are designed to solve the issue. Solve it, not band-aid it.
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