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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Hi Gang! All is well, but something is different? I installed the new EA the other day and all is well. I went to do the "proper" update today, but update search yielded a response telling me that I'm up to date? Yes, it's the .34 build, but this is the first time there was not a fresh install offered after the EA period for those using the EA. Is this procedure now changed?
  2. Hi Gang... I’ve been using Melodyne for a good 2 years or more now. My editing has been pretty good as I’ve been learning it’s use. One thing has been eluding me. Separating notes so that head/tail latch of consecutive notes can be disabled allowing editing say the tail if one note without affecting the beginning if the note that folliws. Most often I can’t get it to work and must seek other solutions. Every once in a while it works so I know I’m missing something. With time grid disabled, Melodyne Studio 4 I select the note (click on it and it turns red) R-click to select cut tool While context menu (tool selection pop up) is open and mouse over the cut tool, I move the pointer up to the Separate Note command and select it. Most of the time this seems to chop the note into two pieces on being a tiny portion of the note beginning. On rare occasions it separated the end of the note from the beginning of the note that follows which is what I was trying to achieve. So? What am I missing why is such a basic edit eluding me? I sure would appreciate a little guidance here if anyone can... Thanks
  3. I don’t know your workflow, but maybe the use of freeze/archive/folders/hide in some combinations? Freeze frees up resources but leaves playable so some resources still used. Archive removes all but track is silent. Folders to group ideas and hide to get not-currently-being-used tracks out of sight?
  4. Have you guys tried working with the Jet? I have not yet managed to understand the controls so to accomplish task. Is it me?
  5. Thanks Noel I ran the new update as well as allowed the Demo Projects update (and deleted the projects afterward). All is well here. Everything up to date.
  6. I understand... So the only way for me to get rid of the Toast is to download and install the demo projects.... Then delete them and hope it doesn't re-appear.
  7. Not sure I understand the subtleties here. I had all of the items from back in the Sonar days. I did recently add the offline help? Might that have triggered it? I received a number of Toast messages. One for each of Drum Replacer, Studio Instruments, Demo Projects, and Offline help if I remember correctly. The numbers it displayed made it appear mine were indeed older than current so allowed each update except for Demo Projects which I doubt I ever downloaded to begin with. ...and there lies my issue. Now the Toast for the Demo Projects pops up every time I open CbB. I can close the Toast (click it's x) but it continues to re-open next launch. I don't want to disable notices, I just want the one I'm not interested in to go away?
  8. Not certain this is specific to the EA, but ... Now receiving the extended Toast Update Notices. I allowed the update it suggested to all except the Demo Projects which I have no need for. How do I stop the Toast notice from recurring very launch?
  9. Thanks Noel! Though I’ve managed with work arounds, it's been uncomfortable. Thanks for getting this one included.
  10. Two separate occurrences first with the first build and now again with 13. I have a project I use for mastering. Setup with all the mastering tools I might want, but all are disabled except 2. Twice during this EA, after opening this "empty" project, I import the file to be mastered only to be rewarded with Cake disappearing from screen. No warnings, no dump created.
  11. Thanks Jonathan. I appreciate your time to update my info. I hope you guys can get to it soon. It's quite disconcerting. Unless I’m mistaken, the clips are actually there tho unseen. If I click there (seeing no response) in the empty space and toggle mute, the clip re-appears.
  12. I just updated to build 13 Melodyne clips are still becoming invisible in lanes (no talking parent) when muted. As I commented earlier, I reported this back in 2022.02 and was told it was fixed for next release. There is no mention of it in the list of fixes and it is not fixed. If I mute a melodyned clip in it's lane, it disappears!
  13. I hope someone has taken note of this. I’ve seen no reply. It is very difficult to work when clips become invisible!
  14. Just a note. This is not new to thEA, but is was new to the previous EA and I was assured it was fixed for next release.... But it's not. Melodyne clips in Lanes disappear when muted (In the Lane)... Seriously? This needs to be fixed, yes? I hope someone has taken note of this. At the end of the 02 update it was confirmed and I was told fixed for next release. It is currently, not fixed in the ea 06
  15. A grateful thanks for giving us the render binding. Yesterday’s work was so much less encumbered.
  16. Thanks. Good to learn more. I could have sworn I used to click on the ctrl then followed with the key, but my memory is degrading... I did manage to get it to respond, but combined with the right pane not displaying current selection/setting and even the binding descriptions being not always correct, I’m getting a bit confused. I just over-wrote the factory shiftM (set now time) with the new render command. I may eventually change that back, but I have never used the set command and constantly need the render. I can hardly wait to begin using it. Likely in the next few days as I’m currently working on lyrics/vocals for a new song!
  17. Thanks again MS... Work around appears to have been successful. A bit daunting with my limited language knowledge, but it appears to be working. This should prove a major relief as I do a lot of such work. I believe this is a much desired command. A note though. Am I doing something wrong, something changed, or a bug? In preferences|shortcuts, the key search isn't accepting a click on the ctrl/shift/alt buttons and will only search for the final key strike. I am also continuing to investigate the right pane (of this dialog) display for actual setup. As I mentioned earlier. The ctrl-M command shows bound to the create melodyne clip command, the right pane shows the command with no bindings at all.
  18. Thanks MS... interesting work around. I’ll give it a try after breakfast.
  19. This is the first time I’ve noticed it. I guess I haven’t made any changes in a long while. It opened normally and sludged only when I selected the shortcuts tab. It also prevented Cake closing correctly and I was forced to task manager out of it. That was first time running after the update. That hasn’t happened again since. My shortcuts seem to be behaving normally, but the ctrl-m shows correctly in left window, but in the right pane the command appears unassigned? It works though. I don’t know if this is new with the update as I haven’t changed any shortcuts in quite some time.
  20. OK... Some other little issues in the shortcuts. It seems that it names Ctrl-M for create region fx, but the list does not show the binding in the list itself. It shows as the command is unbound. Some stuff seems to be going on in the shortcuts box.... Sad that it must wait for public release. I guess it's believed it doesn't require testing? Something is already "wrong" in the shortcut options box so it appears some kind of testing is needed in preparation of this new command...? I guess there's nothing for me to test in this update. I don't use the other features being addressed...
  21. Problem immediate.... The Global Binding for Render Region FX is not in the Global Bindings. I will begin to search elsewhere to see if it's either in wrong list or not present at all... Nope. Nowhere in key bindings. The word render finds nothing. I verified that I do have 2022.06 installed.... Preferences windiw acting strangely. Taking much longet than normal to be ready to accept commands. Using Locate Key option doesn't accept ctrl option. Remains unchanged and returns the regular M command when I attempt ctrl-m
  22. Yeah. V5 is great sounding but too resource heavy for much of my work. My workaround is to use v3 until the recording is done, then switch to v5 and freeze to get best sound.
  23. Thanks, but highly unlikely. I have never used linked clips and as I just did so much work on the vocal tracks, I believe I’d have noticed?
  24. I’m seeing it in this situation. I’ve never had this happen before so I’m thinking there is an underlying issue I should figure out. Vocal tracks are the tweeners. There are also hidden/archived tracks that are work tracks from comping the vocals (I save my melodyne tracks archived, then use copies which I render).
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