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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Hmmm... I checked via midi-ox and they keys are all responding equally in values. There is no mapping allowing for individual adjustment for each key. I used a few different scalings and they all consistently have the same issue. That one key! Very hard to play soft enough, but when I can hit that key soft enough, the overly bright tone becomes normal... It feels as though the settings for that one key in the sample mappings is somehow different...
  2. Good thought. I have not looked at that but I’ve never noticed such with any other instruments. Coulld be more noticable with this player/sample set? I'll look into it...
  3. Alright now! Success at last. I'm glad I followed through. Very nice sounding samples and the decent sampler is exactly that. Works great. In the process of testing comparing, I find I really love (at the moment( the Worlitzer layered with the Lounge Lizards for a beautiful combined sound... Thanks for all the help... I just noticed something strange... I believe it is F#4 but is is a much brighter sample than the rest of the kit. Is it only here (corrupt)
  4. My guess too. I can open the website and all is there. I can open the login screen, but hitting enter with my credentials gives me the lockout screen. This is a new situation for me. Other than selecting passwords, nothing like this has ever happened before. At last! A new type of experience! ?
  5. Thanks. I thought of that too. But no AV on the ipad. Might have been ok on the pc, but my frustration drove me to too many rapid login attempts at which time I got locked out. The only info regarding the lockout duration was very non-defined. So I tried after 15 minutes, then an hour, now I’m waiting 24 hrs. Very frustrating. No VPN here...
  6. I guess my situation here is quite uniqe. I hear no one else going through the difficulties I have so far. Right now I'm waiting for them to unlock logins for me. They don't say how long and I suspect every time I attempt as a test resets the flag.... <sigh>... I love Wurlis! I've been using mostly Lounge Lizard. It's not bad but has some quirks and not the fattest Wulri I've worked with... I'm really looking forward to checking this one out! Someday?
  7. Unbelievable! I'm still having login trouble. I managed to login finally after 20 or so attempts last night (from my ipad). Now trying to login from my pc repeatedly fails? I hope their' software is easier to use than their' website! Now the site has locked me out due to the number of login attempts.... This is......... difficult!
  8. RWhat’s the trick here? I can’t seem to create an account . I tried checking for lost password but it refuses any of my email addresses here too. Any suggestions? edit: Never mind. Finally worked after the 15-20th attempt?
  9. Done deal! I just added you too!
  10. Good idea. It can’t hurt, that’s for sure. ok i just subscribed to yours, here’s mine: https://youtube.com/user/KeniInExile anybody else?
  11. Thanks Jesse. I got a handle on this tool already but I will checkout some of the other vids as I can. I’ve got a pretty good grasp of most of the tools, but this one eluded me. Luckily, I didn’t need it often and found work arounds in the past. But I always seek to learn more! ?
  12. Funny... I was just remembering a time when the talk was about uncluttering Cakewalk's gui being too cluttered in appearance. Now the important work area is cluttered with the extra images on the parent track... Everything comes around? ?
  13. I guess some are lucky. My life has proven anything but.... ? I have re-authorized and restored purchases repeatedly for both 4 & 5 (3 doesn't have such) and the nu-Tron III remains locked/greyed out... Just minutes ago (12:43pm pacific) 12:53 update. OK... Closer. The popup to redeem jampoints appeared on the website. After selecting it the nu-tron item appeared. After a few restoring purchases in all versions, I see the Nu-Tron III green checked as I own, but when I open any version of Amplitube, Nu-Tron III is still locked/greyed out? ...the saga continues. All for something that I may even use on occasion?
  14. Yeah... I bought one immediately when they first came out (hardware)... I have v3, v4, & v5. That’s really not what I was referring to. I just wondered if a re-install might be required?
  15. I wonder if it requires downloading/installing latest version again before re-authorizing? I haven’t tried yet as it sounded odd. Usually we need to recall purchases via custom shop?
  16. Sadly, though, the need to constantly fidget to get a zoom is annoying. Yes, there is a shortcut to open/close Lanes, but that’s not the issue. Zoom should yield what was lassoed, not what we're getting. The parent image is little more than visual confusion most of the time for me.
  17. I couldn’t agree more. I could (and would) easily give them (promoted clip on parent track) up!
  18. Thanks for chiming in. Lasso zooming 2 tracks with Lanes open yields one very large parent and it's two tiny lanes not even showing track 2 at all. ...and I editing clips between multiple tracks with lanes visible is much harder on the eye always confusing parent image with actual clips. A simple enable/disable button for that parent image process would help me a lot!
  19. Yeah... Me again. I'm sure this gets old, but so is the issue and so am I. The issues being discussed: Zooming when trying to see Lanes on more than one track simultaneously! Right now requires constant fidgeting. Parent Track wav images! Please allow these to be disabled. They do little but cause visual confusion when performing tasks such as above. ...just my periodic prayer to the gods of DAWland. Please hear me! Thanks!
  20. Ahhh! Well... That idea didn't work either, but I did finally stumble on the secret! This might get more refined as I use it more, but this is the scene... Select the note Select the tool split type Dbl-Click on the vertical line at note junction which has already changed to a different marker appearance Now using the note slip tool works independent of neigbor notes! At Last I can repeat this! I may have missed or done things not/necessary and I will clean it up with more use, but at least I'm finally on the path. I really needed this tool as the work arounds have been driving me batty! ?
  21. Hmmm... Thanks! My first lightbulb just went on? I need to position the time marker as well as select the note! Of course! I just thought as well... We are talking about separating the note, not splitting. The split tool works fine. I have no problem there. I guess I didn't explain my dilemma well. In working note start/end times if you slip the end of one it also drags the beginning of the next. They can be disconnected, but the SEPARATE notes command seems to not heed note selection alone, so with this thought in mind I'm going to see if this affects my need in such... Thanks again...
  22. Thanks for the explanation Jonathan! Keep up the great work!
  23. So I guess either no one else has figured this out, or those who know wish to keep it a secret? This is unnerving! Thanks....
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