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Everything posted by Keni

  1. OK... I think I got it! I just found the folder and the path location. I see how it works... Thanks again!
  2. Thanks Mark! Wow! That’s a great new info find. So to see if I understand. If I supply a specific drive path in the registry (per plugin) I can have local drive storage of presets instead of (or in addition to?) the registry. That could be handy. Thanks again. ? As it happens, other than my own current need/interest, one of my best friend/clients is going thru some kind of presets issue I’m supposed to address (remote - he's in Florida and me in California). This might help! Hmmm. Just an afterthought. Do I replace the preset path with the path itself or add it as data fir the preset path key?
  3. Thanks Glenn! I didn’t think of that! ...nose on my face. But this won’t include presets saved in the "Cakewalk Plugin Presets" box at upper left of each/all plugins, correct? Because that’s really what I’m looking to do.
  4. I know each plugin has it's own potential presets, but if we're using the cakewalk preset dropdown list in the top left of plugin window, is there a pc location where these can be found for transfer to another machine? It's really not much of a big deal as I rarely use presets for eq/comp/etc, but a few flange presets and things of that nature... At the moment I'm goign back and forth between machines/rooms each time I encounter one of these needs. It would be very comforting if there's a way for me to copy them all as I did for templates and the likes...
  5. Thinking about it... I do have a K2500RS buried in storage. If I had the strength to dig it out...
  6. uh-oh! I tried to buy it, but I get "the seller is on vacation" and store closed until with no return date. 18 people watching (including me) and only 4 copies remain???
  7. Thanks for this too Tim. I’m checking it out for future use.
  8. Hi Mark... Just providing an update. Lord Time found the post in the 2022.11 Early Access... It is implemented as a reg entry. Tim provided the link here
  9. Relief as the toast fades quickly into the digital sunset! Thanks you one and all who tolerated my mania with re-discovering this small but comforting issue. ...and restoring at least SOME of my faith in a little sanity!
  10. Ah, nice... I just reminded myself about the registry. I didn't think to look there where I'm sure to find it on my old DAW! Thanks!
  11. Thanks again Tim... Mow I've gotta find what to do with the reg files. I'm so burnt right now I can't remember so I'm searching...
  12. Outstanding! Thank you, m'Lord! ? I'm so relieved I can’t tell you. I’ve been searching the closed forums but didn’t think to try 11 as the feature appeared earlier. Next time I'll know to extend my look beyond in both directions. ?
  13. Thanks! Nice idea. Could you point me to info on how to capture video of screen portion? I’ve not done that before. That machine is locked with win8.1 I truly am beginning to question my sanity. I remember doing the edit and even needing to go back and fix a typo! ...and I export constantly! My workflow is in shock from the return of this... and to make is more difficult, my old daw is awaiting a replacement interface as I re-purposed my Audiobox 1818vsl to my new DAW. So that machine is only using the realtek driver for the moment, so I’m not sure what to expect...
  14. Thanks Andres... This is amazing! I'm a little "scared"... On my old daw, the toast fades after a few seconds. I specifically remember (I believe it was from Noel, but it could have been Morten). Gave us an ini command to add to the ini file. I keep trying to spot it and as of many hours repeated searches... I still can't be sure. I've seen some differences between the two ini files (old and new), but they don't seem to apply. Could I really be losing it THAT badly? Have I been unconsciously clicking on it all this time and convincing myself it's been fading out? I guess it's possible, but somehow I don't think I'm that far gone yet... Someone else must have implemented it other than me. I can't believe that of all the others who wanted this that I would be the only one who used it? Sleep isn't gonna be so good tonight...
  15. Ok... editing didn’t change it's status no I feel I must bump...
  16. OK... This is starting to feel like a twilight zone episode. Everyone is responding to me as though I'm crazy, but I remember it clearly and it's working on my old machine! So somehow I applied the command that changes the behavior. I've searched both ini files and I can't figure out which (if any) addressed this. I'm fairly certain it was Morten, no Noel who delivered it to us near the end of 2022.2 (2022.9?) testing when the new export dialog was introduced. I've searched the Early release forums as well as I can and I can't seem to find it. Please. Someone remind me of how to do this. The problem was being forced to click the toast message to remove it, so a setting was given us so that it would fade instead. Please?
  17. I have programs as well, but no audio/video (except for finished mixes) on my system drive. I guess it's ok to leave that drive indexed. I don't care about the search speed much as I rarely need it either...
  18. Is there an advantage on the C drive as well? I'm rockin' great here right now using two external USB3 SSDs for audio and Instrument libraries and discovered a method of getting VSL (from Presonus and necessary to use audiobox 1818vsl, but stopped working when win10 arrived) working on windows 10! I'm floored as I really love what they did up to that point... Got Melodyne installed and updated to 5 at last! Abbey Road Studio 3 updated version! The list goes on. It's a whole new playworld for me with all the best of my collected past! No matter... I digress. Bottom line? All the tips have turned a truck into a race car! I'm a happy camper... for the moment...? ?
  19. Thanks rsinger! I just finished those earlier this morning. Some excellent stuff. I had some done but couldn’t remember which drives to disable indexing. That was huge!
  20. Hi Gang... OK,The new system is running a bit like a truck. Trying to remember and find the things needed to optimize for DAW use as this is my first win10 system requiring the power... I’ve disabled all audio drivers except that for my interface (needs replacing only old usb2). I have separate drives for system, music, and instrument samples for such as Superior Drummer. Should I (need I) turn off file indexing on any/all drives? I remember doing that in the past. A pointer to info on win10 daw tweaking would be very appreciated. Thanks
  21. Thanks Mark... Ok, then I’m dreaming? I remember setting something so that the toast notice for export completion fades after a few seconds instead of requiring a click. It’s still working on my old daw. What did I add to change it. I think Noel was involved at the time during early release when the new export audio dialogue was introduced. Might not have gotten entered into documentation yet?
  22. Building a new DAW - Always daunting the number of little details... I remember we were given a new aud-ini entry that enabled the Export Audio Success Toast to fade... But I can't remember theini entry. Can anyone please remind me? Thanks!
  23. I got a notice (forced) to sign into bandlab but it keeps timing out. If I go to the bandlab page it shows that I'm logged in... What's up? Anybody?
  24. Didn’t get to try it yet but GR4 is in my list of available plugins. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get to try?
  25. OK... That's not the problem (unless they weren't all installed at the time of the specific events? I have all those years as well as 20-15-2022 But The sonitus plugins are in the folder and show up in my available plugins... But wait! Hold the presses! I just loaded one of the sonitus into the bus where the non-operating one is and would you believe it? It's working! So there's something it doesn't like about the version from my old machine to the version on the new machine. Maybe a different id# I'm happy though. Easy enou gh for me to edit the places currently in this situation and all future work will be fine! I had a problem like this with Rapture way back in the day with owning different copies over the years... Whew! Relief!
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