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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. Looks like @Mark Morgon-Shaw showed you how to do what you requested. What's missing?
  2. I haven't used Live but based on your description the conventional DAW (i.e. Cakewalk/Protools) equivalent of a Live folder is a bus. So there's no need to add anything to Cakewalk. Live folders and Cakewalk busses are metaphorically the same thing. Though IMHO, the bus routing mirrors the routing used in physical consoles and mixers, and therefore makes more sense.
  3. I'm asking if others have noticed FX Chain LED's are not working? For me this seems to be a new thing but I don't believe it started in 2021.06 Early Release which I'm using. @Keni posted in the Feedback Loop about seeing the same thing in 2021.04. I have FX Chains in many ProChannel strips in the project I'm working on and checked a number of them. None are lighting at all. If others are seeing this and it is a bug, at least it's only a bit of a distraction and doesn't really impact Cakewalk performance. [Deleted. Already posted in Feedback Loop by @Keni]
  4. Thanks. I'm going to post this under Q&A to see if other people are seeing the same thing. It's definitely not a show stopper.
  5. Are you running the 2021.06 early release?
  6. Looks like you are correct. I haven't tested thoroughly but I did verify that I'm using the VST2 version. So I dropped a VST3 version in to the same FX rack as the VST2 one is in, checked sends on another track, and no sends were available for the VST3 version. I deleted the VST3 version and inserted a second copy of the VST2 version, and found the 3 additional sends for the second copy were available (numbered weirdly but available). Since I prefer to use VST3 plugins, I may have tried the VST3 version first and the switched to the VST2 version when I couldn't find sends on the VST3 version but I don't remember. I'm accustomed to trying VST2 versions when VST3 versions don't work because of previous problems with some iZotope plugins. AFAIR Cakewalk support dug into the iZotope issue and identified it as an iZotope problem, which I think was later fixed, though iZotope initially called it a Cakewalk problem. I haven't been using the iZotope products for a while now. So I'm not current on that.
  7. Is that Ctrl + Left/Right arrow keys? Those appear to be assigned to zoom in/out.
  8. Thank you very much. I've been using Cakewalk on and off for a long time and spending more time now and I'm trying to get more proficient and use more keyboard shortcuts. I've spent significant time recently looking at that Keyboard Shortcuts list. FWIW, neither CTRL + Page Up or CTRL + Page Down are on that list but they work. They move the Now Time to the next/previous measure. Also when I go to Keyboard Shortcuts in Preferences, they are shown as unassigned. In fact it seems that a lot of keyboard shortcuts that work show up as unassigned in Preferences Keyboard Shortcuts. Is that correct or am I missing something. I know I'm repeating myself here but could you give me a yes or no answer. Is there documentation explaining using CTRL/ALT/SHIFT in combination with the mouse wheel for control of scroll/zoom? Here's what I see: Scroll Wheel - Scrolls vertically CTRL + Scroll Wheel - Scrolls horizontally ALT + Scroll Wheel - Zooms horizontally SHIFT + Scroll Wheel - Doesn't seem to do anything Adding SHIFT to CTRL or ALT + Scroll Wheel doesn't seem to modify scrolling/zooming There doesn't seem to be a combination that zooms vertically
  9. Sorry the first sentence of my question was unclear. Hopefully I've corrected it. It's keyboard control of scrolling that I'm looking for and can't find. Is there documentation explaining using CTRL/ALT/SHIFT in combination with the mouse wheel for control of scroll/zoom? I haven't been able to find it online, on the forum or in the PDF. I couldn't find the word scroll on this page. Other than the Enhanced Keyboard Editing functions, are there any other keyboard commands assigned to controlling horizontal scroll? Is there any way a user can add keyboard commands to control scrolling? I don't believe so since there are no scroll commands in the function table for keyboard bindings but wanted to be sure.
  10. By trial and error I've learned that the CTRL/ALT/SHIFT keys in combination with the mouse scroll wheel can be used to scroll/zoom in track view. But I can't find that documented anywhere in the online or PDF documentation. I've searched both using various search phrases with no luck. Is that documented somewhere? Also it looks like there aren't any keyboard shortcuts to do those things except for the Enhanced Keyboard Editing using the numeric keyboard. Is that correct? My problem is that horizontal scrolling using the 4/6 keys is intended for scrolling on the clip in the current view rather than scrolling through the track end-to-end. Looks like not all combinations of the Left/Right arrows and CTRL/ALT/SFT are assigned but scroll functions are not listed in the function table. I believe that I can't assign a keyboard binding to scroll left/right/up/down. Is that right? Anyone else have any suggestions for keyboard control of scrolling? I'm using version 2021.04 Build 175 and the PDF documentation version 27.04.00.
  11. Cakewalk makes three additional stereo inputs available to SPAN giving you a total of four. I think some of the videos talk about that. I don't think the one suggested above talks about using multiple inputs. I usually put span in a Group or Mix bus. Once SPAN is loaded in the bus, I go to up to three of the tracks feeding the Group or Mix bus and assign sends to the additional three inputs allowing me to analyze all four track spectrums and overlay one over another. Only two spectrum graphs can be displayed at a time.
  12. Check out numerous YouTube videos available, a number of which show SPAN used with CbB.
  13. The only signals that a Neutron instance can send to Insight are those where it is. You should be able to place relay instances in signal chain locations without other iZotope plugins that you want to monitor.
  14. Maybe more like 10,000 bug fixes. ?
  15. John, this is the second of your videos that I've watched. I think they are great, succinct and very useful.
  16. I hadn't thought about this before but decided to give it a try. With the Options dropdown open as shown in your screenshot below, I pressed "t" which opened the Meter Options submenu. I then pressed "p" to toggle playback meters off then on. So it appears that the underline keys can be used to navigate the Options menu. I'm going to try it on other menues. What I don't see is a keyboard shortcut to open the options menu and it doesn't look like you can create one but you can create keyboard shortcuts for each of the items in the Options menu. I'd suggest adding a Track View keyboard shortcut for each on the dropdown menus would be handy since the keyboard shortcuts to navigate those menus exist.
  17. @Mr. KubikoV here's another thread on a free sampler that can be added to Cakewalk. I don't have any experience with samplers. So I can't comment on the viability of the sampler propose. It the one here doesn't work out for you, I suggest that you search the forum for sampler threads and look at what others are saying.
  18. What does that mean? By "help" are you referring to the Online Documentation accessible from the Help tab drop down in Cakewalk? I don't check the Online Documentation for updates but it seems when I go there looking for info on updates I can find it.
  19. Thanks. I am really happy that the PDF version exists and is kept up to date as well as practical. That said the searchability of the web version is improving. So far I only use it to find stuff I can't find in the PDF version.
  20. Yeah. We're both way off topic. But stories are similar. I'm an electrical engineer, retired, and grew up along side digital. I remember being on vacation with my family I think around 1980. We were having dinner and my dad ask me how different digital processing was from analog. I said way different, you're dealing with numbers not wave forms. He agreed that's what he was seeing as the TV station was transitioning from analog to digital. He announced right then that he was retiring.
  21. That reminds me of my dad who was an engineer for the local TV station from it's startup in the early 50's until he retired. He was the go to Ampex video tape machine expert. One of the station artist did a caricature of him working on an Ampex machine as a gift for his retirement. They stopped using video tape after he retired. He did most of the maintenance, all of the troubleshooting, and much of the local program and commercial tape reel editing. I would watch him doing that when I'd go to work with him on Friday nights. I don't recall how he did it but he was fast. I think he mostly synced and copied from one machine to another to edit/produce program and commercial string reels, not much tape splicing but he could do it. I was always amazed.
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