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Everything posted by Bill Phillips
I have a 37" curved LB at the recommended 3840 x 1600 and 100% text size. I picked it because it fits between my monitors. I'm old and have to move my head right to left to see some things clearly at either side. So a wider display might be harder for me to use. I like this one a lot everything is clear in Cakewalk and plugin pop-ups.
Yes. RX is clunky in the DAW. So I do RX work using RX standalone and render an edited clip and import that into the DAW.
Depending on what you're doing in RX, you may be able to use some of the many RX plugins, such as the desser, that install with RX.
If you just de-selected those tracks, you need to click OK for them to disappear. Likewise if you just ticked the Track and Console Views sync box. It won't take affect until you click OK. Something else to consider is that there are two Track Managers (one each for Track and Console Views). To me they look identical and open in the same spot in the window. That confuses me all the time because I usually have both views open with the Console docked at the bottom, and seldom have the Track and Console views in sync. So I will Open/Edit one when I'd intended to edit the other and don't discover my error until I click OK. I wish the words "Track" and "Console" were added to the Track Manager titles so they'd be easier to tell them apart.
Thanks. That's it! I don't recall doing that but this project was recorded after Christmas in 2011. I disabled AudioSnap in the clip property inspector. Stretching wasn't enabled for any of the clips. So hopefully none of them were altered. Having a comprehensive icon list for Cakewalk would be really handy. I know it would be huge. I couldn't find that little star anywhere in either the PDF or Offline Help. It doesn't appear to be visible in any of the AudioSnap documentation clips. I'm guessing that the icon is a recent addition, and very handy if you know what it is.
What is the white star icon to the left of the yellow arrow in the screenshot below? What does it mean? How can I interact with it? I can't seem to right/left click on it. Double click on the screenshot to blow it up. The icon looks like a white 4-point star.
Expand Take Lanes for Multiple Tracks [Solved]
Bill Phillips replied to Bill Phillips's question in Q&A
Thanks. Yes! That's it. I'd disabled auto track zoom and it didn't seem to solve the problem. Then I deleted some unused tracks and the problem was solved. So I'd assumed that deleting the unused tracks some was the solution. But now that it's working I went back and re-enabled then disabled auto track zoom and that is the solution. -
What is the setting for allowing take lanes for multiple tracks to be expanded at the same time? I can't find it. I have two versions of the same project that I created using Save As from another project. In one version clicking the Expand/collapse Take Lanes icon for any track with take lanes collapsed will expand the take lanes for that track even though take lanes for other tracks are already expanded. In the second version take lanes can only be expanded for one track. If take lanes are currently expanded for one track and I click the Expand/collapse Take Lanes icon for another track with collapsed take lanes, the currently expanded take lanes collapse and the take lanes for the track that I clicked the Expand/collapse Take Lanes icon will expand. On page 1011 of the PDF documentation it appears that quick groups can be use to expand/collapse take lanes for multiple tracks, but that only works in one of my two projects.
Melodyne Region FX Clips Not being created for some clips
Bill Phillips replied to Bill Phillips's question in Q&A
Will do. Thanks. -
If you own any Antares plugins you don't use because of performance problems, give the new VST3 versions a try. It's likely to require a free WIBU Codemeter authorization upgrade and new license key. @msmcleod's reply on this thread got me thinking about the AVOX suite I've owned for decades and and never been able to get working well. I'd try new versions from time to time and then uninstall because of performance problems. So I tried again and this time hit a roadblock. My iLOK authorization is no longer acceptable. Antares now requires a WIBU CodeMeter authorization which I didn't have. I contacted Antares tech support and learned I was entitled to and received a new CodeMeter authorization, installed the AVOX 4.2 upgrade, and for the first time for me the AVOX4 suite seems to work fine. I briefly tested a couple of plugins and didn't experience the latency, dropout and crash problems I was accustomed to. The v4.2 installer doesn't offer a VST2 option and only installs VST3s. For now, I'm leaving them in and, for the first time in decades, looking forward to being able to use them.
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Yes. Thanks again for all the suggestions. I'll probably start over and do the edits before duping tracks. Problem here is I was well into the mix when I decided to edit some of the vocal tracks in Melodyne. I've done this before but this time I can't and I don't know why. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks. I don't really have anything to render so far. I need at least two of the tracks I can't create Region FX for together in Melodyne to do what I want to do. Since I haven't been able to do that, I've been using Edit > Undo to remove the region FX I create in other tracks for testing, deleting any clips created in the Audio folder and closing the project without saving. Glad you asked about Separations. I have been generating some separations and some of those appear to be for the clips Region FX clips can't be created in. So I deleted the entire contents of the Seperations folder. I also noticed that some (but not all) of the clips that I can't create Region FX in have the Edit Filter set to automation. I thought that might be the problem and changed all to Clips. But I still can't create Melodyne Region FX in any of the six vocal tracks. Also attempting to create a Region FX doesn't create a Separation doesn't show up in the Edit/Undo list. -
Melodyne Region FX Clips Not being created for some clips
Bill Phillips replied to Bill Phillips's question in Q&A
Thanks. You're probably right. I'm avoiding that because the clips that don't work are as identical to the ones that do work which makes me think there's a bug that needs to be addressed. If I have to do that I'll probable use a Standalone Melodyne project ahead of the Cakewalk mix project. -
Melodyne Region FX Clips Not being created for some clips
Bill Phillips replied to Bill Phillips's question in Q&A
Thanks. Opened Melodyne Studio standalone, turned off the Getting Started splash screen and verified the default algorithm was set to Automatic. I also opened one of the vocal clips that I can't create a RFX for to verify that Melodyne didn't have a problem with the clip. It didn't and opened the clip using the Melodic algorithm. Closed Melodyne and opened the project in Cakewalk. The problem persist. Melodyne RFX won't open on any of the vocal clips. I also verified that, for the clips where the Melodyne RFX is created and the Melodyne Editor opens, the RFX clip does not appear in the Editor until I click inside the RFX region of the clip in the Track View. That's the same problem others were reporting. Potential problems I've eliminated: Won't work in tracks sharing a single clip: Not a problem for the two AcGtrDI tracks. Won't work in tracks with multiple takes: Not a problem for the NT2A track which has 4 takes. Won't work on tracks with clip automation: Not a problem for the two AcGtrDI tracks. I'm stuck. The only unique features of the tracks that RFX can't be created for are: (1) They are vocals; and (2) They were all recorded as separate takes in a single track. But I haven't found how that prevents Melodyne RFX from working. Any other ideas? -
I think the support team is doing a great job in maintaining and making meaningful improvements to Cakewalk a really good free DAW. I'm also glad to see the demo projects updated. I think they're useful, particularly for beginners. I refer to them from time to time, particularly the Sophia Jane mix. Thank you all!
I need help determining why I can create Melodyne Region FX (RFX) clips for some clips but not others in this project and correct the problem. I've included a GIF showing creation of a RFX in the NT2A track with T1 soloed. And the RFX clip is added to the Audio folder shown in the Browser. Then I try the same operation on the Vocal track which only has one take lane, but in this case the RFX clip is not created and added to the Audio folder. Not shown in the GIF, I tried creating Melodyne RFX on each track in the project and got the following results: Bass: No problem. RFX Clip created and Melodyne Editor opened. Used Edit>Undo to delete the RFX. AcGtrDI (Two Tracks using a single clip): No problem. RFX Clip created and Melodyne Editor opened for both tracks. Used Edit>Undo to delete the RFX. NT2A: No problem. RFX Clip created and Melodyne Editor opened. Used Edit>Undo to delete the RFX. BV-1 & BV-2 (Separate Clips): RFX Clip not created and Melodyne Editor doesn't open, Undo RFX not in Edit Menu. Vocal, Vocal Dup, Harmony Dup L and Harmony Dup R (All used a single clip): RFX Clip not created and Melodyne Editor doesn't open, Undo RFX not in Edit Menu. The six tracks that I can't create RFX for were all recorded as three takes in a single track. So there may be some property for those clips that prevents creating RFX but I haven't found it. For the mix project I moved the takes to separate tracks. The Vocal, Vocal Dup, and Harmony Dup L/R all use the same T1 clip from the recording project. BV-1/2 use the T2 & T3 clips respectively. Note there are actually two clips in the T3 lane. I'm using Melodyne Studio and I've gotten the same results with Cakewalk 2022.02, EA 28.06.013 and 022 In summary, it's apparently a track/clip problem, not a project problem. I'm able to create Melodyne Region FX on all clips except for those recorded on the Vocal Mic (Items 4 & 5 in the list). So there must be something about them that prevent creation of the RFX. I checked clip properties and don't see anything different about them. Any ideas and suggestions appreciated.
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
My problem is not resolved. I'm going to re-post as a new question separate from the other issues in this thread. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks. Will do. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks. That's where mine are. Only 25, less than 10 GB. I'll probably delete them. Any changes I make, I bounce. So the separations are probably useless. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks. I don't have any clips to bounce. The only RFX clips I've created in this project are the test ones listed in items 1-3 in my list above. Since I don't want to edit those clips, I used Edit>Undo to delete those RFX clips as soon as I created them. I deleted the actual clips created after closing the project. The clips I want to edit are the ones that I can't create Melodyne RFX in. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks. I don't find a Melodyne/Separations folder in any project folders or in the Cakewalk Projects folder but that doesn't seem to be the problem for me. I find Transfer folders in some projects. However, you got me thinking that the problem could be the clip that I'm trying to extract a clip from for Melodyne. I tried creating Melodyne RFX for all the clips in the project. Here's what happened: Bass: No problem. RFX Clip created and Melodyne Editor opened. AcGtrDI (Two Tracks using a single clip): No problem. RFX Clip created and Melodyne Editor opened for both tracks. NT2A: No problem. RFX Clip created and Melodyne Editor opened. BV-1 & BV-2 (Separate Clips): RFX Clip not created and Melodyne Editor doesn't open, Undo RFX not in Edit Menu. Vocal, Vocal Dup, Harmony Dup L and Harmony Dup R (All used a single clip): RFX Clip not created and Melodyne Editor doesn't open, Undo RFX not in Edit Menu. In summary, it's apparently a clip problem, not a project problem. I'm able to create Melodyne Region FX on all clips except for those recorded on the Vocal Mic (Items 4 & 5 in the list). So there must be something about them that prevent creation of the RFX. I checked clip properties and don't see anything different about them. Any ideas and suggestions appreciated. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
It's nice to know you don't have a problem and that you're using Melodyne, same as me. Any suggestions for me? The GIF in my response can be blown up to full screen if you have trouble seeing it. What am I doing wrong? I don't recall ever having a problem with launching Melodyne RFX before. To me it's pretty intuitive. But I'm capable of really embarrassing pilot errors and would appreciate any help I can get in identifying this one. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
That doesn't work for me. As shown in the GIF I attached, the Melodyne Editor window doesn't open and Open Editor in the Melodyne RFX menu is grayed out. -
Melodyne appears to be creating region but doesn't
Bill Phillips replied to Sven's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I've got the same problem and can add some details. I have Melodyne Studio, the latest version. I first noticed the problem just after I'd installed the EA. So I guessed that the problem was new in the EA. However, I reverted to 2022.02, but the problem persisted. I use only the Melodyne RFX and I don't use it often. So this may have been the first time I'd used RFX in 2022.02. So I can't say that RFX ever worked in 2022.02. When EA became available, I installed that and made the video clip below showing that Creating a Melodyne RFX still doesn't work. I'd also posted a video clip and response on the EA about the problem but didn't see it addressed in later responses though I could have missed it.