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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. No idea, but I had trouble once with ASIO buffers that required the EXACT one or it wouldn't work. Only way to find it was try each one separately: 100. 105, 140, 147, 150, etc. I also had issues with 64 bit Double Precision Engine.
  2. Anyone find this in TE yet? Text can be changed but I don't see the background listed.
  3. See post #2. Should be one of those but not sure exactly which. All Module's coded text are affected by one text color.
  4. I use multiple plugin locations and don't see any way of adding/removing them except thru Plugin Manager. Also, the 1st option in the Plugin Browser's dropdown is "Manage Layouts" which opens.... Plugin Manager. Does the Browser use PM when it scans or is there another scanner? BTW, PM is a separate program open-able with Cakewalk.
  5. No risk. All edits are locked to the theme they were made to so it shouldn't be a problem.
  6. Good catch, bit. All track & voice settings were good but the synth's global MIDI Mode was OMNI. ? Set it to MULTI and all's good now. Thanks everyone for all the tips.
  7. Whichever works best. I leave the Global Project location default and change the Global Audio & Picture cache to another HDD so any global files don't load up the C drive. No moving directories required. P.S. The Picture Cache should be emptied occasionally to avoid HDD from filling up and clips misbehaving.
  8. To use Per Project Audio folders, save-as project to the 2T (D) drive and check "Copy all audio with project". OR In Preferences go to File - Audio Data and set your global folders to: D:\Cakewalk Projects\Audio Data D:\Cakewalk Projects\Picture Cache
  9. Collapsed Modules = individual background graphic for each Module with painted text - easy to customize. "Vertical" Collapsed Modules = one background graphic shared by all modules. individual Icon graphic for each module. text & text color not accessible to user. HOWEVER!!! I found you can make each "vertical" module Icon wider and add text to it graphically. ? The Icon comes before the default text so making it wider can push the text off the background until it's no longer visible. 1. Find "Icon" graphic for each Module 2. Open in Photoshop 3. Resize Canvas width to 75 pixels 4. Add text where you want it, flatten & save ... You're welcome! BTW, Maybe my sense of orientation is askew but the "vertical" background looks horizontal to me. EDIT: Must be because the CB collapses vertically (upward).
  10. Didn't know about the horizontal tabs. Text color is B4B4B4 and shows up nowhere in Preferences/Colors or T.E. For some reason horizontal layout is implemented differently than vertical. Another request to update T.E. ?
  11. Thanks. I knew they were tied to other text but couldn't remember what. Collapsed fonts are part of graphic which can be repainted to suit.
  12. Where is the text color for the Control Bar screens?
  13. Yes, yes, yes, dunno, & wha..?! I have to use a lead in as starting at 1:1:000 refuses to play the first note - another issue I forgot to mention. Instead of playing the synth voices assigned to each track, it changes, and then plays, only the Base Channel voice. Event View shows nothing odd. Once upon a time this just worked. Now it doesn't. Maybe the synth (90's pre GM) is just too old to handle it or I am. AAR, I found a tedious workarond where I play & record each track separately and soloed so whichever device having the problem ignores the problem.
  14. A project has 8 MIDI tracks output to my synth's onboard 8 track sequencer. Each synth track is assigned a sequential MIDI channel (1-8). Each DAW track is assigned to the same MIDI channel with it's own voice. When I hit PLAY, the DAW: 1. Sends a random note at the beginning that shouldn't be there. 2. Changes current synth screen voice to track 4's voice and plays it on all tracks. When I hit STOP the random note plays indefinitely. What am I doing wrong?
  15. I use Restorator but there are others that can open DLL files. If a DLL contains a Bitmap (BMP) or PNG folder, you can use a resource editor to copy them to your HDD, repaint them, reinsert them back into the DLL, and save it. Always save a copy of the original DLL somewhere safe.
  16. Make a STUDIO forum with sub forums for: - Instruments & Effects - Hardware - Software - Deals (Coffee House seems highly odd place for such a forum)
  17. I just wasted 4 hrs yesterday fooling with MIDI signal freerads messing with my outboard synth on CbB & Sonar. Finally ended the night with a BSOD, which has only happened once before on this computer. Tried migrating the project to MC8 where very little goes wrong... but it just doesn't have the editing tools I need. I'm afraid to turn anything on today.
  18. A link to the forum from our BL user account login makes the most sense, like it was with Sonar. I have no problem logging into BL with IE. But IE will NOT let me log in to the forum.
  19. I reposted this in the FAQ forum where it should have been posted.
  20. 1. Make BIGGER or bolder the orange button text. (white on orange is hard to see especially using Chrome. 2. Make bigger and/or darker the gray and orange text. 3. Add a floating arrow button to expedite returning to the top of the page. 4. Add "Contributed to" to the SORT BY list so threads I contributed to move to the top of the list. (this can already be done using one's account Profile link at the top right) 5. Make a forum access link from our BL account login page so the (broken for IE) login can be avoided. ?
  21. How do we vote on feature ideas we like? There's a 5 star rating option but how does that work?
  22. If they could make T.E. user update-able then we could add our own files to it. ?
  23. You can use a resource editor to extract & repaint the graphics.
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