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Everything posted by ALC

  1. Here's a list of 3rd party libraries: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/samplers/kontakt-6-player/third-party-sample-libraries/ Here's a list of *free* ones: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2020/04/27/free-kontakt-libraries/
  2. Bring up the Custom Shop -> AmpliTube -> Artists -> Jimi Hendrix and see what gear you're missing.
  3. Brian May: Vox AC30 Joe Satriani: Rockman X100, Marshall JVM410HJS, Peavey 5150 Dimebag Darrell: Randall RG 100, 1986 Roland JC-120 (both solid state) Slash: Slash-Marshall® AFD100, Slash-Marshall JCM SLASH 2555SL (1987 Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555) Do you already have the Jimi Hendrix Anniversary Collection? That one has the vintage Marshall amps (~ Plexi): Marshall 1959 JTM100 Super Lead, Marshall JTM 45 + Fender Bassman Silverface, Fender Dual-Showman, Sunn 1200S, Silvertone Twin Twelve 1484. The Marshalls in the other collections are more modern Marshalls.
  4. See if my spreadsheet is helpful. You can cross reference against what Custom Shop tells you.
  5. What's a good drum plugin that can be used live for accompaniment? I'd like something that works like the Alesis SR-16, being able to trigger A/B (verse, chorus sections). I have BFD 3, MODO DRUM, SSD 5, and JamStix 4. If I'm not mistaken, all of those are more for composing, where the structure is known ahead of time, but not for live performance where the structure isn't set. The closest for live performance seems to UJAM Virtual Drums (I only have Phat right now). Do others have recommendations? Or if there were something like Beat Buddy in software form ... What are people using?
  6. I was in your boat two group buys ago. I started out with just AmpliTube 4 and T-RackS 5 and a handful of AmpliTube collections. Now, with this GB, I've picked up their new products (AmpiTube 5, MixBox), completed the AmpliTube collections, and am working on the T-RackS modules. And since I have SampleTank 4 MAX from a keyboard promotion, I'll probably get a $49.99 library to finish off my SampleTank collections. When you're missing just a couple of items, there's a strong urge to complete the collection. So, check back in a year or two and see if you're not more invested.
  7. Looks like Rift Lite itself is available for free: https://www.minimal.audio/products/rift-filter-lite
  8. Thanks for the heads up. LoopCloud was on my list of things to learn but never got around to it. Also, thanks for the pointer to ADSR Sample Manager. I'll check it out.
  9. Actually, it should be based on the retail price of the SKU, which for the upgrade/crossgrade is $199.99, and not the non-crossgrade SKU of $299.99. If you can pick up a product of the non-crossgrade SKU for less (which has happened in the past), then you'd get onboard at the retail price of the SKU.
  10. I updated my spreadsheet (above, same URL) with a release date field. The dates are approximate as I based it either press releases I could find on GS, or reviews I found, videos from IK on YouTube (search was more challenging for older products without press releases). I used the dates for the initial release except AmpliTube Slash which had a significant update. DM if you have any corrections or suggestions.
  11. Regarding a mic for ARC3, I did some more reading up on this and the problem was with the audio circuitry on an iPhone, so it doesn't apply to a desktop/laptop. Seems like a bargain for a calibrated mic.
  12. But you don't get the cabinets unless you have the collections and AT5, so I would see that as all the collections (cabinets) being upgraded for AT5.
  13. Keys through Roland JC-120 (there is a JC-120 in AmpliTube 5, but I don't know how they're different).
  14. Since there are only four overlaps, it may make sense to get both. That's what I did--I had TR5 and chose TR5SE as a freebie. Being new to mastering, I ended up using Lurssen (highly recommended) instead instead of TR5. So, you have Lurssen, I'd recommend TR5SE next.
  15. If it's for guitar, then using AmpliTube Leslie makes sense. If you want to use it for keys, then it's probably easier to use T-RackS Leslie as an effect (insert in a DAW). Depends on your workflow.
  16. For T-RackS, at least, it seems that many of the newer T-RackS modules cost more ($129.99, $124.99). The older modules seem to have gone down in price over time from their initial release prices. The newest modules are not included in T-RackS 5 MAX, so in Custom Shop, check that the module doesn’t show inclusion in T-RackS 5 MAX. These would include Sunset Sound, Comprexxor, Space Delay, and Tape Machine. The release date would certainly be a useful column to add to a spreadsheet.
  17. I’m contemplating doing a purchase at the $49.99 level to get the Cinekinetic and Electromagnetik libraries. It depends on how many freebies we end up with. I figure that’s the way to maximize the freebies rather than using the $199.99 and $99.99 tier freebies.
  18. Sure, if you can find a calibration file for it.
  19. Another option may be the iMM6 for $23.25. Dayton Audio iMM-6 Calibrated Measurement Microphone for iPhone, iPad Tablet and Android,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ADR2B84/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SXRBDNH19F75B3JN69MG Some people have gotten this with an extension cable to be able connect it to a desktop or laptop computer. There are some compromises going this route (I think it was an issue with measuring the high frequencies) but it’s at such a lower cost of entry.
  20. The calibration for the IK mic is baked into ARC, but if you have an individually calibrated mic, I wouldn’t expect there to be a difference.
  21. Just be aware that that mic probably wouldn’t be individually calibrated, but you should be able to find a generic calibration file. The individually calibrated ones would around $70 (like the Dayton EMM6). I would think it should help even without room treatment (but I’m sure would be even better with). It takes measurements from 7 positions. I just picked it up myself last night.
  22. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/index.php?id=1072&bu=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWttdWx0aW1lZGlhLmNvbS9mYXEvaW5kZXgucGhwP3NlYXJjaD1nZWFyJTIwY3JlZGl0 It seems that collections but not individual plugins are transferable. So, if you buy Sunset Sound Studio Reverb, for example, that wouldn't be transferable, but AmpliTube Joe Satriani would be.
  23. Yup. Works the same for me. It looks like this for me: When I redeem one (say "AmpliTube Metal"), it disappears so the next time, only the unredeemed one ("One") is visible. When I redeem both of them, then at the top level, the Available button gets replaced by "Downloaded" text.
  24. There is a Syntronik Deluxe upgrade from Syntronik. AFAIK, there's no T-RackS Deluxe upgrade.
  25. I found it. https://gearspace.com/board/product-alerts-older-than-2-months/1268462-ik-multimedia-releases-t-racks-tape-machine-collection-t-racks-5-a.html 76 pages! From my quick read so far, I guess I'll start with Tape 80.
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