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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. guess a SRT2 built in and stick a Tonewood amp on would even make me sound good less awful...lulz
  2. sorry, also forgot that they are cutaways, so that'd look funny upside down. If I'd be rich would get ye just the SRT2 electrics from a Yamaha dealer and have it mounted in a nice western guitar from a guitar builder.
  3. Hey Shane, was testing out my elec/acoustic Yamaha AC3R lately after not playing it for a few years, heard how good the onboard SRT2 system is. IMO it's superior to what I've heard online from the Fender Acoustosonic, the Yamaha can sound like a real mic'd guitar while the Fender sounded a lot like a piezo pickup. I noticed yesterday mostly when pressing the 'focus' button, it really sounded like a mic'd guitar. Don't get exited as they don't have a lefty, but am I mad thinking one could quite simply make an acoustic a lefty ? (you'd have the control panel for the electronics on the bottom though...dunno if that's a showstopper). The SRT2 system is the one you need I'd say...Yamaha's come in western and concert body's.
  4. is this a plane ugly burst, ya ? (grandma, blindfolded could spray a better) ok, I'll get me crocs
  5. frikkin' brilliant ?, especially when the sax player comes in
  6. lulz ( King's Call by Pil Lynott & Mark Knopfler )
  7. probably any cover of this would be worse
  8. I bat he's starting a Hughtube channel soon
  9. the one with the robo tuners, ya ?
  10. iirc this feature (without the need of hardware unit) was in 2014 update of GuitarHero.
  11. I'm thinking of getting this for divebombs on my drop D shortscale electoacoustic ukulele bass.
  12. some Juan is growing up, now arrived at the 6 year old 'I' stage
  13. Just before he could get it out the water, it got away.....''what a bummer!''.
  14. I have a 850 bugs Yamaha AC3R, sounds like a 90's VST on D.I. just awful compared to a real acoustic sound. sounds nice acoustic, more for picking than strumming imo (wide neck, shorter scale). you don't know but you're lucky the Fender didn't show up.
  15. hey Shane, hope it helps really the thing sounds like a bloody vst (from 25 years ago)
  16. liked the toms of the SI drumkit.....and Session Drummer 3 motown kit's kick. to me kickdrums sounded better with a felt beater and oldschool coated drumhead. nowadays I just hear plastic, otterly hate it
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