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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. Nearly every YouTube advice-giver starts with the same premise: I've found a secret that nobody else knows about...
  2. Just reading about similarities to this solar storm and the Carrington Event of 1859. Back then it messed up telegraphs, which stopped working or even spit out sparks. That was the only electromagnetically-sensitive technology that existed at the time. Different story nowadays. Already hearing reports of issues with wireless microphones at concert venues. To make matters worse, the earth's magnetic field that protects us from that stuff has diminished since 1859. So if you've been saving up for a Van der Graff generator, you might want to hold off on that purchase. You may soon get a comparable show from your toaster.
  3. Too much light pollution here. The sky appeared a little brighter than usual, that's all. I was looking forward to it, too. Not enough to get in the car and drive someplace darker. When the kids were little we'd have made an adventure out of it and gone to the mountains and camped out. Later, in middle age, I would have set up the stage lights in the garage and made music. But now I'm old and lazy, so it was just "oh well, wonder what's on Netflix".
  4. None. Best we can do is approve a flagged post, or delete it if it's spam or if deletion has been requested by the OP. Particularly egregious crimes against forumdom are passed on to Wookie for summary dismemberment.
  5. It does indeed look like a big pizza pie, albeit one that's been severely mishandled during delivery.
  6. Steve was an engineer's engineer. An accomplished musician who believed in a light hand on the console so that artists could do their thing without battling corporate suits who wanted everything to "sound like a beer commercial". His Wikipedia page is surprisingly entertaining. A kindred spirit, I would have liked to have been friends with him.
  7. Great story, Rain! And to think nobody took you seriously when you said "I'd give the shirt off my back for that guitar!"
  8. Yes, there is a Mix knob. Presumably, it can be automated. It's usually better to bring an effect in and out this way as opposed to bypass, as it avoids artefacts (e.g. clicks) when an effect is abruptly turned on or off. btw, the "no GPU" version probably isn't necessary on your laptop. You may get more efficient CPU usage with the GPU version.
  9. So I just heard he died in 2008. On the bright side, he lived considerably longer than Keith Moon. Come to think of it, all of us here can claim that accomplishment.
  10. I wonder if he's still bragging about the time he was in The Who. For 20 minutes.
  11. Everybody's got a gig horror story, but it's gotta be especially embarrassing when you're international superstars playing the first gig of a tour to promote your latest album. In a 15,000-seat arena.
  12. Hmm, I wonder if Chase would accept that explanation when my mortgage payment is late. After all, they're such an understanding customer-first corporation. I know those $89 late fees are for my own good, to help treat my chronic procrastination syndrome.
  13. When my bills are late, I go down to the post office to mail them because it saves 1-2 days' transit time. Last time I did that, both drive-up boxes were gone. Two weeks later, they're still gone. This is actually part of a plan put in place by the Postmaster General himself. He's been ordering not only the removal of thousands of mailboxes but also sorting machines. He thinks the post office should be a money maker, not a service, 'cause that's um, you know, socialism. We're not Canada, gosh durn it.
  14. I'd have to check to see if this is possible, but Zebra2 from U-he is a semi-modular design where you can pretty much modulate anything with anything.
  15. Benn Jordan's semi-serious picks for the best reverb plugins in six categories: Long Ambient Tails AI Assisted Most Versatile Convolution Shimmer Vintage Emulation Free Reverb Is it missing a bunch of good reverbs? Absolutely. It's one guy's educated opinions. But I couldn't find grounds to argue with any of his picks.
  16. What is this "Facebook" thing you're referring to? Is it some kind of cult?
  17. Oh, I'm sure they test it. But they are testing in-house installations with no network-based authentication required. So not a realistic user experience. To paraphrase something one of their developers posted years ago: "American users are just too demanding. They expect too much." My biggest question is how on earth does a license verification routine impact so many facets of a program, e.g. laggy UI and audio. Was it phoning the mothership to get permission for every sample? "We have to crack down on these pirates, they're making us look bad."
  18. Are you sure you weren't unknowingly on a prank show? Or maybe she's come up with a new concept for an OnlyFans channel. I'm out of the loop; are UPS drivers a trendy kink now? Hey, I've heard about furries, so it seems anything's possible.
  19. SUCCESS! The package got delivered, albeit left at an unused door. I only found out it was there by checking the tracking page, which said it had been delivered. While walking around the house looking for it, had fingers crossed that it had actually been delivered to the correct address. It was, and the box was mostly undamaged. Nothing like a new toy to take the edge off one's fury.
  20. Yup, that's the magic word. I'm OK with it if it's in the name of quashing spam. I hate spammers far more than I hate, um, you-know-who.
  21. Testing Wookie's hypothesis...FedEx FedEx FedEx
  22. I'm sure they knew it was coming, as he's been doing this for years. It's kind of his thing. I first saw him do it at a TED Talk. This is a demonstration of the "wisdom of crowds", the tendency to hit the mark in the aggregate even though any one individual might be wildly off the mark. Penn & Teller demonstrate this in some of their performances. They display a jar of jelly beans on stage before the show, and audience members are invited to write down their guesses for how many jelly beans there are and drop their guesses into a box. During the show all of the guesses are totaled and averaged, and the results are revealed at the end of the show. To everyone's amazement, the audience in aggregate accurately guessed the number of jelly beans with < 0.3% error. So when recording your own vocals, you don't need Melodyne, just keep layering overdubs!
  23. That's how Amazon does it here, and its deliveries have been consistently on time or early. I've had orders show up the next day after ordering, even though I never pay for expedited shipping. But then we have multiple fulfilment centers here, and Seattle is of course Amazon's home base. I imagine if Jeff or one of the other upper-level execs got stiffed on a delivery, heads would roll. I'm guessing Tennessee residents similarly get pretty good service from FedEx. UPS is hit-or-miss. Once I thought that an expensive microphone had been lost in transit, but I found it in the bushes by my driveway gate where it had been lying in the rain for two days. Fortunately, it was well-packaged and the mic itself did not get wet. Fortunately, I am not on a main street where it would have been noticed by thieves. Fortunately, the need for the mic was not urgent. Fortunately, my granddaughter has keen eyesight and noticed the box as she walked home from school. On another occasion, UPS pulled into my driveway, turned around and left. I literally chased it down the driveway, but he didn't stop. That was my Hammond XK-1, and I'd been anxiously awaiting its arrival all day. But FedEx is the worst. Last year I bought a new mixer, a hard-to-get Yamaha DM3. Didn't show up on the promised delivery day, but we found it beside an unused basement door - with a badly-damaged box. I now have a sign on that door with a message addressed to FexEx saying don't dump deliveries here. Two years ago I ordered a Nord Stage 3. For three days in a row they claimed no one was home and couldn't deliver it. That's what really ticks me off, adding insult by blaming me for not getting my order. When I'm awaiting a musical instrument I pee in the back yard to avoid going into the house for even a minute lest they sneak past me.
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