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Everything posted by JonD

  1. Great if you want to get your feet wet with T-Racks. Just be aware that this is the "basic"version with 19 plugins. The T-Racks Max 6 with 61 plugins is also on sale at $80 (with NAMMSLAM2025 code).
  2. At that price, it's a tempting offer! Anyone know if use of Jam Points is allowed?
  3. You're quoting him as if he's the OP. He's not (unless he recently changed his name). Also, if you noticed, at least two other users are claiming the opposite of what he's saying is true. Bottom line, OP just seems to be ranting - and that's fine, I'm not judging - but he hasn't told us himself which version of Sonar he's using. Like I pointed out before, this is the CbB sub-forum, so one would assume that is what he's talking about. Quoting other users does nothing to help or further OP's situation...
  4. Not all USB ports are the same. They have different speeds, hubs, controllers -- using different hardware and software (as strange as that may seem). It if's currently on a USB3 port (inner blue strip), I'd switch to a USB2 (black strip). If that doesn't work just try other ports...
  5. Well, it would, wouldn't it? They're two different programs. What's the point of staying on CbB (and dealing with "nag" screens") if he's subscribed to the paid-for New Sonar? Or has he subscribed? OP doesn't say that he has, and since this is the CbB subforum, one would assume that's what he's talking about. It only got confusing when others chimed in, saying it's New Sonar.... Maybe OP subscribed, but kept CbB installed, which is why he's still seeing the banner. But that's just me speculating wildly, since that's mostly what we do here. 😉
  6. Well, shoot. I can't recreate my steps because it now recognizes me as a Bandlab member. Even if I try using a different email account, it wants me to join the membership first before I can continue. If it helps, I used the Firefox browser, and started the transaction at the New Sonar Webpage, then clicked on the discount banner at the top of the page. I'm pretty sure the screenshot you gave (with the $149.50 amount) showed me $71, and then I went to Paypal from there. Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck.
  7. Did you want to pay by CC or Paypal? I clicked on the Paypal button which took me to their checkout which said $71. I have two receipts, one from Paddle.com, the other from Paypal, in the amount of $71 paid, so I don't know what to tell you. It may depend on how you make the purchase. Hold on a minute, I'll try to recreate my steps and see what it shows me. Be right back....
  8. I think folks are getting confused by this, and consequently assuming it's a mistake. Mine said that too, but I was still charged $71 for the first year, and it's reflected on the checkout page as payment for the first year. Sure, listing the regular price is confusing to the user -- but it is what it is. If you're put off by it, then you'll just miss out on the discount. I made the purchase around 1:00 am this morning and it went through fine (confusing price listing notwithstanding). Bottom line, I have a year's paid membership and was charged $71 USD (shown on my email receipt and Paypal activity). My advise for those who are still interested in taking advantage of the discounted price is to just go through the online transaction and pay close attention to the final checkout page. It should show $71 being charged for the first year. The "regular" price listed is not relevant. Once you're done, you can check your email receipt and credit card/Paypal, and then log in to Bandlab to confirm that you're a paid member!
  9. Likely, there's something in your settings that's incorrect. There are tons of tutorial videos aimed at beginners on YouTube, but It may take you awhile to trawl through each one until you find the instruction that addresses your problem. There are suggestions for additional support right here in this forum: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/19619-looking-for-additional-support/ If it were me, I'd go with Jim Roseberry at Purrrfect Audio. He's been a regular here for years, and offers consultations/tech support: https://www.studiocat.com/products/copy-of-consultation
  10. While they're not officially supported for Windows 11, other members here have reported success with the Sonar X series on Wins 11, so depending on your workflow, the chances are good it'll work fine if you're okay with losing some obsolete stuff like Direct X and 32 bit. Of course, you'll have to proceed with the knowledge that a Windows update could kill your ability to use the program(s) at any moment. If you're determined to go ahead, best bet is to either use Win 10 (blocking any further updates), or run regular backup images of your system partition/drive, so you can restore to a previous state then decide where to go from there. I'm also building a new DAW PC, and struggling myself with the decision whether to go with New Sonar (before the BF price expires), Cakewalk by Bandlab, or Sonar X3, lol!
  11. Actually, the current line of Steinberg interfaces also allow 32 bit (I own the UR24C). I'd be very surprised if these are the only ones.
  12. Yep, and this also applies to owners of Total Studio 4 MAX. At Checkout, look for the box with the promo coupon, and apply it to bring the total down to $99.99.
  13. Yes, the headphones will work, strictly speaking, but with a high impedance headphone amp (as in the URxx interfaces), low impedance headphones will distort the frequency response in a major way. See here:
  14. Are you sure you're entering the serial number and registration code correctly? Been awhile since I installed my Sonar 8 DVD, but IIRC those two numbers are on the attached sticker, and are both required for a successful install.
  15. Be sure to go to Presonus' website and download the latest drivers available for your interface. (If you're using your original drivers, there might have been significant fixes between versions). Do the same for your whole system (go to Dell's site and grab the latest drivers for all components). And of course, disable hardware you don't need (per the optimization routine others have suggested).
  16. What plan? I've been trying to keep up with the various relevant threads, but I must have missed the apparent "good news". Can someone provide a link please?
  17. You can add Studio One to that list. That's at least three major DAW players that offer the perpetual license to appease users who aren't fans of the flat subscription model. Seems rather short-sided to be an outlier in this regard -- especially when you're trying to increase your market-share and compete with the other DAWs.
  18. Didn't we just get the "OFFICIAL RELEASE"? Are people misinterpreting the lack of a dedicated, splashy announcement webpage? I honestly assumed the new Sonar page WAS the announcement. The more confusion I see here the less I'm sure... I suppose I can wait until someone starts a "New Sonar Release" topic at the KVR forums for confirmation.
  19. All due respect, this announcement should be on a dedicated announcement page in BOLD LETTERS since we've been waiting and wondering a full year. It's now quite obvious that the BIG LAUNCH was for the Bandlab Membership (which happened weeks ago), and that the two Sonar apps are just the latest goodies included in that membership.
  20. Appreciate the link... but as a longtime user of sPlat up to the release of CbB, of course I'm aware of the huge list of bugs fixed by Bandlab. Luckily for me, I'm far from a power user, so the vast majority of those bugs shouldn't affect me anyway. That being said, I don't recall the bug fixes that did affect me (or will when I revert back to sPlat)! So I'm hoping Steve will kindly share any "gotchas" he comes across -- as a warning to any users like me following in his footsteps. No pressure, Steve! ?
  21. Hey Steve, when you get up and running with SPLAT, let us know how it compares with CbB (For example, any glaring bugs/shortcomings?). I'm digging out my old archived data drives with previous versions of Sonar, so I'll be following your lead shortly. Honestly, this is the last thing I expected to do, but after YEARS (since Sonar X1) of working with what I considered the perfect DAW UI for me -- well, let's just say New Sonar's 2D look is contrary to what my partially-color-blind eyes feel comfortable with.
  22. Has it been hinted at or confirmed that New Sonar includes a "Theme Editor" that will allow users to revert back to the 3D look of Old Sonar/CbB? I thought I had read this... but maybe it was just wishful thinking? *EDIT* Lol. Obviously I didn't read the comments just above mine before posting this. I'm glad that others are thinking along the same lines....
  23. Yep, in fact this product launch was so incredibly low-key, the majority of the forum members don't even seem to be aware that it ALREADY HAPPENED!
  24. Yikes. Not sure why they missed that one (on the Cakewalk by Bandlab webpage)... They've removed the "coming soon" sections on the new, dedicated Cakewalk webpages for New Sonar and Next (Those are the only ones I've been watching).
  25. The "COMING SOON" statements are gone! The new Cakewalk page appears to be live. We're there, people!
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