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Everything posted by RBH

  1. I had the same issues with AVA as well. I think I just sort of gave up on it working in CbB. It seemed it worked for a short time ( I bought it originally a couple of years back ). It was a really effective plug too - sounded great. But wasn't worth chasing it any further. Though it's been a while, I'm going to look for the license file again just confirm that it's still in place.
  2. I'm curious if you remember using any particular guitar pedals - and what they'd be, I swear I hear some familiar distortion tones in there. Home recording in the early 80's was some of the best of times.
  3. Also - if you right click and drag to the left with in the Velocity pane in PRV you can select just that range of velocities " visually "( similar to setting the transform window). Just those notes will be selected - you can then drag them to where you want, or use the event inspector - etc. This is really handy when there high density of notes such as chords. You can address the whole track with one sweep.
  4. Also, you can select the appropriate note via the keyboard graphic, this will high lite all of the same notes in the track and grab any velocity bar in the velocity screen and drag up or down.
  5. It maybe worth cleaning all connectors and switches on the mackie and your outboard gear as well. I've had some pieces of gear for over 30 years and they can oxidize and contaminate over time. I've bought and fixed supposed " broken " gear on more than a few occasions just by cleaning contacts and re-seating ribbon connectors.
  6. I use the event list just to see if there are oddball controllers or program changes - which are not readily visible in PRV or track view. Also - it's one place that you check for duplicate notes that reside on top of each other. "legacy users" [aka, "old-timers"] are so "old-fashioned" - Hey I resemble that remark
  7. RBH

    CbB Updated

    I just updated today and it appears to be working just fine. This latest update however was the most difficult one yet for me. I'm think my local ISP is having issues with bad connects. It took 4 attempts for me get it.
  8. I have the same amp. Mine has OEM versions of EVm12 L 's. They will make your amp feel like it's dbl the weight though. Unfortunately, my amp needs to see a pro for repairs. It was a basket case and I chose to do a full re-cap and tube which got it functioning - but it has some distortion to it now and I'm not savvy enough with repairs to bring it back to spec. They are amazing amps when working correctly. Congrats. Oh, and the current internet puffery about converting it to black face specs and bypassing the master volume and changing the BIAS circuits is garbage. IMHO - Keep it original if you can. I've done a few speaker re-cones and it's an interesting project if you're into that sort of thing. They're not difficult to do yourself. I think it would be worth re coning the gauss.
  9. You should maybe copy this inquiry to the feedback forum or to Noel directly.
  10. Just to add to the bag of tricks - I discovered a way to select notes from the PRV velocity pane that I didn't know existed. Maybe it's been there for 20 years - but hey I can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes. I found that I can right click and swipe right to left to lasso notes of certain velocity value ( much like setting the transform window ) and this will select just notes of those velocity value ranges. This proved really useful for running a Cal routine of a group of mid level velocities that I was able to pick across the entire track. I used it to run the vary velocities to randomize velocity values for a drum sampler with a high count of multy samples.
  11. You can do an audio gain or reduction per clip by holding the ctrl key and dragging upward or downward with in the clip. Bounce to clips will render the gain offset. I use a very simple tuner ( G-tune ) and place it first in an effects bin. It would be useful to have a readily available one that you could quickly drag into a track. That's one use for track presets though - just have it already assigned. I'm not sure how I would use a tap tempo. How would you use one?
  12. The Event Inspector is a very efficient way to accomplish either track or global project midi edits, - as well selection and group edits. It's a midi editing super weapon.
  13. I'm hoping the volume will chill out after the holidays. Or- better yet, how about we all bill them for soliciting. lol. That would level the playing field a bit. Probably take care of farcebook too.
  14. I listened to AJA awhile back on Vinyl . No question that the record album mix is THE essential reference to the correct levels , dynamics and equalization. I listened to several other albums from around the same period as well. It's not about the fidelity or sonic purity or anything else - it just that the medium is how the producer engineers and artist initially intended the output to be, and that's the best it can be IMHO.
  15. I just thought of this after reading a thread about tempo maps. Feature request to be able to over lay a tempo map on top of a maximized midi ( notes view ) or a single maximized audio track would potentially kick some serious butt. I spend a lot of time viewing the time line back and forth between edit pages trying to align and tweeze a tempo map into appropriate proportion. Again - having a universal horizontal scaling feature between any time line dependent edit page would be very useful.
  16. I thought this was interesting related to recent inquiries about getting older Cake content . Edit - Sorry to say this deal ends about 5 minutes after posting this. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?source=3TP9MGL&dtm_em=27bba1038af2973890ab351638530d6f
  17. Are you sure you're not holding the CTRL key ? I'm just saying I inadvertently do this when nudging audio tracks or doing short drags. Mine are clips hidden behind clips though and not new discrete tracks being created unless a slop the the mouse up and down a bit. Your description sounds like a bug - mine is certainly just being careless.
  18. The demos sound really good. Looks like a nice sample set to work with from descriptions.
  19. If you ever have a chance to buy NI's Battery. That is a very good program for processing drums / samples and utilizing independent samples. Plus , the library is huge and is very good.
  20. Essentially , you can load the Ivory VSTi synth in the Synth rack and point the MIDI output of track 1 to that VSTi. You do this by looking for the small widget labeled ( O ) - stands for output , (C ) stands for channel (B ) stands for bank. You right click on the ( O ) output and assign it to the instrument and you may may need to set ( C ) the midi channel of that midi track and correspondingly set the Ivory Yamaha to receive on that Midi channel. That might depend on what other tracks are assigned to, but generally if it's the only VSTi loaded and that track is assigned to it - you might be able to leave it assigned to omni by default. Look for some general Tutorials on VSTi instruments on Cakewalk. There are other methods - but I think this is a basic method. When you load a VST instrument - it will create " audio" tracks from the output of the VSTi. You may need to assign those tracks outputs appropriately to your audio interface.
  21. I used the Chorus Flanger in a track a few months ago - just to try it out. Sounded great. I didn't know there was a delay associated with the suite as well.
  22. Thanks Scook - I hadn't had time to look at this again, and likely won't until the weekend. I'll post back anything unusual. Great tip.
  23. Thank you Scook. I have double checked that the project has closed and program ended properly. On one investigation - I had closed the project and checked that it was listed in the recent files before exiting, which it was. Relaunching CbB after proper shut down - and it was not listed in the start menu. I recall the pin feature but haven't used it in a long time, I appreciate the reminder - if I can get it to list, then I will try to pin it. Thanks for the info on the registry path. I'll assume to delete the files list and hope it re-populates.
  24. I'm not clear if this is related - but after installing the early access release - then installing the public release of 2019 .11.54 - it appears that my projects recent files list does not tag the last working project on top of the recent files list. Is there a registry edit that will reset this list? This may not have anything to do with the EA release or the latest install - but it seems to not update any longer. Any clues ?
  25. I do have a few other unrelated graphics issues that crop up from time to time. I'm going to chock it up to a newerish graphics card on an old computer at this point. Thanks for confirming the appropriate behavior.
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