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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. The AudioBox series has been around a LONG time. I bought an AudioBox 44VSL way back. Then "upgraded" to a Tascam US16x08, which worked great...until Win10. I'm back to using the AudioBox with my desktop DAW. Really good mic pres. Good unit all around. With 2 things that I don't like. One, there's no thump protection when powering down the unit. If you're driving powered monitors and haven't turned them off before turning the AudioBox off, you'll get a nasty thump. Two, the power switch is in-line with the power cord and not on the unit itself. With the AudioBox i2, I'd have a third complaint. The i2 is buss-powered only. But it is supported by the current release of Universal Control (the PreSonus drivers). If you hook up two condenser mics to it, you could have a problem with the 48v supply, especially if you're running off a laptop on battery power. You pays yer money and you takes yer chances. Bon chance!
  2. Maybe they'll give me 2 FaderPort 8s, and we can split the pot?
  3. All this does is make me wanna write a new song... All I Wanna Do Is Ralph (sub. Talking To Ralph On The Big White Phone), ft. The Tapester
  4. I should have one available after July 6th, 'cause I'm absolutely certain I'm going to win PreSonus' FaderPort 16 giveaway!
  5. It took about one minute for the standalone UVI Workstation to load the full Ravenscroft 275 library. You might want to use one of the smaller libs (Close, Player, Room or Side) for development, and then the full lib for bouncing. They should load faster.
  6. Buy your ticket now! They won't last long. I first saw Rush during the Christmas/New Year's holiday in 1974 at a club in Scumburg (OK, Schaumburg), Illinois called B'ginnings. Neil had just joined and they were touring Fly By Night. I'd spent most of the previous 2 years in and out of (mostly in) Army and VA hospitals, and was getting back to 'normal'. Music was changing. I'd heard Working Man on the radio and decided to make the drive from Madison, WI to the Chicago area to see them. Been a fan ever since! I think I've spent more money on Rush than I have on any other band...and I own THOUSANDS of CDs and seen hundreds of shows. My fav seat for Rush? At an arena? About 12 rows back, right in front of Geddy! At B'ginnings? I stood right in front of him the whole show! My fav seat in general? Dead center, right in front of the sound board! EDIT: You would be correct to make the educated guess that I play bass!
  7. Update on the background mods... I just remembered that my FaderPort sends regular keep-alive messages. I checked the Help PDF (OMG, did he just RTFM?) and found the unhelpful note that the standalone version provides NO MIDI configuration support. They say to use your OS MIDI app, and then cite the Mac. As in: F' you, Win users! So, unable to filter MIDI inputs messages for the standalone version. It is, for me, unusable. However the VST2 version works great in Gig Performer. The VST3 version immediately hard-crashed GP when instantiated, so I won't be using that either. At least the VST2 version appears to function well. This is OLD code, and I doubt we'll ever see another update. At least I can use it.
  8. Rush's Cinema Strangiato will be in theaters for one night only, Wednesday, August 21st. Seats are reserved. I just bought my ticket. $15, plus $1.70 fee to Fandango. I got a seat dead center! Tickets: https://www.cinemastrangiato.com/tickets/
  9. Yup! Wonder what I paid for it 3 years ago? Now all I have to do is figure out how to shut it up. Pick a patch. Play one note. The background modulations keep right on modulating (on the standalone version). I hate to say this, but I'm going to have to read the manual. EDIT: I paid just under £40, whatever that was in US$ (about $50 now). So, this is a freakin' bargain!
  10. OK. So, after 3 years, I registered it with Izotope and guess what? There be the add-ons. Downloading now. Channeling my best Rosanna Rosannadanna... Neeeeever mind!
  11. When I bought this from Plugin Boutique 3 years ago, all I got was the main instrument installation file. No 10 GB of contents. Any idea where I can get that?
  12. I have v2.02 from 3 years ago. Is that still the current version?
  13. I have Nektar's NP-2 sustain pedal that is excellent. I would expect their expression pedal to be as well built. For an expression pedal, I have the Moog EP-3 pedal that is also excellent, but more than double the price at $49.
  14. Currently installing Bass Fingers. The install size wasn't listed online, but showed up at install time. Interestingly, you get 2 choices: the SD files or the HD files. 2.x GB vs 15.x GB. HD for me. We shall see.
  15. Yup. There have been a number of patches since then. I think BiaB is up to v 2019 build 628.
  16. Log into your Plugin Boutique account to download. I'll include the release notes for v1.7.0, in case you missed that one. New Features in Version 1.8 40 New Chord Sets: R&B, Synthwave & New Artists Chord Sets 3 New Synth Sounds: Dusty Nostalgia, HeavyHitter & SqSaw 3 New Pads Sounds: DreamOn, SteelyEssence & WidePad 5 New Arpeggio modes: Up/Down Repeat, Down/Up, Down/Up Repeat, Doubled Up, Doubled Down “Random” strumming mode: Randomly switch between strumming up and down. Copy/Paste Voicing: Extract the voicing of any chord and apply it onto another chord to match the number of voices and octave at which it will playback. Voicing Lock: Preview any chord using one of 2 modes: Dynamic Grouping: Play chords within the same area of the keyboard to maximise compatibility by automatically choosing voices and inversions. Extracted Voicing: Preview any chord in Scaler with the last voicing you extracted. New Arpeggio Note Length: Perform Arpeggio in full, half and quarter notes to emulate a staccato effect Bug fixes and performance improvements New Features in Version 1.7 Scaler 1.7 introduces several new user requested features, enhancements and bug fixes. There are 30 new Blues, Latin and Bossa Nova chord sets and over one hundred new scales including all the modes of the melodic and harmonic minor scales. You can now re-detect from the chord builder and you can preview chord sets with one click or copy all chord sets to the builder with one click. Scaler 1.7 also includes 5 new Bass tunings for the Fretboard and quickly allows for chord expansion by adding 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th to entire chord sets. Over one hundred new chord sets including all the modes of the harmonic and melodic minor scales. 30 New Chord Sets: Blues, Latin & Bossa Nova 5 New Bass Tunings: Fretboard now supports bass tunings with 4,5 and 6 strings. Re-Detect from builder: Find which scale fits your progression anytime in your creative process. Preview chord sets: Play through any progression preset in one click. Copy-to-Builder: Move all chords from a progression directly into the builder for a faster editing. Diatonic chords improvements: Quickly navigate between triads, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th chords of any scale. Improved chord naming: More chord definitions and simplification of existing chord names for improved readability. Small screen support: Allow smaller UI resizing to support smaller screens and resolutions. Bug fixes and performance improvements
  17. We recorded right over the track change. Made the 'glitch' much less noticeable.
  18. Not this one exactly, but a reasonable facsimile thereof. Only used to record practices. And yes, Bubba, that's an 8-track.
  19. I have this as part of NI's Komplete bundle, but you can also get it directly from Scarbee. It's a Kontakt library, so it plays in the free Kontakt Player. The full Kontakt is not required. Good sound samples here: https://scarbee.com/collections/basses/products/scarbee-rickenbacker-bass
  20. That .xts file extension looks proprietary to energyXT. Any chance energyXT has an export function to output each preset as a General MIDI file?
  21. I have six-pack abs! Check that. Five-pack abs! Check that' Four-pack abs! Dayam, they're going quick!
  22. Lovely, Andy! Steve Hackett is also one of my favs. Saw him with Genesis before he went solo. The show I remember the most was his first solo tour stop at a small club in Chicago. Good thing he left Genesis after Gabriel. I love good nylon-strung guitar work. Big fan of Oscar Lopez and Ottmar Liebert. And a lot of the other Nouveau Flamenco artists.
  23. I use nickelwound Curt Mangan strings on my Gibson SG, but he also offers stainless, phosphor, nickelwound (coated), and flats. Made in the US of A. Go here for sets: https://www.curtmangan.com/5-string-bass/ Go here for single strings: https://www.curtmangan.com/single-strings-bass/ The 5-string nickelwound sets are under $35 and a single nickel wound 110/120/130 B string is just over $8. No need to change the set out. The owner of AZ Music Pro here in Flagstaff turned me on to these strings. Really happy so far.
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