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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Don't know what it is about Dell XPS laptops. I've got an early 2012 Dell XPS 8500 desktop and have zero issues with acpi.sys latency.
  2. Thanks User 905133. FYI, the person I'm asking for is one of the devs of Gig Performer. He's a touring musician (keyboards) and a former employee at IBM Research Labs. I'm not sure how he's using the Instrument Definition files (he uses a Mac laptop when performing), but for sure, it's not with CbB. Here's some additional detail around his Q6. ========== I saw the answer to that question about MIDI channel in the forum but that’s just how to select it from a dialog. The question is where is that information defined in the Instrument Definition File? In particular, if you’re auditioning individual patches on a single channel of a multi-timbral synth then presumably you select the channel to which you want those messages sent. However, if you’re in multi-patch mode or “combi” (as Korg calls it, for example), then program changes are expected to be sent on a channel defined by the synth itself. I’m wondering whether THAT channel number is defined in an instrument definition file. Or is it the case that instrument definition files can’t handle multitimbral synths? ========== As ever, muchas gracias!
  3. Thanks. Fixed the title. We have questions 1-5 figured out. The remaining unanswered question is: 6) How does one define on which MIDI channel to send out a bank select and program change message? TIA
  4. Nice that the update was free to v1 license owners! I did have to reauthorize after installing v2 (using my original serial), but that was easy peasy. I just hope that this kind of reauthorization isn't using up my 3 activations.
  5. What goes around, comes around. In the early '60s, on a train trip between Chicago and St. Louis, I was in the dining car getting something to eat. I was sitting at a small table across from the galley. Apparently, the busboy was brand new. The chef claimed he was out of space and sent him to look for a shelf stretcher. The dude was gone for quite some time, but finally returned empty-handed. A good laugh was had by all (my young self included), excepting, of course, the busboy.
  6. First off...Happy Holidays! And wishes for a happy and healthy 2020! I could use some help with a couple of SONAR/CbB drum map questions. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! ======================================== ANSWERED 1) Can a comment start AFTER a patch entry? ANSWERED 2) Can there be two patches with exactly the same name (I would assume the answer to that one is yes) ANSWERED 3) Do patch numbers have to be in monotonically increasing order? ANSWERED 4) In the .Instrument Definitions section, it seems that the term “Patch” actually mean “Bank”? Why is it called “Patch”? ANSWERED 5) What do the following kinds of entries mean? Key[0,48]=K2000R Studio Kit 1 Drum[0,48]=1 Key[0,49]=K2000R Studio Kit 2 MW Drum[0,49]=1 Key[0,50]=K2000R 2 Live Kits MW Drum[0,50]=1 Key[0,51]=K2000R Rock Kit Drum[0,51]=1 NB: I’m guessing that the second value inside each of those square brackets is a note number but what does the zero mean, what does Key vs. Drum mean? What does assigning 1 to those Drum entries mean? STILL A QUESTION 6) How does one define on which MIDI channel to send out a bank select and program change message? ======================================== That's it? Yup. That's enough, right? TIA again!
  7. You might want to also take a look at UVI's String Machines and String Machines 2. I have the original, but haven't picked up the new library yet. https://www.uvi.net/string-machines.html https://www.uvi.net/string-machines-2.html I don't know if there's any kind of demo capability with UVI libraries.
  8. Freddie? Maybe half a Freddie. But I just CANNOT get the image of 1922's Nosferatu out of my mind. Sorry.
  9. Nice add-on. Now for a deal on its EZX equivalent? ?
  10. Man, this would be perfect for that half-tack piano! Tack every hammer from middle C and up. Play boogie woogie rain piano with the left hand and honky-tonk tack piano with the right. Can do that now with two VIs and a keyboard split, but would be very cool to be able to do it within EZKeys!
  11. TheMaartian


    Forest Rain was the most musically satisfying for me. Oso was the most fun. Very nice for your first 3! Love the word 'oso'. I did some work in Caracas in the late '80s. At the time, one of the local beers (Polar; their logo is the polar bear) had billboards up around Venezuela featuring their mascot in different situations, each with a single, appropriate word like 'Luminoso' or 'Amoroso'. Both cool and clever.
  12. I've had Bitwig 8-Track (via my Nektar P6) for some time. It got stuck on v1.86 quite awhile after the v2 upgrade, but then has been upgrading along with each new release of Bitwig. Until v3.1. Adios, muchacho. Sorry, no can do. Time to uninstall. Never used it, so won't miss it.
  13. I want to check something. It's my understanding that EZXs requiring EZDrummer v1.x are 16-bit libraries, while whose requiring v2.x are 24-bit libraries. Do I have that right? TIA
  14. AAS get points for sending me a list to pick from that contained only packs I didn't already own. Picked up Fear Within for String Studio VS-3. Very nice!
  15. Nice work, Derek! I find the combination of blues and reggae compelling. The lead guitar start around the 0:40 mark was particularly smooth! Props!
  16. Also $24.20 for me. I have the Mk I and Wurli pretty well covered, but EZKeys is a nice development tool, so went ahead.
  17. The last time I asked for patience, I got a hospital full of them.
  18. Two biggies are your User and Windows TEMP folders. Windows does NOT clean them up. You need to do that manually. On my system, those subdirectories are: C:\Windows\Temp C:\Users\Primary\AppData\Local\Temp Note that "Primary" is my user name on this PC. It will be different for you. Delete all of the files in those 2 directories (except the couple that are open) and empty the Recycle Bin. I do this regularly. Oh. And if you've updated Windows (not 1909, but any of the earlier ones), and haven't removed the Windows.old directory, that'll get you a ton more free space on your OS drive. Go to Settings -> System -> Storage
  19. I had the chance to play a Bösendorfer 290 once. I'll never in my life play a better piano. But... Would I give $250K for a 7' baby grand? Nope. Unless it was your money! ?
  20. What a great-sounding demo! https://youtu.be/JG9ky7cuthQ
  21. This is the best way to acquire their bundle (and get the Effect Rack). I bought whichever plugin was at a stupid price, and then one Black Friday, with the plugins I had, I was able to upgrade to the bundle for half off my upgrade price. I wound up paying less than $200 for the bundle in total. A bargain. Their current BF price is $329 ($499 list). 35% off the bundle. 50% off upgrades. If you're interested in the bundle, this is a great way to go, as long as you have a bit of patience.
  22. One place where I've seen the sluggishness you described is when Windows audio is set for one sample rate (say: 44.1 KHz) and another app (using the SAME sound card) is set for a different sample rate (say: 48 KHz). That's one of the reasons I leave my motherboard audio enabled (for Windows audio), and run ASIO exclusively on my AudioBox 44 VSL for my music apps.
  23. I just installed Reaper 6 and the first test project I pulled into it happened to have the hi-res version (thanks again!) of another pickled cover, this one easily better than the original!
  24. You have no idea! I got hooked on them as a kid. The movie theater in my town in the late '50s sold them at the candy counter for 10¢ each. Big ones! Really tasty!
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