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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. This happened while I was trying to decide what to keep (install on the new machine) and what to let go. I've got so many really good keyboard VIs that I just said the heck with it. So, I made no attempt to contact them for support, which I assume would have been satisfactory. I also punted on the boatload of Waves plugins I own. I just got WUP'd to death.
  2. I don't know what's going on with these guys, but I couldn't get Addictive Keys to install the standalone app when I moved from an old desktop to a new laptop. Addictive Drums installed OK, but AK failed 3 times. Final decision? Uninstall all things XLN and move on.
  3. I picked up the paid version partly for its additional features and partially to support the dev. I should also mention that I picked it up when he was running a sale. I paid $27+tax. Money well spent in my opinion.
  4. Chicago was a great food town. Got to love NYC food, too, when consulting to Citi. Chicago comes out way ahead on friendliness.
  5. Nope. I donated part of my GI tract to the Army. No bag, but I'm a 4-lane expressway now. When I moved from Chicago to Arizona, the Windy City became less so. ?
  6. Syntronik Deluxe and Analog Lab 4 cover a LOT of sonic ground. I don't need the full synths. The only sound I ever design is the one my computer makes when I fall asleep and face-plant on the keyboard. ?
  7. I'm in the process of moving from a desktop to a laptop. I got SO sick of Waves shells and WUP (I had v9, v10 and v11 shells, 'cause I wouldn't WUP), that I wrote off the $1000s invested in Waves plugins. Sayo'f'ing'nara.
  8. Check out the G&L headstock on this Ascari GTS tri-bucker (GC/MF exclusive). It's a Leo Fender design, never used, discovered after his death. His only opposing headstock.
  9. This one goes on sale ALL the time at MF, often for $50 less. I'd wait. That said, my Tribute ASAT is really nice for the $250 I paid for it new. All good except for the "less than smooth" fret ends.
  10. I still miss the Rush listserv National Midnight Start from the '90s. We even had t-shirts made up!
  11. Great job, Bat! I like the variety of tempos and feels, while all being RnR!
  12. These are the current D3 version. Love my D2s.
  13. And just updated to v1.9.0. Tons of new features across the suite. And, finally, proper hardware acceleration on Windows 10 (v2020H1 or later)! Been on the Mac for awhile. Free update for existing license holders. Affinity Suite v1.9
  14. Haven't tried the plugin version yet, but the standalone v6.5 loads a LOT faster!
  15. Because there isn't one? At least not in the manual.
  16. FWIW, Scarbee Mark 1 is part of Scarbee Vintage Keys that comes with NI's Komplete (since at least v9). Don't know if that qualifies, or not. This is Kontakt library, so it will work with Kontakt Player.
  17. Same price as my new PreSonus Studio 1810c? I'll pass.
  18. Thankfully, the Serif website downloads FAST! Just bought the Chalk Dust, Abstract Paint Bundle and Abstract ABC brush packs. Just the Abstract Paint bundle is over 3 GB, so good thing!
  19. I just checked the Serif (Affinity) website for video tutorials for the 3 apps. Only 213! That'll take some time. ?
  20. Sounds reasonable. $25 gone. Thanks for the head's up. I'd never even looked at the Publisher page, so had never seen the Studio Link info. EDIT: I always hated Microsoft's Publisher. Even though I have an Office 365 subscription, I never use it. And I tried.
  21. Really happy with Designer. Finally able to pick up Photo (didn't see any BF sale; glad they got around to one). No need for Publisher, but it would be nice to have a video editor in their style. I had been using Corel's VideoStudio, but they're one of the bastidges that puts download timeouts in place. I have ALL of the installation files saved except for the installer itself. No way to recover it, so heck with them, and I bought NCH's Video Pad instead. Small. Fast. Capable enough for making videos for YouTube.
  22. I got lucky, I think. Maybe it's because I purchased Amplitube 4 Max less than 12 months ago. I don't know. But when I went to install it on the laptop I bought to replace my old desktop, the IK installer showed both AT4 and AT5 available for download. I thought "ha", just like Arturia with Analog Lab 5...available for download, only to find out it's a demo version. After a couple of days, I said "what the hey" and installed and "authorized" it. Turned out to be the full AT5 with Max (could be the AT4 Max), but my additional purchases (SVT2 and Leslie) were also there. And after all the beatching I did for not being offered an upgrade price. If there had been one, I'd have stupidly and unnecessarily spent the money on it.
  23. Yes. The new VST3 plug-in. It's up to v3.x already. Really nice way to work with BiaB. This is for the original release. Much improved and extended since this video was made.
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