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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Hi Paul, nice tune. Lyrics held the interest. Maybe a bit more reverb treatment on the drum kit? They are pretty darn dry compared to the rest. I liked the doubled vocals on the chorus, nice matching of those. Maybe a touch of melodyne here and there on the verses, depending on your pitch-fixing philosophy . . . it's far from horrendous as is . . . depends on how much you'd want to polish. Your song certainly doesn't lack for important subjects - there's a lot going on in this one. cheers, -Tom
  2. I wouldn't quit on this. Nice and moody. Can't wait to hear it. -Tom
  3. Always a pleasure. Maybe the vocal could be less up front, just a bit of reverb or echo? Those guitar rhythm chords are doom without any gloom. Very good. See you under the bridge. Where's that confounded bridge? -Tom
  4. That's a fun mix and you don't hear hard rock hoedowns that much. Plenty creative. Around 1:48 in the background there's like a harmonica lead, or a crowd, or a cat wailing, or? Pretty low in the mix but I think it monkeys up things. I guess its a feature of the chorus? It kind of comes and goes. Great ending! A very creative piece. Maybe play with a little more reverb on violin, so it matches the rvb of the drums and guitar? I dunno. Still pretty cool. cheers, -Tom
  5. Nice one! For my money you could easily start right at :47 . . . the intro drums left my mind wandering away onto other topics. Which it is wont to do. The percolations that build and fall away are all really cool. Nice sweepy combo of the coolest 80's synth tones, combined with the drums of today. Very high quality once it gets going. It spends the first :47 seconds idling in the garage. That's when people pass out from the CO. cheers and good luck! -Tom
  6. Daryl you have the sunshine in your voice, and the midas touch on a mix. For example, the song itself for me is a little more cotton candy than I'm usually attracted to, but your voice and the crystal clear mixing standard you always deliver more than kept my interest. It's a relationship song and a "will he commit???" song, and I've been committed for so many decades now that all I can say is "good luck figuring it out, dude" Great JG on the guitar and the Brit dance hall is well done. And very well sung indeed. cheers, -Tom
  7. A podcast by my son and his friend, "15 Minutes of Shame" . . . with some of our tunes on it. "Back to School" - kind of dark . . . enjoy! -Tom
  8. Oh jeez. Well, they are talented for sure but I never really caught on to their music, apart from a couple of funkier efforts. And my wife absolutely loves them, as they are the soundtrack for her midlife Chrysler . . . and is more or less dragging me to an arena concert of theirs. They are pretty popular, so looks like I'm in the wrong of it. I promise to keep an open mind as I listen with disdain at their simplicity. I'm open to the alternative facts of any superfans here . . . what am I missing???
  9. Because they grow up and leave. or you may prefer Soundcloud: thanks! -Tom
  10. Out of curiosity, care to share a link to your song? It would be fun to hear and perpetuate the virus!!!
  11. So how did you "suddenly" start getting those streams? Congrats are in order!!!
  12. Make sure to disregard all the time you've spent writing about it, downloading it, and playing all the zillion presets before you pull the trigger on not getting it. ?
  13. So that was his real given name then? ?
  14. Yesss great groove and well played. Hope you can land a soloist! Long live 7/8.
  15. me like. Yep the bass needs a higher hpf. Still dig it. A groove like that covers a multitude of sins, or even just too much low bass. cool riffery Kenny.
  16. What a friggin' great throwback to a simpler time. It's got a perfect slinky rhythm, really laid back. Kudos on the mix, sounds great on headphones. That guitar work is so Chuck Loebish! Well done! Cheers, -Tom
  17. PhonoBrainer


    Really neat seven feel. Love it. It builds nicely. I don't have any AAS but I do like this one.
  18. It's a very fun tune you have here, with some excellent guitarsmithery and a great vocal. For whatever reason I got a Johnny Clegg vibe! I get what you are saying about the 3k range, it's not out of control but maybe dipping the snare and ride might help? The mix was quite good otherwise. Well done! -Tom
  19. I heard WBTC in Staples yesterday. The song and store were a perfect match. Left without buying a thing.
  20. Welcome back David! I like the jazzy swang. Have fun polishing it up! Are you going for avant garde timing? Me wants it to swing straight, if you know what I mean. Your lead sax patch sounds good. I like the snaps, too! -Tom
  21. PhonoBrainer


    Very Kakku style, I wasn't disappointed. I could see this fitting in to any number of places. Dude you should get Melodyne and start singing. Lyrics are your new frontier! Your lead synth line is very lyrical, as usual. cheers, -Tom
  22. Well cool song, love the vocal as usual. Overall it hasn't got the level of mix polish of your more recent stuff, but I get it's older. It reminds me a bit of something like an old early unreleased Beatles work-in-progress tune that somebody had tucked away in a closet. Are you planning to work it over? Again with your vocal it still works as is. cheers, -Tom
  23. I bet you InstaCrammed it into your mouth. Looks delish.
  24. @Grem - thanks! All ITB, me bonking things in with the piano controller - no other people or their real instruments were harmed during the making of this. Glad you liked it. @vilovilo - European music styles are of increasing interest to me - there is a maturity about them or something. Or just an age, or something hardwired inside of me from an ancestral past? but many thanks for the comments and I appreciate the listen. @kakku - many thanks and that Theremin I bought just for this . . . it is a keeper, it's the Soundiron one I think. Cheap and cheerful!
  25. @daryl1968 - thanks, mate, she needs some spit and polish methinks . . . @markno999 - yes, the horns I played in on keyboard, overdubbing one over the other, nothing too fussy. I agree, when they come in, its weak. Thanks for the detailed notes, much appreciated! @thegaltieribrothers - Paul, the idea of a French circus is perfect for what I was aiming for. And several have chimed in "Midsomer Murders" so I will have to check that out. many thanks! @Hidden Symmetry - many thanks, the Hot Club Bar Mitzvah circuit is an awesome reference! @Johnbee58 - thanks man - the only rules of potpourri are that there are no rules. Appreciate the comment!
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