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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. That necklace really ties it all together nicely.
  2. This works for me big time. In your description you forgot to mention how awesome the guitar work is, how well the guitar noodles are mixed, the spectacularly well thought-out headphone-friendly ear candy, and the intelligence of the arrangement. cheers, -Tom
  3. Coolness of the song's vibe? 10/10 The vocal ideas and treatment are so interesting to listen to. Kind of washes over you, really great. The drums have a great live sound as well. There are spots, just a couple, where the lyric intelligibility gets a tad mushy but then it's a tone poem that still works great. For a mix idea, bass guitar up? and the acoustic guitar might be a little pokey (or under-reverbed?) in the upper end of the eq spectrum. If it were mine, the ending would be a fade out of that last section you have with the "power chord" guitar, as opposed to the fading sustain of that keyboard stab. If that makes any sense. very enjoyable listen! cheers, -Tom
  4. You might consider pro q 3, awesomely featured eq . . .
  5. yes a fun watch, and looks like a very cool editing project ! I like how you got the scenes going on in the oscilloscopes and such. nice mix of a bouncy song! cheers, -Tom
  6. New linky at top, cleaned the mix, made a vid. Many thanks again.
  7. Is it "this shall"? Or does thistle lower the bp? Another mystery . . . anyways, thanks much!
  8. Thanks! Yeah, like a year maybe? It's a blur inside of a time warp inside of a night terror. Inside of a ground hog.
  9. Howdy Andy! Thanks heaps! Thanks for the tinfoil remark as well, I'm looking forward to a mix cleanup and vid for that one as well. Hope I get to hear some of your new stuff soon?
  10. Getting an 80s vibe, love it. Welcome to the forum. Very cool breakdown guitar interlude. I dig the busy drums keeping it all moving. Nice slippery time signature as well. cheers, -Tom
  11. While all other instruments were in random process mode, the drums, percussion and guitar kept the beat, a very cool beat at that. Good choice, you know the groove lives within you like courage in a prizefighter. Keep swingin' . . . cheers, -Tom
  12. I like the effed up vocals a lot! Glad I had headphones for this one. When the vocals straighten out, what accent is present, Dutch or something? Super great vocals . . . Cheers, -Tom
  13. Kudos on top of these kudos!!! One of the best I can remember on this forum. So interesting sonically. It's groove rock that grunges and grooves hard. Vocals are presented so well, so light as a feather on top of the ballsy bottom mix. You might get people assuming it's a male vocalist, even more sonically interesting to have that ambiguity. All killer, no filler. Thanks for the share! -Tom
  14. I'd say no, if you already have other good reverbs, you'll likely just keep using those for standard sends and such. That's been my experience. Ymmv Adaptiverb is way cool for neat inventive reverb trickery!
  15. That sucks. Thanks for the post. He seemed like a friendly guy. I admired how he persevered through repeated weather and other assorted tribulations, seemingly Job-esque. I will give those compilations a spin, thanks!
  16. Kinda lost me suggesting Ragnarok is Egyptian.
  17. To pay that much for another eq plugin would be unweiss.
  18. I'd much rather have $299 worth of Smithwick's
  19. Whats the preferred tape machine? Just trying to avoid having to demo 4 tape machines plus the echo. I currently use Softube Tape, which is a bunch of tape settings in one plugin. Kudos for convenience. I also have Taupe from Acustica, which has a UI that challenges my old timers. Plus it destroys CPU. I'd be prioritizing a sense of 3D depth, and that pleasant smoothing of transients . . . Thanks for any tape tips!
  20. you are getting some very good mix ears, John. The bass and drums are perfect, the piano too. Maybe the strings jump out a bit forward in spots, but no harm really. the mix was bright yet full in the bottom - very cool! cheers, -Tom
  21. vocal are great, great bgv's. The drums are your biggest challenge here I think. I think they need to be bigger, closer, less reverbed away. Bass guitar can hardly be heard. These are things you will likely polish up and I think you definitely should, very good song, and as I started with, great vocal!!! cheers, -Tom
  22. hard not to like! catchy groove and the mix sounded clear and professional. Dug her accent. cheers, -Tom
  23. Thanks much. That seems to require a newer bfd purchase? I was originally working from a purchase of bed eco, which were those cymbals. I think everybody bailed on bfd eco, as it's now called a dead legacy product. For some reason.
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