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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Cool tune, I like that dip down of the chords in the chorus, if that makes sense. I thought that was pretty inventive! I agree with Bapu on a different snare. There's something "high school gym" about the snare you have at present, where something less ringy and more woody might suit better. Hopefully, if you are using a drum sampler, that should be an easy experiment to see what other snares you might like. In the 2:21 section, you can hear the hi hat or ride part is perhaps flanging a bit too much, which might be creating a high-end smear which could also be making a mix problem. That by itself could be masking upper snare eq's or even your vocal. As for what could be added, everyone would have their opinion of course, but in your opening 8 bars with just the guitar as an intro, you could bring in a flute or harmonica, something in the upper range, maybe in bars 4-8, something working off the guitar line. I think subtle use of a flute-ish voice along the way in you song could be cool. Maybe an upper register flutey B3? Nice vocal, it does ring of Doobie Bros but I thought the song itself brought Bonnie Raitt to mind, of all things, so what do I know. Vocally you might double your track in the choruses? Or bring in Michael McDonald? nice work! cheers, -Tom
  2. Thanks David, and yes I feel your age, and the occasion to calm oneself in this world of irritating uncertainties should not be passed by. The picture was kipped from the internet, it looks like an artist put some Norway fjords into a Photoshop fisheye lens thing. just a guess. Many thanks for listening . . .
  3. PhonoBrainer


    Thanks y'all! Cleaned up the mix a little, and made a video - any comments are most welcome! If you can take your Youtube resolution up to 1440p, maybe let me know how crisp it looks? Experimenting . . . Would love any mix comments or anything else - thanks! cheers, -Tom
  4. Hey Dave, cool tune, it's hard to do pop well these days and I think you are there, via the 1980's - very much dug it! If you are looking for a weak spot, maybe it's the initial intro vocal which is just single tracked and is a bit on the thin side. All other vocals have more treatment (sometimes doubled an octave lower) great techniques, and I love the mix choices all the way through. I don't think LANDR muffed it up too badly, you can tell it's a little louder and smooshed flatter that in could be in a few high-energy moments. hope you keep posting your tunes - very nice indeed! cheers, -Tom
  5. Springsteen, Petty, Jackson Browne, that's a great lane to be in. I dug the lyrics and the song's backstory was well presented. I liked the bgv's which were supportive without being overpowering. A song in this lane absolutely benefits from the live feel, good job on that! cheers, -Tom
  6. Crazy good prog. I'd boost the vocal just a hair, especially that "response" vocal part. Wow those piano runs at the end were killer! Video works a treat. Kudos to the bass player or programmer for keeping up with all of those changes - love it! The typical knock is that prog can get tedious but yours never, ever does. Really well done! cheers, -Tom
  7. Very cool collab gents! I figured you guys would make a good team! I like the manic quality outside of the chorus, slightly Oingo Boingo! The chorus itself, for me, seems a bit of an emotional dip as it returns to the more conventional, more sedated rhythm. It's not bad or anything, and you might like that respite from the high energy parts. The theme I loved because wifey and I are starting to have that discussion of selling all of zee sheet and living Buddhist-style where your possessions are a bowl and some wi-fi. I'd put a vote in for either slightly increasing the volume of the lead vocal in the verses, or more likely dipping the volume of the fuzzed-out guitar a bit so the lead vocal can pop more. Just the verses, the chorus all rings true. great job both of y'all, and kudos to Lynn the Mix Whisperer!!! cheers, -Tom
  8. at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/search?qs=match&q=tokyo&oses[]= Kotelnikov GE for $24.
  9. This should help you with your Sweet Emotion(s) . . .
  10. at least you didn't get "accidentally" hit in the yarbles by some kid swinging on a pinata.
  11. 100% liked it. Rockin the mic with the Murder Hornet funk. cheers, -Tom
  12. You walk into a museum somewhere in Big Sky country, and this is background for an entire exhibit as you walk around. Let me know when you get that set up, I'll come check it out! Or maybe the Monterey Bay Aquarium? super peaceful piece! cheers, -Tom
  13. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah. Really great, loved it. cheers, -Tom
  14. Really loved the vocal editing - that's a beautiful clear vocal you have, and the supporting vocals are very cool adds. I also kind of thought it could use a chorus, or a b-part, just to throw another flavor in there. nice one, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  15. and the song wasn't bad, either.
  16. PhonoBrainer


    I thought the video was very watchable and I wonder where was that festival of lights? Those guitars and drums are very strong and the bass sat in the mix nicely. In the beginning I thought "this is going to be satanic" but by the end I realized it seemed Christian rock. So now I'm just confused good one, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  17. PhonoBrainer

    Warp 3

    I liked the octaves bouncing in the second half of the song. Those are some great synths for sure, well arranged. cheers, -Tom
  18. PhonoBrainer


    I totally got the David Byrne effect from this, very nice vocals indeed! In your dead stop cutouts, you might leave an audio sample of just an empty room being recorded. It will give a sense of real air in the room during the dropouts. A whole song's worth of lyrics - only two notes in the melody. Fun! cheers, -Tom
  19. I haven't seen the movie or heard of this soundtrack piece before, it's pretty neat! I realize the tuning in spots is intentionally sacrificed for creepy effect - but the guitar panned left was a bit flat I think - 1:16 as an example. I really don't know if it matters, might be something to check if it's not your dissonant intention. A cool listen, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  20. Yeah, included with that was some mystery $50 extra bonus in the cart. Kudos for that piece of marketing strategy!
  21. Apologies if already posted, I'm no Larry. I just got the bias fx 2 / bias amp 2 bundle, elite version, for $197. Which I thought was kind of okay. https://www.positivegrid.com/promo/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2_O-ppzX7wIVQQPnCh0dgQkEEAAYASAAEgKEivD_BwE Sale ends soon, as they say.
  22. I believe Adrian has hit every single nail squarely on the head, well done! I quoted the above part because it directly described my own experience . . . once you've played "You May Be Right" by Billy Joel 12,473 times, and otherwise great song will threaten your sanity, even if you are making $300 a throw. To the OP, I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but wedding bands are the canary in that coal mine. Unless weddings and corporate parties come back, there won't be any money in music for most musicians. And, is that really music, anyway, or is it just performance? You could be the teenage kid who likes to shoot hoops, asking if there's any chance to make it into the NBA. But there, talent actually matters! In music industry, not so much. My wish for you is that you can pass quickly through the commercial desires, and return to making your personal music for its own lovely sake, for the only thing music can really feed these days is your soul. Which is enough.
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