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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Thanks Mark! Got this one out of my hair, now I can get back to that other one . . . Appreciate the listen! I will say I had McCartney in mind during this one, but no clue as to a specific song. And I do think the bass could do with a .2db drop. The trumpet is AudioModelling SWAM, and it plays along mixed with Hollywood Pop Brass . So glad it held interest, thanks again!
  2. Looks awesome! Congrats! But where are the tangle of untidy line cords, old coffee cups, thumbtack-posted article cut-outs from Electronic Musician, snippets of old lyrics written on the back of electric bill envelopes, old cardboard packing boxes you haven't thrown away yet in case you need to send those things back . . . . . . and your ceiling looks very reflective, would you get some foam or equivalent up there? At least at mirror points as you sit at your mixing position? It's awesome, really, I'd play in there with great contentment. Well done!
  3. Not much on YouTube giving examples of sound or presets. Does it sound 3D enough? I know, 9 bucks.
  4. PhonoBrainer


    Great vocals! I liked the mix from the perspective of the guitars! Great blending of your NI and your real guitars! I think you might bring the snare up, and the drums generally up, they sound a bit in the background on this one, as if the person who mixed this had their girlfriend stolen by the drummer. Which, as we all know, always happens. Mix good, arrangement good, vocals great! cheers, -Tom
  5. PhonoBrainer


    I liked it, very wooooshy, and some great panning in your mix! Lots going on but the elements don't get lost in each other. Drums are pretty minimal, almost as if they are suggesting the beat rather than stating it. It's a mixing choice, sounds good but I found myself wanting a "drums up" section. The kick is of course the most present element, but maybe getting the snare/hi hats more prominent, at least in parts, could be an idea to add dynamics to the piece. A stellar mix that certainly fits the chill zone. Nice job! cheers, -Tom
  6. I see one fader is up so your delivery driver is a muso and was testing it out at a few of his gigs.
  7. I like how the chatbot AI accounts have contrived to derail this thread, ensuring no further inquiry into their future domination of lyric creation. Maybe they will at last find something that rhymes with purple.
  8. Ok I get that . . . You could fairly say, if you use ChatGPT for "help" writing lyrics, then at best you and Chat are co-lyricists. As for Lennon, a human observing the world around him has been the genesis of creativity since the cave paintings. But Lennon didn't use a computer "intelligence" to help him to observe or interpret anything. I know I don't speak authoritatively on this, because it's all so new, but I do have questions.
  9. What about the ethical consideration of using AI to write lyrics, then calling / considering yourself a songwriter? Just wondering.
  10. The mixer for Hollywood lets you individually bring up trumpets, or saxes, or trombone. But there is a little leakage. Nothing that is a dealbreaker.
  11. Your voice is definitely up for the task. I listened to the doubled and the non-doubled. For the non-doubled, I'd take an eq to the vocal and notch out a healthy 3-4db of the area around 300-400hz, I bet it that might thin it up in the mix. It's got some low mid boominess that needs to go. For the doubled, you might have added a bit too much highs in eq, because there is a bit of sibilance, just a bit. But I liked the doubled effect! For either, your songs are your personal expression, and to serve that end, sing away! Your vocal tone is not even close to bad, super pliable to production techniques, and decent by itself, so rock on! I liked the tune, are you going for an 80's vibe? cheers, -Tom
  12. Glad to hear! Was that for the big version, or Lites/Gig? I'll check out for updates . . . Thanks Antler, that's it exactly! The cogs, they slip.
  13. Hey, I have Soul Bass too! I do like it . . . I'd totally like any effects chain you'd care to share . . . Lately I've been using some Amplesound ones, the A in particular. The tone you got was sweet! cheers, -Tom
  14. Well my hot take is both of those suck. And the Broadway stuff was recorded and coded over a decade ago, by a company that may not even exist anymore. The V-horns are decent if you need softer passages. I'd seriously recommend EastWest Hollywood Pop Brass, the Blue Street brass, and also the Audiomodern SWAM offerings, and 8dio's Euphonium as well. I think you will find no one existing library will suffice, you'll need to mix and match 3 or so to get the realism. It's a fun puzzle!
  15. Just enjoying my 3rd or 4th listen. Any mix where the bass hass this tone and shines without being muddy is worth a go, in my opinion. What did you use for the bass? It kills . . . I also liked the panning of rvb/delay? you had for the mallet woodblock blippy thing around 3:00 - 3:20 . . . and the wah guitar as well. Lots to like here! Would love to hear the tale of that bass . . . so well done! cheers, -Tom
  16. Hi Bjorn, many thanks! All that "engineer stuff" is a lot of throwing spaghetti on the wall, which is why I'm lucky to get two songs a year out. I make dodgy mix decisions, listen to the results about a thousand times, replace them with slightly less dodgy mix decisions. And then finally push it out when I can live with the existing smaller transgressions appreciate your comments!
  17. Thant was fun, a lovely tune (and killer vocal) Keith. What a nice group of people (judging by pictures!) . . . seems like a life was well lived here. More than one, actually! cheers, -Tom
  18. PhonoBrainer

    Song For Ruth

    Absolutely incredible cadence choices for those lyrics. Daryl's voice clear as ever, a melody floating above some awesome chord choices. One of my favorite collabs from you guys.
  19. My thoughts exactly. Especially the keep 'em coming part. Mix sparkles up top, bass is controlled, snare is crisp (sounds like a snappy brush hit? Great choice there) . . . Your mixes set a standard around these parts. cheers, -Tom
  20. the time signature is in nine? Maybe not all the time? What a cool trip. Vocals were great as they hold down different ranges of eq. I honestly could do without the organ, it's the circus coming to town and goes against the grain of the lyrics, so to speak. YMMV. Those vocals and that melody are something worthy of a scene in a Bway musical. Really great. cheers, -Tom
  21. This is awesome to work with, thanks. Tinnitus sucks, sorry. That 2 to 3k info could mean I've some weird levels or masking issues above that, I'll check. Thanks!
  22. <checks dictionary for definition of "wonderful"> thanks Jack! The trumpet is AudioModeling SWAM, highly recommended. Thx again!
  23. Thx Lynn! Glad you liked it, the trumpet is AudioModeling's SWAM thingies, highly recommended. Much appreciated for the listen! Especially the vote for vocals. I am reluctant to post lyrics initially, because comments like yours might not happen, and that's golden. Thanks Bapu! Andy! Thanks, I agree, I'm iffy on the wah guitar at the end, I guess I was going for a hippy drippy vibe. I will take your observations on board, I don't think I'm done with this . . . The bass is the Evolution Violin bass, with a fair bit of low end carved out. I still think it's a bit boomy but the upper attack is a bit Beatlesesque in tone, I think? Many thanks friends for the observations!
  24. Hello friends, here's one. <lyrics below> Would dearly LOVE LOVE LOVE mix comments about things that are buried, boomy, or pokey! <there is one cuss word in the song, repeated twice> but you will see why it is there cheers, many thanks and good music to you! -Tom Lyrics There were no global implications No chain of calamities combined No polarizing altercations Beween the deaf and dumb and blind There was no wobble in the axis The earth didn't slam into the sun My day didn't feel like it was over Before it had even begun : : Nobody that I loved went away Pretty Good Day Nobody I talked to had - - - - to say Pretty Good Day. : : The floor never turned into lava No rockets rained death down from the sky I didn't get crushed by this piano I didn't yearn for days gone by No mental meltdowns from a Karen I didn't have to wear a mask Everybody I met said "please" and "thank you" I didn't even have to ask : : Nobody that I love ran away Pretty Good Day Nobody I talked to had - - - - to say Pretty Good Day : : And when my day is finally over And I'm home safe and sound I can meet these expectations 'Cause the bar is on the ground : : Is there a chance for absolution? Or only the fire will spirits save ? Hopeless and frail is our condition Our only redemption is the grave (that's cheery. . .! )
  25. Adding to the kudos, vocals are sweet and clear with just a hint of saturation, and the rhythmic change to something more "music hall" is a toe tapper. Lovely choices all around! cheers, -Tom
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