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Everything posted by Billy86

  1. Also, for seriously day-by-day sales all over the digital music universe, CW has a dedicated sub-forum here, where it's all about sales. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/34-deals/
  2. This is the same in the guitar models. Thanks for the reply. Interesting, yes. Curious that they have variable ms delays on the attacks; doesn't make sense to me. I changed mine in this instrument to zero delay. With the call for -50 ms MIDI delay, I wonder if it's not Ample's version of the Native Instrument VSTi's pointing out that note events should be just slightly before the beats, which I always do by hand.
  3. Yes, the app generates MIDI notes, which you can drag into PRV for tweaking. I've done bit of that with what I'm doing. Can't really tweak (as far as I can tell; I'm new to Ample's guitars) in the program's sequencer.
  4. Thanks. This got me really close... had to go with -60, which seened to work best. I've never changed the default from 960 ticks per quarter note.
  5. Did you maybe install the AAX version by mistake? CW needs the VST. Look where it’s installed and make sure the file extension is .VST. If not, run the installer again and make sure you’re using the VST version. I have no problem with my Amplitube 5 version.
  6. I'm working with AS Taylor virtual guitar and not having much luck getting it to synch with project bpm. In this video, the tutorial mentions the need to "MIDI delay compensate" about negative 50ms to get it to play on the beat, in time. It's at about the 7:30 mark of the video. I'm familiar with CW Preferences/MIDI/Playback and Recording, where you can set "Playback-Prepare Using" where you set millisecond buffers. But it's not possible to set a negative buffer. Should I be looking somewhere else to make this adjustment?? I've looked through all the Preferences settings and don't see a "MIDI Delay Compensation" setting. My strumming pattern is significantly out of time. Thank you.
  7. Thanks everyone. Good tips. Oh, and the behavior has stopped. Maybe a reboot did it. Should've thought of that; when things get wonky, that's usually the first thing I try.
  8. I can't figure this out: I launch the project file and get a “Find Missing Audio” popup; not sure how/when I got tangled up, but it's been going on now for weeks. There are about 20 files the project apparently can’t find. I “Skip All.” The Project loads with the message: “Some external audio files could not be found. Missing audio data has been replaced with silence.” I click “Okay.” The project loads and plays fine. The “missing” files are obviously not anything I need. (Some old track bounces, recorded clips, etc.). I’ve “Saved as…” a new file name thinking that might fix it, but it didn’t. I’ve tried Utilities/Clean Audio Folder and that didn’t fix it. I searched my PC for the first file name in the list, and it was found in the Recycle Bin. Went to the Recycled bin hoping to restore it to original location, but I couldn’t find the file there (unless it's under some obscure "computer code" name). My project files are on a secondary SSD drive (not the C drive). I save audio files to project folders on the secondary drive. Any ideas how I can get this fixed? Thanks.
  9. Thank you, thank you. Sarcasm alert: it would be helpful zotope put anything about that in the Mixing module. Here's what the online manual gives: Overview Provides specific control over both left and right signal and balance levels. This simple operation can be used to downmix stereo material into mono, invert waveforms, transcode left/right stereo into mid/side, subtract a center channel, and much more. There's nothing about HOW to perform any of those tasks. Thanks again!
  10. I posted this in the general forum, then saw the question about isotope users, so I’m posting here. Here is my situation: I brought in a stereo guitar track to RX 8. The Mixing module allows you to convert to Mono. I select that and Render. It says file created successfully, but when drag it in (or go the Import Audio route), it's still in stereo. Am I missing something? Yes, I know I can convert to Mono in CW, but I'm doing a few other things in RX8 with hiss and hum and would like to take care of all of it in one session. Thanks for any help.
  11. @bitflipper With the OP’s question answered, curious to know your thoughts on something related to Music Rebalance, which I have in an RX app. do you think a stem produced by this, say the bass from a favorite band’s song, is high fidelity enough to use as a basis for tone matching in various Izotope products? I’ve tried it and it seems pretty “washy.“ Artifacts, no doubt.
  12. I brought in a stereo guitar track. The Mixing module allows you to convert to Mono. I select that and Render. It says file created successfully, but when drag it in (or go the Import Audio route), it's still in stereo. First time I'm trying to do this in RX. Am I missing something? Yes, I know I can convert to Mono in CW, but I'm doing a few other things in RX8 with hiss and hum and would like to take care of all of it in one session. Thanks for any help. Found the answer from @abacabhere:
  13. I watched a YT video on using engineer Bob Katz's metering system (a better measure of loudness with vagaries of human hearing accounted for), and the the guy in the tutorial was using Studio One. With a right-click on his master bus meter, he had the three iterations of the K system (K -20, K -14, K -12) as an option, along with the standard RMS and Peak . From what I've learned, there are a lot of reasons to leverage the K System... at least have it as an option. It is not currently available in CbB (we have to use third-party plugins, further adding to CPU load), but I hope we can get the option in a future update.
  14. Working in Superior Drummer 3. Follow host is on. Often, but not always, the problem is that the scrolling timeline doesn’t match the sound generated by the hits/MIDI events in SD3’s Midi grid. When the hit generates the sound (say, the snare) the timeline is visually and noticeably past the midi event that triggered that sound. Makes it really hard to fine tune anything, as it’s trial and (frustratingly) error. The processing load on the engine/CPU is not that heavy, but it seems latency is at play. The buffer size is at the highest possible. Is there a setting I can adjust to get things to line up? Plugin delay compensation? Thanks.
  15. Thanks for weighing in everyone. I think I'll just sit tight for now on Win 10. Things are generally working well. Why invite headaches! ?
  16. Being offered a free update to Windows 11. I'm thinking, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." My computer is 99% CbB use. Anyone on Win 11 seeing advantages or disadvantages with things like plugin compatibility, improved CPU efficiency, or anything else? Thanks.
  17. No worries. Izotope said it is a known issue and set me up with the previous version, which works fine.
  18. This is very interesting, and must make WAVES with their $4K Grid Server very nervous. ? If you’re “offloading “ plug-ins from “inside” CW to the same machine, how does that make a difference with CPU load? Isn’t CW tapping the CPU to run plugins, just like this system does?
  19. I’m pairing a 32” Sony TV with a 27” Dell and it’s fine. I think these days you can get a TV monitor for less than a computer monitor in terms of screen size. Both mine are 1920x1080.
  20. WORKAROUND: The VST2 version seems to work, where the VST3 is the one causing the crash.
  21. Confirmed by CW tech support. VST3 is causing the crash. Will try VST2 and see how that goes. Have reached out to Ample Sound.
  22. I sent the dump file via the recommended channel, but, meantime, curious if anyone who's using Ample Guitar's riffer function is having this issue and has resolved it? CbB simply blinks off (crashes) and shuts down. No error message, no momentary hang and then shuts down. It simply blinks off. Gone. Early in project, so system is hardly taxed at all. Superior Drums, EZ Bass a couple of guitars. No heavy duty plugins to speak of, yet. EDIT: Ample Sound Guitar
  23. First, for someone speaking English as a second language, your English is very good! I understand now. What you have built here is amazingly helpful! Thank you!
  24. @1031 This is fantastic! The only thing I don't understand is: You can move by chromatic scale by pressing the page up key and page down key when selecting." If I insert a "D" into the articulation pane, and I want to change it to "E," is this what you're talking about ?
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