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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Interesting - I have and use an RME Fireface 800 over Firewire, latest Windows 10 - there have been issues, such as when Windows updates it changes the Firewire driver from the legacy version (which seems to work the best on my system) to the standard driver. All in all things are getting a bit lumpy on Firewire, so I am busy looking around for a USB interface - sort of decided on a USB3, just not sure of make yet. Was thinking of the Tascam Celesonic 20 But this work round does sound interesting - I don't have thunderbolt, is there a USB3 version would you know? If yes, i wonder if it would improve performance? Cheers Nigel
  2. Hi Thanks so much for the great comments and we're so pleased you liked it Cheers Nigel
  3. Hi Freddy - thanks, always appreciate your comments - got another one coming out in the next day or so - hope you like that one as well Cheers Nigel
  4. Nice Guitar !!! Doug, this sounds really good - I like the tone on the Guitar - how did you record that? Nigel \
  5. Hi Freddy - love this - one thing, I'm hearing a lot of very low base in the mix - now this could well be my system - my audio interface went wrong and the only thing I could get was a behringer - not my most favorite of companies!!!! Our Hard Lockdown has a lot to answer for............... Is anyone else hearing this? If not I know its me!!!!!!! Otherwise great song my friend Nigel
  6. Hi Tom Absolutely loved this - and the video is really cool Just excellent - I suppose i could say that it "filled" my need for music today and that i have "implanted" it on my playlist........ Great stuff Nigel
  7. Bajan Blue


    Hi Leadfoot - this is very good - great productions and very well played Excellent Nigel
  8. Hi David - I enjoyed this - a great way to start my day - thanks for posting Nigel
  9. Sorry about the rubbish last line there - it did it itself then wouldn't let me delete it!!!!
  10. Hi mesh - now I am no where near as tech savvy as some of the guys on here, but if this were me I would take the drive out, use a data /usb converter and try it on another computer to see if the drive was still ok - if it was I would copy it very quickly ????quickquilyquickquicklyquiquicklyquickquicklyq
  11. Hi - thanks for this - appreciated Cheers Nigel
  12. Bapu - wow thanks for those comments - really appreciated and I'm glad you liked it Cheers Nigel
  13. Hi wookie Thanks my friend, your kind comments are truly appreciated thanks Nigel
  14. Hi Bjorn - I do wish an agency would be interested!! Thanks for those great comments Cheers Nigel
  15. I like this Baps - as Wookie said the mix is pretty dense but most things cut through Nigel
  16. Tom Absolute genius, the lyrics are brilliant - laughed from the start to the end - on repeat at the moment Thanks for this, really brightened my day!! Nigel
  17. Hi Wookie - like this a lot - reminds we of some early Floyd - not thinking Ummagumma, more sort of Meddle I think!! Nigel
  18. Good mix, good song - great job Steve Nigel
  19. Happy Birthday Steve - have a good one - do you really have pubs open in the UK - here in Cape Town we are still on a pretty hard lock down, although they did allow alcohol to be purchased as from yesterday, so at least I can raise a glass to you!!!!!! Nigel
  20. I just purchased and downloaded Imperial Delay - wow, it is great - I love delays and use a lot of them but I can see this one becoming my go to one very quickly - it sounds really fabulous!!! Nigel
  21. Hi David I am so pleased you like our stuff - and thanks so much for the comments we really appreciate them Keep well Nigel
  22. I recently updated my main music computer from windows 7 to 10 - there were a few issues with authorizations mainly - ( i had to change Hard Disc at same time) and just a couple of drivers, but the difference in performance (which really surprised me) has certainly made up for the hassle Nigel
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