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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Bjorn Yes, mostly stock video of one sort or another - when we have time (and money!) we do shoot some stuff ourselves!! We have our new album coming out on the 5th March and we have been real busy getting all the videos for that completed. There have been delays, mostly Covid related, so that's why I did the 4 video's for the stuff of our old album from 2014. Good practice if nothing else!! Keep well Nigel
  2. Thanks for this - we have been promoting via the internet for a while now - it sort of seems the best option, especially at the moment when its very difficult to do any other type of promotion!! Cheers Nigel
  3. Thanks, really appreciate you taking the time to have a listen and thanks for the kind comments Nigel Daryl Always appreciate your comments Cheers Nigel
  4. this is good - reminds me of something Amon Duul or Popol vuh video goes excellently with the music Good stuff Nigel
  5. Cool Freddy - love the lyrics and the reggae vibe! Nigel
  6. Bajan Blue

    Nomad's Land

    I like this - almost baroque! Cool Nigel
  7. Hi tom Thanks always appreciated - yes Superior Drummer - I use that on basically everything these days - sort of given up on BFD - perhaps they might update that one day.. Cheers Nigel Hi Lynn - wow from me too - thanks for those comments, feel pretty humbled Cheers Nigel Cheers David, glad you enjoyed it - I would like to say good-looking people are attracted to me!!! Of course that would be a lie - all the beautiful people in this video are taken from art libraries!!! Nigel
  8. Jesse - yes Zappa - I actually went to see 200 Motels when it came out, with my new girlfriend - needless to say that relationship didn't last too long!!! Nigel
  9. Bajan Blue


    Just listened to the new mix - sounds really good now and can definitely hear the bass nicely on my old KRKV8's (no sub) Nigel
  10. Bajan Blue


    Hi Douglas - sounds cool, reminded me a bit of Blue Oyster Cult - agree the guitars perhaps could do with a little top end - I sometimes use my Maag EQ for this - just add quite a bit "air" at either 20Khz or 40Khz - just brings it to life without making it too piercing, if you know what I mean!! Nigel
  11. Sounds good to me as well, although I do agree re the slight over compression - if I read it right, did you have inflator and CA2A and Tape on the master bus for mix down? That could be the issue before Ozone - on all tracks, I mix into a bus compressor only - I use The Glue but any good bus compressor works - and I keep it pretty light But I do like the track - good job Nigel
  12. Hi Jack Thanks for the comments, really appreciated. To be honest I can't really remember what we used on Gina's vocals -we did this 7 years ago!! But my sort of standard chain is EQ (dependent on Mic used) compressor and reverb - most of the time I use Aether Reverb - compressors and EQ's change a bit - for instance I am mainly using Arturia and PSP Compressors now - EQ's mainly Voxengo, Eventide and occasionally Izotope Cheers Nigel
  13. good track and on point - like the guitar tone, fits perfectly Mix sounds good here cool Nigel
  14. Hi Douglas - thanks for those positive comments, really appreciated Nigel
  15. this is excellent - loved it, especially the choral parts cool Nigel
  16. Tim - cool version of such a classic - good job Nigel
  17. cool but as Lynn said a bit short!! Nice stuff Nigel
  18. Bajan Blue

    Time to Wake

    good track enjoyed the listen - sorry to hear about the computer issues - hope you get that sorted soon Nigel
  19. Bajan Blue

    The Darkness

    this is way cool Bjorn - i really really liked this - made my Sunday Cheers Nigel
  20. Good track - i enjoyed the listen Nigel
  21. Good track Barry - i do like your vocals Cool Nigel
  22. sounds really good, like the mix - great playing as always Nigel
  23. pleasant listen and nicely done Nigel
  24. Tiny Tim - my sister who was working in the US for some chap called Hugh Hefner (another story!!) brought me back a copy of a Tiny Tim record - i was very young at the time and I put this Tiny Tim episode down to why I turned out as I did!!!!! I do like your stuff Jesse - always reminds me of when I first listed to Captain Beefheart - i loved his stuff and i still have my original vinyl copy of Mirror Man - a few of the others went somewhere or another but this one still gets listened to!! Keep well Nigel
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