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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. At roughly 30 times for second the audio is muted for a few milliseconds. As though it is being passed through some sort beat-making effect. Could it be some sort of licensing issue with Studio Drummer? Although normally that sort of thing mutes every 10 seconds or so, or makes white noise at regular intervals. Whatever it is, the rate of "damage" is constant all the way along. Instead of loading a loop, add some midi notes yourself with the piano roll view and see how they sound. Also, can you post a screenshot of the Events View for the loaded loop? Don't suppose you have another Kontakt drum set. But how about any other Kontakt instrument. You can play a drum loop through it, it will just play funny notes, but you will still be able to recognise the distortion, if it is there.
  2. There might be a MIDI FX that can generate a trigger at tencrazy.com, but the site is either down or my internet is being its usual useless self. Thisis the link.
  3. The pops and clicks aren't maybe percussion sounds? The MIDI mapping for Session Drummer and Addictive Drums is not exactly the same. Can you perhaps export and post a few seconds of a problem groove audio?
  4. Here is a link to MDrummer MIDI Command drum maps. I have done 4 of them, using MIDI channels 1 to 4. The idea of using more than 1 channel is that you can have different styles on each channel for middle 8s, bridges, etc. Added EZDrummer to GM. Import EZDrummer loops (Grooves) into a MIDI track, use this map, feed to MDrummer. Not perfect of course, GM doesn't have staged open hihats for a start. If you need help with drum maps watch this and this and this.
  5. Nigel Mackay


    It would be nice to know how/what. ?
  6. Open the PRV on the MIDI track for the Synthmaster and click on the keyboard while changing patches in the Synthmaster. Or have a run of notes in the MIDI track and make them loop, with it Solo'd. Press play and your little ditty will play over and over and over.
  7. The documentation is saying that the slider is the wrong way to do it if you are using ASIO. The slider will work with MME and WDM. There is no buffer size adjustment with WASPI. The documentation neglects to say that.
  8. The MIDI standard does not cater for UTF-8 encoding. Cakewalk can do nothing about this. Cakewalk Project Files use UTF-8 encoding.
  9. Here is a discussion forum for AZ Controller. You can ask if there is a means of preventing the zero controllers on stop.
  10. You need to use an Instrument Definition File. What are your controllers? Maybe there is already and .ins file - saves a bit of work creating them.
  11. Before you start using something as complicated as the GoXLR, start off with the basics of Cakewalk. In Preferences change Audio - Devices to your speakers. The PC's speakers. Start a new project. Insert the SI-Piano. In the dialog select MIDI Source and also First Synth Audio Output. Select the MIDI track that was inserted. It is the bottom one (never mind the name): Use Views -> Piano Roll View or the keyboard shortcut Alt-3. At the top switch from Smart to Draw. Click around in the PRV to get something like this: Press Play. You should hear the notes. Repeat for the Synthmaster. Except this time select the Synthmaster MIDI track and enter notes there. Press Play. You should hear both piano and Synthmaster. Will probably sound awful, but no matter. Repeat for the 1984 Piano. When you have success with this, come back and we can start getting it to work with the mixing desk.
  12. An SIT is the only track type I can find where you switch between Clips and Notes.
  13. If you can switch between Notes and Clips it means you are using Simple Instrument Tracks. That has audio and MIDI on one track, so you need to decide if you are looking at audio or MIDI. If you are looking at the MIDI you could say the audio is "hidden" because you have to change from Notes to Clips. Save you project. Right-click on a track. Select Split Instrument Track. You now have 2 tracks - one is MIDI one is Audio. If you prefer that do it for all tracks. If you don't like it, use Undo. And remember that you have audio and MIDI on one track and need to switch between Notes and Clips to work with MIDI and Audio. Remember, 99.99% of the world uses MIDI to generate audio, so they need both. You can split all your tracks and delete all the created audio tracks, and then you never have to switch. And in the future just insert MIDI tracks into your project.
  14. The "record button" on the track is actually Record Arm. You can select more than one, and when you click the actual record button, all the armed tracks will record.
  15. If you want brighter colour schemes, have a look at theme editing There is also a forum for user created themes.
  16. Nigel Mackay

    No audio from Midi

    MIDI has no sound. It is merely instructions. You must insert an instrument/synth and route the MIDI data to it. Just to get started, open a new blank project. From the browser )Views -> Browser) choose an instrument. Drag and drop it on to the track pane. In the dialog select Simple Instrument Track. Switch on Input Echo. It's radiating dot icon to the right of the record-arm button. It must turn orange. Play the keyboard. You should hear sound. Then start looking through this list of tutorials.
  17. @bertus weyers You might be better off starting your own thread, with the correct subject. If you hijack someone else's thread you might never get an answer.
  18. Go to the Feedback Loop forum and ask for it to be implemented.
  19. I checked up on the CAL reference page. CAL can write track data, but it can't read it. So you could use CAL to write a nice volume slope, but it doesn't know that there is one to modify/fix.
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