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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Try deselecting the MS driver then selecting the Presonus ASIO driver. You can only use 1 ASIO driver at a time.
  2. Have you tried Project>Insert Time/Measures? I don't do a lot of controlling, but a song I have with some modulation in it, the mods were moved along with all the other events in the track.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Do you read music? You can use the Staff View.
  4. In the past, there was a fly-out menu when you hovered over a selection, such as Soft Synth. Now you have to left-click on it.
  5. There is also the metronome count-in. It can be set to any number of measures or beats to play before the tape rolls. I never used it much because I could never hear it.
  6. Welcome to the forum. Ensure your sound card or audio interface doesn't have 'WhatUHear' or 'Stereo Mix' as an input. Those will always play the output to the input resulting in all the audio you hear (?) being recorded. What is your sound card or audio interface?
  7. I usually start playback a few measures before the punch-in.
  8. No one told me there would be math. ?
  9. Where's jonbuoy when you need him?
  10. You can Hide all the busses in track view except the Master bus, but you can't really tell if the behavior persists because the busses are hidden.
  11. Or, you can only change it from the ASIO Panel.
  12. I arrived at work Tuesday with a smile on my face. Hocus Pocus by Focus played on the radio while I was driving in. Hadn't heard that recording for decades. On the spooky side, Hocus Pocus was also an answer on 'Wheel of Fortune' that night.
  13. With all the speculation and announcements of desired features that we want to have in the next iteration of Cakewalk, I think we're missing the most important thing: Will it be Sonar or SONAR? ?
  14. Yes, sorry. I thought you were just talking about sending the drums. Glenn ^ has got some good ideas.
  15. Send all the drum tracks to a stereo bus and export just that bus. I'm glad you're making progress. ?
  16. This thread and another in the Instruments and Effects forum made me open up Music Creator Pro 24 to play with the Edirol VSC for awhile. Probably the first soft synth I ever used.
  17. The best way to get past the TTS-1 quirkiness is to bounce the track to audio as soon as you can. Then delete or archive the synth track.
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