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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. I have always used Loop Recording. Just like Take Lanes without the Lanes. Never had a problem with them.
  2. I don't think the old web site will ever send an email. There's nobody home.
  3. The ins. files will allow you to choose banks and patches of the instrument from within Cakewalk's MIDI pane. You won't have to select a thing on the keyboard (once it is set up right).
  4. 57Gregy


    Hans Zimmer tickling the ivories?
  5. Nobody here knows the answers to your questions. Probably most of the staff who check in here from time to time don't know the answers. Stay tuned.
  6. That can't be Strummy. That guy has hair.
  7. Bub, maybe make a copy of the project then freeze all those tracks or bounce to tracks and archive so they're not dragging you down. The copy would be so you have references of what your settings are.
  8. Speaking of the Guess Who, is Burton Cummings now Burton Goings?
  9. If you drag a note and the note end control is dragged past the loop end point, the note won't end. The only workaround I can think of is don't do it. Someone else may have better ideas, but your post has been here for over 2 days and I'm the first to respond, with a 'don't do it' post. It looks like no one else has tried it before. Sorry. Maybe temporarily shorten the note?
  10. OT but this is the Coffee House. I found that movie to be surprisingly good even though I don't usually like ghost stories.
  11. I don't use plug-ins. The evidence is splattered all across my soundclick page.
  12. Hit OK and all of the tracks will (should) get mixed down into a single track. Presumably, you have all of your tracks routed to busses and all of the busses routed to 1 Master bus.
  13. In Presets, select Buses. The yellow line I inserted is where the separate windows meet. You won't see that. Choose Master as the Source.
  14. Finally, a group I can truly belong to.
  15. Since it's voice, I assume it's a mono track. Make a copy. Select it. Go to Process>Length. Set it to 50%. Mute the original, listen to the copy until you find the spot you're looking for. Split or otherwise mark that spot. Process>Length 100% 200%. That should restore the clip to its original size and with the spot marked, you would know where to go on the first clip. Do your edits or whatever else it is you wanted to do on the original track. Delete the copy. Seems a little bit convoluted, but if it's a 2-hour track, it may be ( ?) faster.
  16. Percussion envy now in session.
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