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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Right. Do you mean you don't have a bus called Master? Double-click the name and change it to Master., or anything else.
  2. When playing back, set the input to None on the click track.
  3. I really don't know what Next is, other than an internet app. It's brand new and is not Bandlab. You would need Cakewalk by Bandlab, a Windows program, soon to be discontinued. Probably the new Sonar will open .wrk files. You cannot open .wrk files with Melodyne; you would open them in Cakewalk by Bandlab and then use Melodyne to convert any audio in the project to MIDI if that is your goal.
  4. .wrk files are regular Cakewalk project files in a format from ~20 years ago. They could contain audio*, so the file itself can't be converted to MIDI. If you had a more modern program, such as Cakewalk by Bandlab, you could open the project and convert by saving any .wrk to a .cwp or, if it is only MIDI to a .mid. If that project has audio and you have a working version of Melodyne, you can use Melodyne to (maybe) change the audio to MIDI. Welcome to the forum. * As mentioned by sjoens below, the .wrk files do not contain audio, just references to where the audio is on the hard drive. Sorry for the misinformation.
  5. Trying to decide if Strummy is spoofing misgrammatists or if his neural network misfired.
  6. I look at this list and go who? I look at it again and go what!? I look again and go why?
  7. John Cusack kicked his butt in Grosse Point Blank. I guess they read the script.
  8. Couldn't you drag the 'real' drum track to Melodyne, thus converting it to MIDI, and have an exact copy, timewise, of the drum track? Then output that to any drum synth.
  9. I have no VST MIDI effects. Is there even such a thing?
  10. When I was enlisting in the Air Force, I was worried my hearing loss would disqualify me. That turned out not to be a problem. They were more concerned with color blindness. Considering the field I was going into, you know, bombs, they didn't want you accidentally cutting the red wire when you should be cutting the green wire.
  11. This is the Coffee House; It's never the wrong forum. Now, talking about becan and massive post size in the Instruments and Effects forum would be the wrong forum.
  12. I think msmcloud's method was with audio tracks.
  13. Are you referring to THIS or THIS? The green-highlighted box is the timeline. The red-highlighted box appears to be a MIDI track with nothing recorded in it.
  14. Welcome to the forum. Why is that important to you?
  15. Yes, and don't forget the puffy ascot. Congratulations!
  16. 57Gregy

    Buss missing

    Have you tried moving the slidy thing (red) back and forth? What happens if you select Strips>Narrow All Strips?
  17. My "studio" circa 1979 in my dorm room, Vandenberg AFB, CA.
  18. In Cakewalk there is Groove Looping. This allows you to repeat (drag out) a clip as many times as needed throughout the song. But it doesn't really 'loop' the clip. You can use a sampler like DropZone, load a clip into it and have a MIDI note play that clip wherever that note is placed in a song. I've had that sampler forever so I don't know if it comes with CbB. Others will be along later to offer more options, I'm sure.
  19. There will be an asterisk beside the project name at the top.
  20. I see what you mean now. Personally, my Yamaha keyboard's sounds are much better than TTS-1 or MS GS Wavetable that it's not a problem for any MIDI file to be played on it, the default.
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