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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. I don't write songs as much as I used to or drag an instrument out and play it for hours as I once did, but I still open a program and record something in an existing song, or otherwise edit them or rearrange them several times a week. And I still enjoy it although no one else will ever hear these projects, probably.
  2. Guten Abend Herren und Damen am Samstag.
  3. Okay, underneath the 'Tags' box is 'Item prefix'. That's how you get the tag at the beginning by selecting them there.
  4. I thought so, too! I just misunderstood what you wanted. ?
  5. When you click Create New Topic this comes up. Where it reads 'Tags' is where the Add Tags button is. You click it then type in your tags, separated by commas.
  6. RIP, Dickey. Somebody who knows how to embed video please do so for Blue Sky.
  7. They know what "sone of a b" means and just assumed your name also had a profane meaning.
  8. If you don't need a definite number (BPM), you can Bounce to Tracks the project twice in the same project, mute all the original tracks and experiment with Process>Length on 1 and compare it to the other which is still at the same speed and length.
  9. You're going to need a better audio interface, one designed for recording and reproducing audio more quickly than a computer sound card. It takes time for the MIDI data from your Yamaha to go through the processor, then to the soft synth (Neo Piano) and the back to the sound card and out to the speakers. Computer sound cards generally can't do that fast enough and you have that delay, called "Latency" in computer-speak.
  10. If you are using your stock sound card, check its settings for 'What You Hear' or 'Stereo Mix'. Turn that off. Welcome to the forum.
  11. 57Gregy

    lecture speed

  12. Yeah, it's an old version from around 2005 which I still use. Cakewalk once had programs with varying degrees of difficulty and more features as they got more expensive. Starting with Music Creator, then Home Studio and then SONAR at that time. I say I "still use" it, but that may be over now. I can't find the Driver Mode utility that corrects a glitch in SHS 6 that wouldn't allow you to select ASIO for the driver. I'm sure it's on one of my back-up devices; I just have to go deeper.
  13. I got the impression that he tired of all the 'when is the new version coming out' posts that all had the same answer; nobody knows. And the next day there would be 5 more asking the same question and getting the same answer ad infinitum.
  14. I ended up getting it from the local GC and not mail-order. I understand most reputable dealers have generous return policies, so it's not as if the seller would disappear overnight once they got the money.
  15. In this case, the soft synth is your Neo Piano and the settings are in its GUI.
  16. This is from SONAR Home Studio 6, the next most-recent version I have on this computer. I'm pretty sure it changed with CbB.
  17. To avoid confusion, the new Sonar doesn't have all capital letters like the old SONAR. Of course. writing "new" in front of SONAR as you did helps, too. ?
  18. Lately, it's been Great Value (WalMart*) French Roast pods. For the first time since I (debatably) became an adult, I don't even have a regular coffee maker. I have a small camp percolator for power outages. I use that on my gas grill.
  19. You have to drink the thinner. A week or 2 in the hospital, I guarantee you will be thinner.
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