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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. It wasn't Cakewalk's idea; Roland asked (told?) them to stop including it.
  2. Isn't that what not amateurs do? Anyone who completely trusts their machines to be perfect all the time is asking for trouble.
  3. Now that you have scanned, turn it off. There's no need to scan every time you open the program until you add something new.
  4. "expletive-laden outburst" One of those got me booted from the Air Force. The fact that not 1 but 2 first sergeants were present might have been a factor.
  5. The guitar plyer in my old band had the same problem. Almost all of the gold had worn off of his Black Beauty LP As for the strings, he sprayed WD-40 on them which seemed to extend their lives.
  6. 57Gregy

    Metronome ???

    Is the Master bus routed to a valid output?
  7. Next is not Sonar. I don't know what Next does, but it's not Sonar. John (above) has test-driven it a lot since its release.
  8. Shoot. Just open another account and get the perp. ?
  9. Welcome to the forum. Are you trying to open Cakewalk by Bandlab, Bandlab, Sonar or Next? Looks like Next.
  10. Are you near the water? Do you have a second floor? What is the carrying capacity of a European swallow?
  11. Taking advantage of all the handwringing going on here. It's okay to build a bomb shelter but you don't have to live in it until the bombs go off.
  12. Do not. I repeat (loudly), DO NOT buy a membership to the Coffee House.
  13. Welcome to the forum. You can't get a waveform in a MIDI track.
  14. I think we need another forum called "Prognostications".
  15. That is bad news. I hope it all turns out well for everyone.
  16. How do you get to be the class clown at clown college?
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