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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. I did help by explaining more than I had to, and creating an image of what I referred to. The "d'oh" was at me being a dummy for doing all that when I could have just written "click the W". Good luck!
  2. " How's it done?" Tried it out. Right-click in a blank area of the bus, select Write Automation. Press play, move controls.
  3. Saw this license plate on a Corvette yesterday: 3.14RIT and wondered, Pittsburgh or East Carolina University? Or Somalia?
  4. When playing back, set the Input to 'None'.
  5. And yet they write songs that last 45 minutes.
  6. Welcome to the forum. You can't get MIDI through an audio output. You need to plug the audio outputs of the Kronos into your Audiobox, set up an audio track in Cakewalk to "listen" to that input, and/or to record it. Or you can Insert a software synthesizer, set output of the Kronos MIDI track as the input of that soft synth. and the output of the soft synth to an audio track to the Audiobox.
  7. Bill got a job as an editor for "The Southern Journal". He's an ain't remover.
  8. Good question. Is there software for controlling the Behringer's settings? That could be the Windows generic driver made for the RealTek sound chip.
  9. I think that should be your normal procedure. The Focusrite ASIO driver is superior to the Yamaha/Steinberg driver in my opinion. Mixer audio output to the Scarlett 2i2 input.
  10. Yes, Cakewalk and the interface must be the same. The sampling rate of 48,000 is for new projects.
  11. Especially the new RealTek ASIO driver which is, um, not good. Say, I knew a Rick Daugherty in Germany in 1971 who is a musician attached to a veteran progressive rock band and went to junior and senior high school with his brother in North Carolina. Coinkydink.
  12. Sure, I get that. I don't really think they're playing games, though. These multiple threads of endless speculation and demands for information are a little tiring. Sorry it was yours I reacted to. I can't quote anyone, but I do remember someone writing that they're trying to make the best product they can and that it takes time. If the product you already use, theirs or a competitor's, works well for you now, I don't understand the torment many folks are experiencing. If the new Sonar is going to be better, or different in a good way, that's just gravy. As an old guy, I have practiced patience for decades. Whatever it is I am waiting for happens. Or it doesn't. Neither instance has killed me. Yet. ? I hope your questions will be answered in due time and you will be happy with the result.
  13. I have never had anything else, so it works fine for me. Fortunately, I rarely use it, but I know it's there if I need it.
  14. Welcome to the forum. And make sure "Enable MIDI Out" is disabled when inserting the (any) plug-in instrument. Unless you want it enabled.
  15. They do not know or are not allowed to answer. Or they like playing with your head.
  16. Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider. Heard this on the radio yesterday and was reminded how much I like this big slide solo.
  17. Click 'J' for the scrub tool. Right-click the note. Make changes.
  18. Ditto. No haircut since I retired Nov. 2019. My part-time employers don't seem to mind as there are several other men here with hair as long or longer than mine.
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