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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. I remember those "Voice Of The Theater" speakers we used to lug around. The only thing heavier was a Hammond B3 organ. Notes ♫
  2. New strings on a guitar A sax reed that is free blowing and responds to my every nuance Applause from the audience at the end of a song Becan
  3. Lucky. It's the slow part of the year for gigging. We played at a huge RV Resort that we do at least once a month. When we started, only 4 people were there. By the time a half hour went by, the place was packed, and stayed that way until the gig was over. Lucky us, that's good for job security. We did play Stevie Wonder and Jeff Beck's "Superstition". Notes ♫
  4. We schlep gear around. Don't need no stinkin' gym membership -- we got "Speakercise" We tell people we play for free, and charge them to move the gear around. Notes ♫
  5. Banned in Boston? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banned_in_Boston
  6. In France They Kiss on Main Street - Joni Mitchell
  7. ^^ Georgie (Clive) is a great talent and I enjoy a lot of his work ^^ Back to the game... Yeh, I guess you are... Bloody Well Right - Supertramp
  8. #36 When they said, "Just try it, you'll like it."
  9. Casey Jones - Grateful Dead Lyrics: Driving that train, high on cocaine, Casey Jones you better, watch your speed. I like the studio version better than the live cut.
  10. #9 When the ad told me I could learn piano in 2 weeks.
  11. This one is really lame, but it's got a saxophone in it
  12. Association: A song about pollution: Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) - Marvin Gaye
  13. Guatemala Connection - Hubert Laws
  14. Caravan - Duke Ellington & Juan TIzol When in high school, we played this in "stage band". They called it stage band because jazz was still a bad word in education. Stage band was extracurricular.
  15. Break = Intermission When playing at the 4 O'Clock club in Ft Lauderdale many years ago, there were two bands. At break time we would play Intermission Riff by Stan Kenton and when the guitar player for the other band would pick up his guitar, the other would stop and take his break, same for the other players. It was fun, and the audience was impressed.
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