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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Should this go in lame music humor or the pun thread? I dunno. Some Musical Christmas Advice Make out your Chopin Liszt early before Debussy season, when you have time to check out Verdi good bargains are, can still get gifts Faure good price, not have to Handel large crowds and have time to give Bach things you decide you don't want. Notes ♫
  2. You need a spelling checker ****** Ode to Spell Check! ****** Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew. -Sauce unknown
  3. Cityscape - Michael Brecker & Claus Ogerman IMO the sax player's name always comes first. BTW, Gate of Dreams is a better Ogerman/Jazz collaboration.
  4. I don't plan to retire at all. I really love gigging. For Mrs. Notes and I, playing to an appreciative audience is our second favorite thing to do. :D Besides, being a musician is how I identify myself. I can't think of anything I'd like to do to replace it. The only thing I ask is that if I die on stage, I don't want the last song I played on this side of the sod to be "Yakety Sax". :D Notes ♫
  5. Feel like a survivor when my musical peers kick the bucket. RIP Jim, and thanks for the tunes.
  6. The songs I like to play most are usually the newest ones we've learned. There is still room to explore. There are no songs I hate to play. There are some songs I wouldn't play unless they were requested, but I can't say I hate or even dislike them. Playing any songs is better than working at any "day job" that I can think of. I'm lucky that I get to make a living doing music and nothing but music. What's there to hate about that? Notes ♫
  7. I wanted to name our band "The Rubber Band" when we decided to play C0nd0m-iniums. Rubber Band Man - The Spinners
  8. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers - Elvis Presley
  9. Hi I was AWOL most of yesterday. Early gig and it ran overtime. This morning, tropical storm prep. What do I like about it? Avery has control of his instrument, He is technically proficient Good stage presence and audience connection Plenty of passion He's quite young, and obviously talented, but I think he could have delayed the fireworks and played the head without embellishment at first and then built up to the climax more gradually. I probably did the same thing when I was his age, so it's not necessarily a criticism. As we mature, we tend to figure that out. Also, shows like that demand instant audience excitement. I've seen other excerpts on the UTube, and singers tend to do the same thing, so I guess it's the way that show works. I hope he has a long career. Notes ♫
  10. ||:Pwal:|| where did you find that? It's so bad it's amusing. Back to the game. We played this in school band - IMO the music doesn't really say "flying mouse" (aka bat). But that's just me. Die Fledermaus Overture - Johann Strauss II
  11. The all-time most requested song for sax players... Night Train - Jimmy Forrest A bit closer to the version I play
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